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Mongol Horde Succession Game

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  • La Fayette
    I guess there won't be many changes.
    You should have Robotics immediately, since I won't research Espionage, and you should also have many barracks, since I don't wish to take walled cities with non vet armours.
    I plan to finish tomorrow before 12.00 GMT.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Bien. Merci beaucoup.

    Now can I have my 5 hours back?

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  • La Fayette
    You are perfectly right, Jrabbit.
    I play my turns again at once.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Alors! Une probleme!

    La Fayette -- see your PM.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Excellent demonstration of the power of trade, La Fayette. Also, excellent defense of sirsnuggles' right to play his turns as he darn well pleases .

    Now let's see,,,
    1) SG[1] - 8 turns
    2) SG(2) - 8 turns
    3) STYOM - 8 turns
    4) sirsnuggles - 8 turns
    5) LaFayette - 10! turns
    6) -Jrabbit -
    7) SCG -
    8) Old'n'Slow -
    9) Julius -
    OMG I'm up! OMG I'm up!

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  • La Fayette
    2) War

    LF decides that no barracks shall be built (Mongol vet spies are going to be in action very soon, and it will be more fun to fight the valiant Celtic riflemen with non vet armours).

    1836: Rhondda is Mongol
    1838: Zulu sneak attack and kill 3 Mongol cavalry in Zimbabwe (curiously Zululand is our main research and trading center, and one of the previous leaders had the strange idea to conquer their capital )
    1840: Mongol defenders destroy 5 Zulu units to make them keep quiet (high walls built in the meantime).
    Mongol armours in Caernarfon, Cardiff, Merthyr and Cork.
    1844: Llauntanig and Caerphilly suddenly switch to purple (+ some other cities later on that I forgot to write down

    3) Notes to my successor:
    There are ferries between our 3 main islands (don't forget to study them before building others).
    I suppose that the remaining Celtic cities are to be found on the eastern island, North East of Swansea.
    There is a boatload of armours ready to take care of them.
    Robotics is to be discovered next turn: you can build a few howies, just for fun. But, if I were you, I would mostly build transports (30 or 40 of them), because, even with Magellan, we are going to need them badly on this HUGE map.
    Attached Files

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  • La Fayette
    LF comes to power and looks at the horde:
    To make it short, we have a nice shipchain to Zululand, that we are going to use as our main research center, and we have a nice war against the Celts (newly discovered armours against valiant riflemen).

    1) Research:

    1-1) Deliveries:
    1834: 390 + 462 + 116 = 968 beakers (and gold )
    1836: 252 + 192 + 792 + 120 = 1256 beakers (and gold)
    1838: 520 + 204 + 210 = 934 beakers (and gold)
    1840: 720 + 168 = 888 beakers (and gold)
    1842: 612 + 162 + 190 + 116 + 104 = 1184 beakers (and gold)
    1844: 150 + 262 + 282 = 694 beakers (and gold)
    1846: 180 + 148 + 196 + 120 + 112 + 122 + 98 + 152 + 120 = 1148 beakers (and gold ).

    1-2) Results:

    1836 = Machine Tools
    1838 = Espionage
    1840 = Theory of Gravity
    1842 = Miniaturization
    1846 = Computers
    1848 = (mistake = short of 30 beakers to Robotics)

    Message to sirsnuggles:
    I don't criticize your investment in Libraries and the like (this is a succession game, and any player is free to play as he likes).
    Just remember that you managed to achieve 5 turns/tech, and look at what a 'trading research center' provides: almost 1 tech/turn.

    (to be followed next post)

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    I'd be up for that, O&S.

    I think for the trade-only game, we should limit the science wonders (no Newton, Copes, or SETI... not that we would build them anyway )

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  • Old n Slow
    Comparison game -- Infra vs Trade

    I think that we need to run a succession comparison game -- same start where one team of four builds temples, aqueducts, sanitation (maybe) & can trade. No markets, no libraries, no SSC (per se -- wonders OK).

    The other team of four uses infrastructure but no trade (camels & trucks can help out the wonders).

    Race to the stars?

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  • -Jrabbit
    I was wondering who would rise to the juicy bait sirsnuggles posted...

    I, too, was a babe in the woods of Trade when I started doing sxn games.
    Much detail still to learn, but my landing/conquest dates in my own games are pretty conclusive -- clearly a superior approach IMHO.

    Well stated, STYOM.

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    The torch of ROBUST CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM shall not sputter in my hands

    OK, I couldn't resist, ss...

    1. If science has 'ground to a complete halt', how is it that during my turns, we learned 5 sciences (counting Mass Production, which only required 1 beaker to complete) and learned only one (not counting Mass Prod and Amphib, which was stolen from the Zulus) during your turns?

    You guys truly over-estimate celebrating under fundy. For your trouble, you gain 70 gold, but lose 147 beakers.

