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Mongol Horde Succession Game

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida
    I think the main problem is going to be defense, as pedestrians like musketeers and riflemen are going to be dearly missed. Are Alpine troops (going on skis) allowed or not ? It could make some difference before mechanized infantry (or is it yet infantry ?)
    Some time ago, I decided to start building Horsemen instead of Phalaxes for defense in the early part of my games. This game will be workable that way, I expect (the best defense is a good offense). The only hassle will be the extra shield cost.

    And I would bet that Alpines are disallowed

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  • -Jrabbit
    I'm thinking we make a beeline to airborne defenders for this game.
    They'll never get close enough to thrreaten us!

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    I think the main problem is going to be defense, as pedestrians like musketeers and riflemen are going to be dearly missed. Are Alpine troops (going on skis) allowed or not ? It could make some difference before mechanized infantry (or is it yet infantry ?)

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  • -Jrabbit
    Looks fine to me, Julius.

    We've got Mike's and now turn loose our secret weapon -- a double-barreled Git gun.

    (How many turns next round btw??)

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  • Scouse Gits
    Thanks Julius - I guess it's back round to us unless there are any more takers or SCG has got RL under control - I would hope to play on Wednesday all things being equal - which they never are...


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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Sorry, I don’t think my play was great. Let’s say I was a bit rusty, to say the least. I think we should go for republic in the next oedo year, but that’s just my opinion. Two caravels are heading towards Zululand with caravans from Karakorum. We’re solid, but not powerful yet. Aleppo shall be able to build another wonder pretty soon …
    Here is the saved game …
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  • Julius Brenzaida
    King Julius, swam (as he could not walk) peacefully to the throne in 760 ad. He checked all cities before hitting the return key and marvelled at the great work done by his predecessors. He decides on a politics of trade, we need money, science and we need wonders. Oh yes, and our city with the Colossus is at size 3, with no real growth and no improvement.

    780-800-820 ad, caravans (on board ships) are sailing to zulu land for trade
    840 ad. Magellan is build by Carthaginians. I hope nobody dreamed of that wonder. I agree that best in monotheism, Mike’s Chapel and then republic.
    860 ad 50 gold from a hut in zulu land, no advanced tribe (47% chance according to Samson). We discover Monotheism, invention is next.
    880 ad We are threatened by the Carthaginians, refuse to give them a tech, but they don’t call our bluff.
    900 ad. 246 gold with dye to Ngome, Zulus call our bluff and declare war. A bad mistake from king Julius, as we shall trade with them.
    920-40-60 ad, after spending some money (library in Karak), we deal with the Zulus, peace in exchange for monotheism, risky, but I bet we can build Mike fast.
    980-1000 ad. 268 gold with caravan in Zimbabwe.
    1020-1040-1060 ad We discover invention, physics is next (en route to steam engine, as we remember the Gits are fond of ironclads). 164 gold to Ulundi.
    1080-1100 ad. We build Mike’s Chapel. Nice time to retire !

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  • Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    1) SG[1] - 20 turns
    2) SG(2) - 20 turns
    3) STYOM - 20 turns
    4) sirsnuggles - 20 turns
    5) LaFayette - 20 turns
    6) -Jrabbit - 20 turns
    7) SCG - skipped
    8) Old'n'Slow - 20 turns
    9) Julius
    10) ???


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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Game downloaded
    I will play this week-end
    BTW, those Mongols sure don't walk, but they look like diplomatic and xinning whizz
    I will take care of this historical inaccuracy
    And did they build cities or simply destroy them

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  • Old n Slow
    Hmmm the world in 380 AD -- we have an orange elephant & no information on
    anyone else.

    Hmmm, JRabbit STRONGLY recommends Marco's.

    Hmmm, there are three civs
    working on wonders (and these are 300 shield wonders...), and they've been
    working on these for some time now...

    Ok, let's catch a clue.

    If Karakorum is to build this wonder in a timely fashion, we'll need 3-4 camels & some $$. To which we have no camels complete and 7 coins. Yup.
    Make a couple of changes (like more $, less science) & hit enter anyway.

    380 AD -- With rates set to 7.0.3 & Samarkand off Xinning, we rake in almost 20 coins. Karakorum completes Library. Spend a few coins to complete a row
    or two of camels. Hmmm I don't think that this will be enough -- either in effort or time...I don't think that any camel coming from the north will make it in time either. Sell our only market & focus on the south.

    400 AD -- a few more coins in. Sell both libraries -- now I'm thinking that I should of switched the library effort in Karakorum to 35 shields towards a camel at the get-go -- yup 35 shields at a cost of $25 a row would have
    saved a couple of coins oh well.

    420 AD -- Two camels are on the road moving.

    440 AD -- The excitement mounts.

    460 AD -- Karakorum completes MPE. The Zulus complete Copes. Carthage completes OR. We pass to mull over the foreign situation...

    (Saw a posting by Elephant that detailed the initial use of Marco's and the trading that ensued. Inspired by that post (he truly made it sing) I wanted to see how much mileage we could get with a round of trading, particularly aware that relationships deteriorate with MGE.)

    In 460 AD, we know 16 techs; the world knows 29 in total.

    In a nutshell,

    Egypt (6 spears) - Myst, Poly, Cons, Trade; + Sea, Math, trade Maps, Ally? (yes if we give them Poly (what once wasn't enough? Oh Ok); gift? they give us $250 of their 266 treasury, we leave them worshipful of
    us. (Persia gets Poly)

    Spend a few coins on the off change that if we can gain another ally, they'll take pity on our poverty.

