count me in on this one...... probably not as a minister/general, the time factor is a killer
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RED FRONT 1.4 Demogame?
I think greeny's idea of having a seperate NKVD command is brilliant - in the war the NKVD operated with complete impunity, the ability of military commanders to order these units around was extremely limited. NKVD units should only be under the control of either the Chief of the NKVD or the Marshal himself. Having them quell internal 'dissent' would also be fun.
I'm of the opinion that the more positions we have for people, the more disorderly the game will become and the harder it will become to coordinate tactics - which is a good thing (historically accurate)!
We all know what a shambles the Soviet command structure was at the beginning of the war, hopefully as we progress further into the war we will gradually become better at cooperating!
Commander of Red Navy - another interesting idea. Would he have direct control over the cities of Leningrad, Sevastopol etc., or just the units under his jurisdiction? Similarly a separate commander of the Soviet Air Force will add to the confusion and carnage. It also gives us the options of later on in the war of removing these positions and streamlining the administration more efficiently.
Don't know about the partisans; they don't fall under the control of any of the positions FMK suggested, do they?
What about 'political officers' attached to each front - the scourge of every general!
Great idea with the medals FMK! Naturally whoever is Marshal shall have awarded himself every distinction possible at the start of the scenario. Just like dear old Joe.STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!
Damned ,i have to ask the site administrator to rename this account to TheDuckOfFlanders.
You can sign me in ,i always wanted to play a scenario demo game.And i know about anything there is to be known about demo games ,since i played about 4 of them including the very first one (as first president) ,and been on the very base of it's creation.
One particular to start with is youre domestic minister (the man that control's the city's etc).He will have to devide the newly builded troops among the generals.How he will decide what to build and what to give to who will be a first matter of discussion.There is another thing to this ,mainly that in civII you can't queue build order's.That's a problem because at the start of a new turn the game will poppup several city's where construction is complete ,and the person playing at the moment will have to decide.Since you are deviding city's under several leader's this will lead to problem's.Also the person ending the turn will have to decide what tech to research next if one is discovered.Basicly that mean's the one ending the turn will have to know all this information ,so it's best that the people deciding on the queue's post their queue's on the forum so that the one completing the turn's can implement this if a city production poppup apears.
In any case ,this game will progress very slow.i don't know how many turn's this scenario has ,but i can predict that this game might take years if you will play it like this.
btw. sign me in as TheDuckOfFlanders ,not as Oedipus plz.Last edited by oedipus; March 11, 2003, 11:04.Better known at other forum's as:
The duck should read the initial post again methinks
The turn play procedure is there
Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
Order of Play
The Marshal begins the game and has the duty of reporting what happens during the AI's turn. moves reinforcements to the front from rear cities
Everyone else plays their part, each time posting the new save to the forum in a designated thread for the next person to play his part.
Once everyone is done, the Marshal ends the turn. Makes German counterattack report. (perhaps to published in the Red Press)No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Heh ,sorry ,must have missed a whole page.
But now i read it again and edited my post ,wich you may re-read anyway ,as i stated an other point in it.
Anyway ,you have some experienced demo gamers in this game already.But if anyone has some question's ill be happy to answer them ,if i can anyway.
The Marshal begins the game and has the duty of reporting what happens during the AI's turn. moves reinforcements to the front from rear cities
write down the about potentialy 50/100 Ai moves every turn.
TheDuckOfFlandersLast edited by oedipus; March 11, 2003, 11:31.Better known at other forum's as:
Obiwan18: "Couldn't we just disband obsolete units?"
The units we would end up disbanding trigger events to create more german troops, so i'm going to reccommend against disbanding.
Pap: "What if we had a coordinated effort to change Red Front around to be played as both the Germans and the Soviets to allow for a multiplayer game."
That would be a lot of work, including play testing and we want to play soon, not in a couple months
As for additional positions, I strongly reccommend against it in the begining, people will drop out because it is going slow, be busy with exams or on vacation for a while, etc, etc. It's not a good idea to have every single person with a position, it will slow the game down to less than one turn per week, which is all we can really hope for. With 10 positions plus and less than 25 people wanting to play so far, I think we need to keep the number of initial positions down. And while it might seem like fun to have all of these special positions, it isn't going to work in my opinion.