    And get the extra trade arrows which vastly increase caravan payoffs... that's the point. Caravans are where our money and science has been coming from... add up the beakers and coins from my log Also, the shipchain was there... in the second last turn, one empty ship was sunk by a barb frigate. No big deal - incrementally bought, we could get a new one for under 100 coins.

    Methinks, a waste of money.

    What else are we going to use the money for? We can't bribe cities. OTOH, in most cases I could incrementally rushbuy a Caravan for a lot less than the cash payoff for delivering it (city producing 10 shields/turn= caravan in 2 turns for 75 g). Plus the beaker payoff. Sounds like a good deal to me. And a lot better than rush-buying libraries/universities (bigger up front cash expenditure and much smaller immediate returns). And rushbuying military units is a good way to keep the offensive rolling.

    Trade route between Khorasan and Ngome established, producing 176 gold (interesting, our science rate produces 166 beakers per turn).

    Don't sound so disappointed I see that after all the building of science improvements, you got us up to almost 400 beakers/turn. That's good, BUT - in 3 separate years (1800, 1806, 1810) we were able to gain 4 times as many beakers from trade deliveries. and in 3 other years, we were well over 400 beakers. To say nothing of all the cash we generated for rushbuying purposes. It would take a very, very long time to grow our cities to the point where we would even generate 800 beakers/turn internally, let alone 1600. And once the cities were that size, we could probably produce 4000 beakers from trade

    I don't mean to sound like I'm sniping - I used to build a lot of improvements (libs, markets, banks, unis, etc) and now I'm almost completely won over to an all-trading style. You will join us too, I expect, someday... Just take a look at the Freight payoffs in the Barren Burbs game... several individual freights on their own, produced 1400+ beakers and coins... that's double what a Super Science/Trade City can produce. Many others were in the 500-1000 gold range, turn after turn...

    Gabba Gabba, we accept you, we accept you, one of us...

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  • La Fayette
    I should be able to play today

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  • sirsnuggles
    1816: Snuggles, winner of the horde-wide Mongol Idol Search, catapulted to instant stardom as regent.

    We are producing 24 cavalry, indicative of an aggressive militaristic agenda.

    Military inventory:
    71 Cavalry
    2 Destroyers
    2 Cruisers
    1 Battleship
    1 Submarine
    10 Transports

    34 cities; 9,380,000 persons reside in the empire.

    No ship chain exists, we possess only 1 freight, and only 2 freights are being built. Tax rate is at 50-0-50. Out of 34 cities, only 2 possess libraries. Tsk, tsk, tsk. That means that at this very moment the advance of science has ground to a complete and utter halt. The torch of science sputters in our hands. Oh wait…I see one Einstein producing 4 beakers at Karakorum. What a corker he is to produce the entire scientific output of an entire nation. Woo-hoo!

    Hmmm, this sounds like a situation that proves my arguments concerning trade. At the current tax rate, even with 13 cities celebrating, our gold revenue is 712, and our lone brave scientist will discover a new tech every 448 turns! What a corker he is, a man to be admired. Now, I will adjust the tax rate to 50-50-0, which will garner 642 revenue in gold (no cities celebrating), and 147 science beakers (every 10 turns). You guys truly over-estimate celebrating under fundy. For your trouble, you gain 70 gold, but lose 147 beakers. Tsk, tsk, tsk. In fact, I would prefer communism right now, which at the same tax rate would garner 376 gold revenue (losing tithes) and 277 beakers. In fact, if we followed my policy of having libraries and universities (even if we only put them in our top 14 trade producing cities), our income would be 376 gold revenue (with an additional 65 gold in cost), and 439 beakers (3 times our current rate). That’s a lot of beakers. And, if these improvements did indeed exist, we could continue to follow our militaristic agenda of producing 24 cavalry without the resultant desolation of scientific progress caused by a dearth of freights giving way to military units.

    I will recommend a fortnight reading my upcoming articles on trade routes, and the effect of improvements.

    Purchased superhighway in Karakorum, which will significantly improve that cities gold and beakers. Our gallant scientist was fired.

    Switched construction of 5 cavalry to 4 library and 1 university, to be followed by superhighways. These six cities (including Karakorum) will constitute our entire science output.

    To fulfill the last will of my predecessor (STYOM) 8 cavalry are purchased, in veneration to the Gits 2 freights are purchased, and for kicks 2 engineers are purchased. Methinks, a waste of money. (Sigh), Yet, the importance of the people’s happiness is paramount to a succession game.

    “Enter” pressed.

    1818: Mass Production discovered compliments of Sir Snug’s predecessor (thanks!), Mobile Warfare pursued.

    With the construction of a superhighway in K, science output is doubled in that city! The empires production now stands at, 670 gold, and 164 science.

