No - I think that they got Soc Psych from the Gaians this turn and changed to Doc Loyalty, and got that this turn (they did say earlier that they could get it by 2148). Presumably they'll chnage to flex, which we'll send them, then they'll change to Ethical Calculus
No announcement yet.
Sparta-Angels relations
I posted this in the Embassy
Posted in the Embassy by Googlie
To: Data Angels
This is great news indeed - and we likewise trust that it heralds a strong bond between our factions.
Might we presume upon you to send the technology on a pre-accepted basis? Our own tecnology matures this same year and we would like to be able to choose our next with Doctrine: loyalty alreadyu in our possession (our analysts tell me that the one we want to start is our "rogue tech" for our research path, but that Doc Loyalty will then put it in play and create a different "rogue tech". I don't fully understand these tech choice limitations, but I gather that some innovative work has been done by - I believe - Method and Rubin in times past)
We, of course, will send Doctrine: Flexibility immediately on return on a likewise pre-accepted basis
Thanking you in anticipation (if that's not too presumptious)
I didn't realize we were doing so well.
I, in turn with my project, am in a bit of a bind. I'm 35 000 words in, with ample time to get to 50 000, but the novel will not be finished. Partly because it's possibly too long, partly because after this first draft I've gotten way more experienced with my characters (I did very little careful planning before November) and I'm practically itching to get the remaining 15 thousand words done so that I can proceed to rewriting the whole thing.After all, you can't really expect to churn out finished, quality text in such a strict time limit. If I didn't have such a schedule, I'd probably write a bit more sporadically with days of a few hundred words and days of up to ten thousand words, depending on my mood, the part the story is in, inspiration, free time, a multitude of things.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
I posted a "feelgood" in the Embassy:
Posted by Googlie in the Embassy
To Data Angels:
We thank you for the transmission of the Doctrine: Loyalty technology (and congratulate the Data Angels oin the successful completion of The Virtual World - you will be interested to know that as a result the University has changed their focus now to The Merchant Exchange)
I confirm that when we move the turn on, the blueprints for the technology Doctrine: Flexibility will be in the diplomatic pouch on a pre-accepted basis
It was a pleasure for the Spartan Federation to do business with the Data Angels
Lieutenant-Colonel Googlie
I see they have a trade offer in the Embassy:
Posted by Mart in the Embassy
To Spartan Federation,
We thank you very much for providing us with very valuable information on Planetary Energy Grid. We appreciate your help. This further shows that Morgan Industries become very dangerous menace on the Planet, and closer cooperation between the three factions: Spartan Federation, Gaian Union and Data Angels regarding this issue appears to be required, as previously considered by all three our factions.
In response to your offer of exchanging Ethical Calculus for energy credits, we would be interested in trading this technology on unrestricted basis. In more detail, we are interested in not having restriction regarding release of it to the Gaian Union, as the Ethical Calculus is needed for us within our mutual research treaty with Gaians. We would not be interested in releasing this technology to any other faction at this moment. The amount of energy credits the Spartan Federation requests, 500 EC, is though very high considering our present economy.
In this regard, we would like to ask the Spartan Federation if you would be willing to trade Ethical Calculus for Adaptive Economics, which we currently already posses. We are very interested in further discussion regarding trade of these technologies.
We would like to inquire also if the Spartan Federation would be interested in trading Intellectual Integrity.
IT Mart
While Adapt econ - at some point - will be an essential technology (as it will be blocking other, more needed techs) we currently do not need it as it is not on our line of research for anything at the present.
We are currently researching Int Int (but after our change to Fundy, we now have a -20% reserach penalty). We also have noted your desire for Ethical Calculus on an unrestricted basis
We would be willing to send Ethical Calculus to the Angels provided that the Angels then switched research to Int int and returned that etchnology to us, and also undertook not to build the Citizens Defense Force.
The quid pro quo would be that Ethical calculus would be unrestricted so long as the Gaians, in receiving same, also undertook not to build the CDF
As a result, no energy credits would need to change hands[/b]
Great reply.
Btw, I was rather surprised to read the Angel had acquired Adaptive Economics. I assumed that the Angels had researched Doctrine: Loyalty only two years ago, and thus would be unable to research another tech in two years. However then I realized: the Angels can't have researched D:Loy! They don't even have Social Psych yet. Which leads me to wonder: how the hell did they acquire that tech??
As an aside, the Angels not having SocPsych also means they can't be researching EthCalc. This means we'd have to give them another tech as well for them to switch to IntInt.
Originally posted by Maniac
However then I realized: the Angels can't have researched D:Loy! They don't even have Social Psych yet. Which leads me to wonder: how the hell did they acquire that tech??
The turn (2148) that the Angels sent Doc Loyalty to us, the Gaians already had it (and they move before the Angels, so the A's presumably got it that year from the G's)
I seem to recall the A's telling us a couple of turns before that they could send Doc Loyalty in 2148, which would mean "directed techsteal " - which we can't do
So I really don't know.
Embassy reply:
Posted by Googlie in the Embassy
To: IT Mart
While Adapt econ - at some point - will be an essential technology (as it will be blocking other, more needed techs) we currently do not need it as it is not on our line of research for anything at the present.
We are currently researching Int Int (but after our change to Fundy, we now have a -20% reserach penalty). We also have noted your desire for Ethical Calculus on an unrestricted basis
We are prepared to withdraw our previous prohibition to onward tradimg of Ethical Calculus to the Gaian Union, under the following conditions: We will send Ethical Calculus tand Social Psych o the Angels provided that the Angels then switched research to Intellectual integrity and returned that technology to us, and also undertook not to build the Citizens Defense Force. (You would need to receive Social Psych as well as Ethical Calculus in order for Int Int to appear as a technology choice). Alternatively, we could send Ethical Calculus alone should you wish tio trade with the Gaians for Social Psych
The quid pro quo would be that Ethical Calculus would be unrestricted so long as the Gaians, in receiving same, also undertook not to build the CDF
In return, we would undertake not to attempt to build the Ascetic Virtues SP
And as a result, no energy credits would need to change hands
Sparta >>> Ethical Calculus + Social Psych >>>>> Angels (or Ethical Calculus alone)
Angels >>> Intellectual Integrity >>> Sparta
Might this be of interest to the Data Angels?
Originally posted by Modo44
Adaptive Economics... Couldn't they have gotten it for free after infiltrations? Could enough AI factions have it? Or AI and other human-controlled factions?
For your information I uploaded the excel files to check what tech choices a faction will next have. The left column shows what techs each faction has (as far as we know).