    Celts (3 spears) -Myst, Write, Mon, Trade, Sea, Math; +Eng, IW, Wheel, trade maps, ally (yes if we go to war vs. Carthage; Hmmm very tempting, but I want a tech from them, so we'll pass for now) (Persia gets IW.)

    Carthage (2 spears) -Write, Wheel, Math, Sea, Eng (later on - Rep & Phil); +BB, trade maps, Ally? no.

    France (4 spears) -WC, Poly, Wheel, IW, Eng (and later BB); +Lit, Phil, Rep, Med, Astro, Bank; after second round of trades, end up as maps? (yes!) Ally ? If we attack Egypt. (What with them having 6 spears to our weak status, hey wait a minute -- you guys haven't even seen that country (and they haven't seen you either.) besides, I think
    that their herald winked at me -- Nope, no war for now.)

    Zulu (5 spears) Just for kicks, let's talk (they are building Magellan's so we don't expect anything) -Cons, Rep, Phil, Trade, Mon; +Nav; Ally? (If we go to war vs. Egypt -- Hmm there might be a pattern here; but I recall once where the demands wnet beyond the first request, so we'll pass this offer as well.)

    Persia (0 spears) just for kicks again, let's talk -- we both have 29 techs, so there's nothing to really talk about, but since we're weak & they are Pathetic (and building a wonder) let's demand tribute! -- They declare War. (Yawn).

    Persia is researching Invention & has a wonder underway -- I have every expectation that when they discover the tech, they'll switch to Leo's -- and of course, this is the one map we don't have. Thus, the second reason for the extra techs, that we may not have wanted right away (like BB) -- tech bomb their research & slow them down while we catch up. the first reason for BB was to gain an extra tech from trading with France (wasn't expecting to get Nav with the Zulu's working Magellan.) We leave the trading round
    with a worshipfull Ally, one Enraged war & four enthusiastic peaces.

    480 -- (Barbarians develop BW -- open the trade window to see if we can get their map -- nope they're not listed -- but wait -- we now have one enraged
    war, one uncoop Ally & four hostile Peace -- RAPID deteriorization of relationships.) Persians start Magellans (great news -- they only have five cities -- having two of them wonderize improves the chance that they won't get anything!) Research -- we are over halfway towards the next tech (we choose Mono over Inv (a very close second choice -- I want both Wonders -- but felt that Mike's, plus some camels & growth would get Inv & Leo's faster than a straight jump for Inv & Leo's. I have the save at 460 if anyone wants to try an "alternative path to glory") Samarkand finishes its new library & starts a camel

    500AD -- $ = 35g. (81 turns per tech) switch back to 3.0.7 Tabriz builds a settler & starts on a camel. Sam goes back to full Xin (tech now down to 22 turns)

    520AD -- Kabul builds a settler & starts a camel (Tabriz settler heads toward the coal -- a mine there would be nice.) (Celts switch to Mon. Celt/Car war ends. Egypt discovers Lit.)

    540AD -- quiet.

    560AD -- unit passing by elephant causes a conversation (we give Carthage Nav) Bokhara builds a caravel.

    580AD -- Sam back to semi-Xin; Kar builds a Hides Camel (Car switch to Republic)

    600AD -- Ormuz builds a temple, starts a camel. Celts want us to war over Car (we say no, and they fight anyway.)

    620AD -- Kashgar makes a gems camel

    640AD -- more quiet

    660AD -- Sam back to ½ Xin

    680AD -- Basra builds a temple, now making a camel (Zulu discovers IW)

    700AD -- Nishapur makes a Beads camel; Kar makes a Salt camel (hides has more customers, but this may lead to a second trade arrow.)

    720AD -- Nish blows up -- guess I'm sleeping at the switch.

    740AD -- Nsih back under control, but Tabriz makes a beads camel & blows up

    760AD -- The camels are on the road, move along lil' doggies...

    After the great trading round, I stayed in monarchy for the production -- with the great distances & high corruption I was unsure that a shift to Republic would pay for itself -- also unsure whether a 3.0.7 (& 25 coins per turn) was better than a 7.0.3 & fewer turns for the next advance -- in my mind it was close to a toss up. -- In any case, I think that the camels will make the difference.

    Notes: Karakorum has a 1 food deficit to work 10 shield row, else and have a 1 food surplus with a 7 shield row -- I've toggled back & forth for production.

    The camels are heading north to Zulu country -- as of now all are demanded products. The boat in Ormuz is waiting the cargo that is ion the road. The boat at sea has a camel (I think that Ngome still wants gems) & a horse for the hut & darkness south of Zulu country.

    We'll probably want to shift to Republic to cash in on the camels, grow, Mike's, etc.

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  • Old n Slow
    The save -- had trouble logging on (only four times attempted) yesterday.
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  • Scouse Gits
    Old n Slow ... we are well teased Any log/save game?



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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Did I miss something, or is there no saved game avalaible yet

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  • Old n Slow
    Completed my moves & will tell all later (notes are currently elsewhere). For a teaser...let's just say we're back on track.

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  • Julius Brenzaida
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Thanks -JRabbit! You can pop round and do the washing up next.


    watch out for those empty bottles on the floor
    It could be dangerous

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