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Mongol Horde Succession Game

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  • Scouse Gits
    Celebratory economics

    Originally posted by Old n Slow
    I stand corrected -- a happy fundy looks to bring in more income than a cash driven fundy.
    Elementary my dear OnS.

    Current income (from F5) : 1996
    less tithes (estimated @ 6 x number of cities x 1.5 to allow for MP, Bank etc) : ~ 1000
    thus raw income is ~ 1000

    Current tax rate 80% proposed tax rate 50%, therefore approximate loss of income is 3/8 * 1000 ~ 375

    Approximate number of celebrating cities (adjust tax slider and look at F4) : 90
    multiplied by estimated average number of trade squares in use per city : 7
    gives 630 extra trade arrows
    add 10% to allow for knock on effect on trade routes ~ 700
    of which 50% are proposed income x 1.5 for MP, Bank etc gives a celebratory gain of ~ 525

    So in this case celebration is likely to nett approximately 150g more/turn. couple this with an aggressive white goods policy and the outcome is clear ...

    The Horde likes being happy ...

    Scapulette (High Shamaness (retd))

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Re: The Benevolent Shamaness

    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    A monster ...
    The Hammers are indeed singing
    Indeed, indeed

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    French see the error of their ways and gift us 101g, a large Hanging Basket and a run down Theatre all wrapped up in a nice parcel called Paris;

    I remember the frustration of trying to compete with size 7 Paris for the HG, back on my first go-round in this one. Nice to see them crushed

    I should be able to D/L and play in the next couple of days, now that my Demogame duties are almost complete

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  • Old n Slow
    I stand corrected -- a happy fundy looks to bring in more income than a cash driven fundy.

    My hat goes off to a master.

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  • Scouse Gits
    The Benevolent Shamaness

    A monster ...
    Clearly the Egyptians and Persians are not long for this world. The French may see my reign out - we shall see.

    1874 = Buy all outstanding white goods - adjust sliders: currently at 8.0.2 we have no celebration, income @ 1996g, 161beakers (15 turns); move to 5.5.0 - potential for >90 cities to celebrate income reduced momentarily to 1620g + 11 beakers - a deal of micromanagement this turn - but all routine maintenance once established.
    We have only 2 SuperHighways!! Buy a few. Sell the odd Granary! Save Genoa! Sneaky little bear pit left there for the unwary!! And, I think I'm done - four hours after opening the game.

    1875 = 92 cities celebrating; 9 MarketPlaces, 5 Harbours, 6 Barracks, 2 Port Facilities, 16 SuperHighways, 1 Bank, 1 Aqueduct & a Temple built; Slider to 5.4.1, income becomes 2503g + 201 beakers (12 turns); Copper(d), Rhonda-Paris, 411g; French see the error of their ways and gift us 101g, a large Hanging Basket and a run down Theatre all wrapped up in a nice parcel called Paris; Oil, Naples-Tours, 230g; Brest; Dye(d), Caernafon-Issus, 163g; Oil, Rusicade-Salzburg, 160g; Salzburg; Issus; Toulouse; Alexandria; El-Amarna; Lisht; Hieraconpolis; Persians declare war - silly people; Susa; Pasargadae; Bactra (destroyed); Tarsus; Which genius thinks its a good idea to terraform grass into plains? Why is a Copper Freight exploring a barren island in the far North? Oil(d), Cunaxa-Swazi, 131g; Spice(d), Aberistwyth-Kells, 48g ;

    1876 = 8 more cities celebrate; 4 Marketplaces, 1 Harbour, 8 Super Highways, 1 Colosseum & 1 Airport; Rocketry->Space Flight; Income: 2915g + 214 beakers (11 turns); Buto; Tyre; Poitiers; Marseilles; Gold(d), Kashgar-Mpondo, 318g; Gems(d), Izipezi-Umfelosi, 42g ; other local deliveries

    1877 = Another 8 celebrations, 14 Marketplaces, 1 Harbour, 3 Super Highways, 2 Banks, 1 Temple; Income: 3279g + 227 beakers (11 turns); Bloody Persians suddenly wheel out a tank and blow away a vet Mech Inf guarding two Howies - must take more care!; Samaria (destroyed); Edfu; Rheims; Dijon; Lyons; Tours; Strasbourg; Genoa; Venice - mainland France cleared; We only have 5/15 of the outlying French cities in sight - hence Space Flight and a WoW slow burning in Karakorum to be Apollo; Prague; new-Bactra founded to restore communications; Oil(d), Umfolozi-Ormuz, 198g;