    3 failed assaults by Celt units (2 musketeers, 1 knight) upon cavalry.

    Hmmm, foreign report exposes the existence of a remaining Phoenician city named Carthago Nova. Investigators sent in search of the fabled stronghold.

    Okay, the remnants of a ship chain does exist, but will need to extend it to Phoenicia.

    Trade route between Khorasan and Ngome established, producing 176 gold (interesting, our science rate produces 166 beakers per turn).

    Girba resource screen connotes the existence of a Celtic city further to east, appears to be harvesting the wheat resource (perhaps Carthago Nova?).

    1820: No military response from the Celts.
    2 libraries and a university completed.
    Tax revenue: 675
    Science beakers: 177

    Hmmm, an OEDO year. What shall I do? Isn’t it obvious?

    Battleship in Zulu waters becomes a grizzled veteran while defeating barbarian vessel.

    Hmmm, Phoenician crusader impinging upon Caralis territory, hence Carthago Nova must be nearby to the west.

    Dinas Emrys discovered to the west of Girba.

    At the expense of several cavalry Kells captured and 77 gold plundered. Partisans pop-up all about the countryside! In addition, enemy canons encircle the city.

    Celtic suits for peace rebuffed.

    1822: Literacy program achieving monumental gains: 2 more libraries and 1 university added to the empire.

    Celts cannonade Kells, annihilating the beleaguered garrison, oddly the Celts eschew entry of the city. In reprisal, the horde destroys 4 Celtic units at the buffalo spot, 8 units slaughtered elsewhere within the city radius. Emergency fortress, christened the Kells Line, constructed at the buffalo spot to protect 3 cavalry and 4 engineers stranded in the area. Emergency MASH (barracks) units scrambled (rushed) in Kells.

    Celt diplomatic plot uncovered and dealt with to the southeast of Dinas Emrys.

    Celtic Naples (to the northeast of Cardigan) razed to the ground.

    Mongol Empire becomes communist. Sir Snug dubbed premier.

    Celtic city of Rhymney forced into submission by the horde, 57 gold plundered. Emissary ignored.

    Aberystwth discovered to the northwest of Rhymney.

    Carthago Nova discovered; siege efforts empty city of defenders.

    Negotiations with Persian Emissary lead nowhere.

    1824: Celt partisans slaughter Rhymney garrison, and liberate the city.

    Aberystwth taken. Rhymney retaken.

    Various Celtic units spotted and destroyed throughout the front.

    1826: Garrison at Aberystwth slaughtered!!!
    Sneak attack by Zulu’s!

    Ormuz constructs superhighway. Don’t worry, SG, the Phoenician region and the city of K are simultaneously constructing freights.
    Revenue now at 430 gold, and 380 beakers (tech per 5 turns).

    Celt city of Merthyr discovered.

    Celt catapult, canon and musketeer slaughtered outside of Kells, as the Kells Line continues to hold against repeated Celtic assaults.

    Zulu ironclad sunk.

    Horde troops occupy Dinas Emrys.

    1828: 2 additional universities completed. 2 cavalry units slain near Dinas Emrys.

    D-day for the Zulu’s, 7 Cavalry units disembarked near Zimbabwe.

    Revenue now at 425 gold, and 389 beakers (tech per 5 turns).

    Partisans slain near Gades.

    Military outpost of Timur founded on the fringes of Zulu land.

    1830: Discover Mobile Warfare, will pursue Machine Tools (aiming for computers: SETI).
    Revenue now at 425 gold, and 389 beakers (tech per 5 turns).
    Zimbabwe taken, Amphib discovered, barracks constructed, Zulu government escapes to Ulundi. Zulu’s sue for peace, offer accepted in exchange for the withdrawal of Zulu troops.

    Celt partisans defeated outside of Aberystwth.

    Horde occupies Armagh, plunder 100 gold.

    1832: Canons destroyed outside both Kells and Armagh.


    For the gifting of four techs, including mobile warfare, combustion and tactics, Persians reveal the location of their empire—far to the south. Visiting ambassador appalled by the degradation of the great Persian slums. Looks like a weak and pathetic civilization (1 rifle).

    For sixteen years, the idol of the Mongols ruled the land, however, with the extension of time his glamour faded, and search was initiated for a new star. And their search led to La Fayette!

    Military inventory:
    68 Cavalry
    1 Armor (15 in production)
    2 Destroyers
    4 Cruisers
    2 Battleships (1 in production)
    1 Submarine
    10 Transports
    13 Freights (12 in production)

    42 cities; 11,630,000 inhabitants.

    8 new cities added.
    3 new techs added
    Tax rate: 50-50-0
    439 Gold - 191 cost = 248 profit
    397 Beakers (per five turns)
    Attached Files

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  • Old n Slow

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Nice work STYOM
    Now we're back on ... tracks... with the true Mongolian way

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