Duck: "Anyway ,you have some experienced demo gamers in this game already" Not so many as you would think, you, me, Shaka and Obiwan, although obiwan is a bit green still
where would it end? 1 guy for NKVD, one for the Naval troops/ ships, one for the planes, one to move tanks only and one for the infantry? I think we need to keep it as trim as possible as it will flucuate as it goes on. New Fronts will most likely get commisioned, requiring more commanders, and as has been said, people will be commin and going.
As for the level of play/too many units thing. The level of play will not really effect this much at all. Note my screenshot in the 'playing RF' thread of the single kill of a stack of 93 German units in the middle of the Ukraine. Even if the German AI built one unit in every city it owned, it cannot produce 93 units in one turn. The cause of the issue is the ludicrous events which generate hundreds upon hundreds of German units. At the time of the screenshot, I am sure there were several 93+ unit stacks for the germans all about the map. The max in the game is what, 2,500 or so? I believe the 'too many units' problems occurs mostly around the december 41 area, after the huge event help for the German summer blitz. During this first winter, about all you can do is disband Red Army units WAY in the rear (Urals and non- fighting cities) and hope to kill off lots German stacks of 5+ units.
Diety my good man, its the only honourable way to play this!
One particular to start with is youre domestic minister (the man that control's the city's etc).He will have to devide the newly builded troops among the generals.How he will decide what to build and what to give to who will be a first matter of discussion.
There is another thing to this ,mainly that in civII you can't queue build order's.That's a problem because at the start of a new turn the game will poppup several city's where construction is complete ,and the person playing at the moment will have to decide.Since you are deviding city's under several leader's this will lead to problem's.
Also the person ending the turn will have to decide what tech to research next if one is discovered.Basicly that mean's the one ending the turn will have to know all this information ,so it's best that the people deciding on the queue's post their queue's on the forum so that the one completing the turn's can implement this if a city production poppup apears.
At least thats the simplest/ most efficient way I can think of handling it. Thats basically from the set up on the first post , page 1.
Partisans, yes forgot about them. Traditionally they were directed by the Stalin. So I guess by the Marshal then.
I don't think the more positions the more chaos the more fun. Not at all. Take a look at some of the PBEM games going. We havent played an AOW turn in about a month. With every college kid out there having to ask permission 6 times over to fire his cannon at a Fritz, we'd never finnish this game.
I have recieved confirmation that Markos and Daniel are discussingh the merits of granting us our own forum. Let us all hope! There is officially 22 of us raring to go, 'Poly don't fail us now!
4)Shaka Nuldur
9)H Tower
10)The Anzac
11)El Awrence
13)techumseh ?
16)iron chancellor
18)Paul Hanson
22) The_Newbie
although obiwan is a bit green still
At least I'm young and flexible, not old and brittle.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Hmm ,i must confess ,you plan's make perfectly sense.And i think it's well organized like that.
The folowing is just an idea: (does not relate much to this game ,rather a request to scenario maker's)
I thought about scenario demo game's before.
And i came to the conclusion that ,for reason to avoid red tape ,speciliazed cooperative scenario's may be made that "split's up" a civilization in multiple playable civilization's ,but theoreticly forming one country.Human civ's could be set allied to eachother by default ,and the scenario would be for ex. to face an outside threat ,like a hughe horde of barbarian's.Or a cooperative Conquering.
I thought of scenario's like The first Crusade's ,where a number of crusader's group's could be seperated from eachother and givven theire own maybe unique unit's like leader's ,to each try to establish a country in the Holy land's.And maybe fight it out later against eachother.
Or civil war scenario's.
You could also for ex make city map's of famous siege's ,like a city map of Stalingrad and split up the unit's in different civ's.That way you could have army group's with different leader's with unit's of their own ,gotten by the scenario event's or setup.You could make the airforce a seperate civ to.
This doesn't nessecarely mean it apply's to the current game ,it's mainly a thought about Cooperative scenario's ,that later may be used in demo game's ,but could be very fun in plain mp to.Most scenario's are about war against eachother anyway if they are played in Mp ,but i don't know if i ever seen a scenario ment to be played fully cooperative before.
Anyway ,it's just a idea ,i like to brainstorm.Better known at other forum's as: