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Sparta-Angels relations

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  • Sparta-Angels relations

    No, we haven't yet made contact or been contacted, but .............

    Given that we are agreed that we should invest the 25 ec's to buy their commlink from Yang next turn it's time to start the dedicated thread

    Go here for our Virtual Embassy

    The password is: jazzfest

  • #2
    Since we are going to be friends with the Gaians, we can move more aggressively with the Angels, even try a bit of treatening. I can do Good Cop while Maniac does Bad Cop. We shouldn't burn any bridgers per se, however, since we certainly don't need to be surrounded by enemies. Preventing a Morgan-Angel axis to counter our own little alliance is important. Divide et impera. We need to keep the Gaians from getting too comfy with anyone else too, lest we end up with all three against us.
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kassiopeia
      I can do Good Cop while Maniac does Bad Cop.

      Anyway, one of the first thing we could ask about if we can indeed buy the Angel commlink frequency, is Industrial Automation. You never know they'd be willing to sell it at a lower price than Gaia.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        I do find it unlikely anyone would be willing to give up IndAuto for anything less than another level three tech, but it would be worth a shot should the current proposal be turned down.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #5
          I'd imagine that the Angels would be desperate to get 3 pacts going (or at least, infiltration on 3 factions) so that their techshare bonus gets activated. We might consider offering them a strategic Pact for a term (in exchange for Ind Auto) so that they can get some freebies (that they'll share with us, of course)

          I imagine that they have Yang infiltrated already, as Buster pretty much made clear in the beginning that, pre doc flexibility, every team had to pass thru Yang to get to another human team


          • #6
            Will Kass be doing all diplomatic negotiations - or do we want to appoint an Ambassador to each of the 3 teams?


            • #7
              For the time being I feel that I can do it, but once things get more complicated, an ambassador system might be a good idea.

              I like the temporary pact idea to get free techs. Would benefit us both a great deal.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #8
                It might benefit the Angels too much.
                Suppose they do the same with all three factions?
                Not good for us.
                We're the most technologically handicapped (in having ability to research it on our own), compared to the other three.
                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KrysiasKrusader
                  We're the most technologically handicapped (in having ability to research it on our own), compared to the other three.
                  But when we make Zak our b!tch, we'll rock on research


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Googlie

                    But when we make Zak our b!tch, we'll rock on research

                    Agreed on that point!
                    Unless we take away too much of his research capability while making him that...

                    On a side note Googlie - Why do you use "b!tch"? Is that a new jargon/term that I missed out on? I remember "slave", "servant", and "submissive"...
                    This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                    • #11
                      Well, "submissive" is the...official, statesmanly term for it. Other jargon you need to know is "biotch" and "PWNED", both of which Zak will soon be.

                      And I agree, we need to watch out about the Data Angels using their techshare ability. Thus, any pact with them carries a certain amount of risk.
                      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Zeiter
                        Other jargon you need to know is "biotch" and "PWNED", both of which Zak will soon be.
                        Those two sound 'Merican to me. Am I correct in my assumption?
                        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                        • #13
                          PWNED is Internetese
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • #14
                            Hmm - I see that the gaians have some arcane internal diplomacy rule that they won't trade techs the same turn as commlinks, so have taken the Angels' out of the bargaining mix for this round of trade talks (I removed the 25 ec's from the accepted offer that we have placed on the table)

                            So this begs the question:

                            This current turn (24 hours still to run) should we buy the Angels' commlink from Yang and get negotiating?

                            It's Sunday, so we should be able to get some semblance of the Angels' attitude towards us in the next 10 - 15 hours (and maybe even execute a trade - or credits - for Gene Splicing before they get it from their techshare ability)

                            Plus it will give Morgan some more time to negotiate with us before the turn moves on.

                            Junta's thoughts?


                            • #15
                              I think we should buy it from Yang. We need all the diplomatic info we can get asap.