    1878 = Every city in the Empire celebrates - The Horde is Happy; 2 Marketplaces, 11 Super Highways & an Aqueduct built; Income: 3795g + 261 beakers (9 turns); Silk, Leptis Magna-Bordeaux, 40g; Bordeaux; Salamis; Cherbourg; Mendes; El-Ashmunah (destroyed) - Egyptians are no more; Persepolis; Sardis; Arbela - Persians go too; Adjust tax slider to 5.3.2: The Horde is still Happy, income looks like 3887g + 472beakers (5 turns);

    Seems like a good time to hand over - enjoy as much as I did ... The Hammers are indeed singing

    Stu aka Scapulette
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  • Straybow

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Forgive my fanatism, holy masters
    But why talk about coins of gold when our swords are in our hand and so near the AI throat.
    With the help of the Gods, we have more than enough to finish the evil ones

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  • duke o' york
    Ah yes, Archbishop Keynes. I knew him when he was just Father Milton.

    How many turns did that cover exactly? And why were no cities taken, razed or pillaged?

    Oops - I realise now that you were interreigning above. Er, keep up the Good Work!

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  • Bloody Monk

    Fundamentally brilliant and deeply satisfying. Just what this Hoard needs...more exclamations of glittery-eyed zealotry. Hammer away.


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  • Scouse Gits

    "My Most Learned and Reverend Colleagues, I thank you."
    With these words, Scapulette, Ur-Anchorite of Khanbalyk ascended the Saddle of the Horde and took utter control of the Mongol Nation.
    "Let the Chaplain-General of the Hammers of God and Iman-Admiral of the Fleet of Holy Retribution approach."
    "Our city defences are as thin as a crackerjack box ...", began the Chaplain-General a stout man famous for his drinking and notorious for his singing.
    "Quiet, My Son. Calm yourself, My Daughter. You have done well.", purred Scapulette as she stroked the Bow of Power in its case beside The Saddle.
    "Clearly the infidels of Egypt and Persia cringe before our mighty forces as soon will the hated French. Their flaunting of OUR Gardens can be tolerated no longer. But, ..."
    "Yes, Holymost." The Iman-Admiral was a slender woman in her early thirties, freshly promoted having shown exceptional zeal coupled with outstanding ability in her previous post commanding a cruiser squadron.
    "Are our Children Militant happy?", mused the Shamaness.
    "Happy, Holymost?"
    "Yes, happy. Do the Hammers sing as they beat down the Infidel's gates? Does the Fleet bombard the Unholy with paeons of praise?"
    "They do their duty, Holymost."
    "As they must of course, but ...", the strategic discussions went on long into the night.

    The following day it was the turn of Canon Priestley head of the Search for Truth and Abbess Cromby, who led the Cathedral of Infidel Access. Both of these officials were known to be somewhat unstable and after a short discussion of Einstein, Quark speed and Espionage they were dismissed to be replaced by Archbishop Keynes, Minister of Economy, "Build a Stock Exchange!", he demanded.
    "My Son, the Horde are not happy." said Scapulette, once more stroking The Bow
    "Build a Sto ..."
    The Bow spoke and the former Minister of Economy sank slowly to the ground surrounded by a growing crimson pool.
    "I said the Horde are unhappy. A War Economy need not be dour and frugal - it can be a thing of joy and happiness, a happy Horde is a productive Horde - here let me show you ..."

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Then we shall be ready for robust criticism

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  • Scouse Gits
    OK guys - I have the save - will play asap


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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Originally posted by -Jrabbit
    Great job, Julius!
    I am not responsible of the fact that AI civs did not meet. It's just a question of geography if you look at the map. (allright a bit of piracy might have helped, but it was started long before my reign).

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  • -Jrabbit
    Yummy! It's so nice to have a game where we can take the gloves off and offer no quarter.

    My favorite part...
    the 3 remaining AI civs have never met and cannot exchange alliances or techs !

    Great job, Julius!

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Sapristi !
    I was forgetting the saved game.
    BTW, I don't think opening huts should be profitable, at least I didn't do it. Barbarians are not welcome, neither infantry (forbidden). And we have more cities than we can dream of micromanaging (not that we need to).
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