Released on the nightly news of the inferior capitalistic Interplanitary Broadband News Network (IBNN), a datadisc showing an evil probe team training camp of none other than Data Angel's lead anarchist, Sinder Roze was shown to the various people of Planet. Later released after 'cleansing' for the stupendious people of the Hive, the DD shows what has been called a "Al Qa-data" training camp of various diobolical spys training to infiltrate none other than our glorious society and harm our glorious chairman. It has been thought that 'Sinder Rose' was an unethical leader, and now we have proof of just that! 'Sinder Rose' is guilty of trying to destroy our glorious society!
As you all were shown on PRAVDA- TV, the camp consisted of numerious men and women dressed in all black, running around; jumping over things; learning to hack computer systems; all a foolish attempt at training to fight against our glorious, undefeatable defences. It truely is an exercise in futility for them to even think of trying to start infiltrating our society!
"Sinder Roze" was born Asa Wright. Raised on the evil capitalistic hell of Earth, she was a born anarchist bred to take down our humble society on Planet. Sent on the Unity, it is no doubt that the capitalist pig-dogs have been planning to hurt us for a long time, now. They may think that they are clever, but they are not! They shall never triumph over the Hive! Do not be fooled by her foolish good looks, Comrades! She is evil through and through! Make sure to report ANY suspicious behavior to your local Kommisar at once!
Released on the nightly news of the inferior capitalistic Interplanitary Broadband News Network (IBNN), a datadisc showing an evil probe team training camp of none other than Data Angel's lead anarchist, Sinder Roze was shown to the various people of Planet. Later released after 'cleansing' for the stupendious people of the Hive, the DD shows what has been called a "Al Qa-data" training camp of various diobolical spys training to infiltrate none other than our glorious society and harm our glorious chairman. It has been thought that 'Sinder Rose' was an unethical leader, and now we have proof of just that! 'Sinder Rose' is guilty of trying to destroy our glorious society!
As you all were shown on PRAVDA- TV, the camp consisted of numerious men and women dressed in all black, running around; jumping over things; learning to hack computer systems; all a foolish attempt at training to fight against our glorious, undefeatable defences. It truely is an exercise in futility for them to even think of trying to start infiltrating our society!
"Sinder Roze" was born Asa Wright. Raised on the evil capitalistic hell of Earth, she was a born anarchist bred to take down our humble society on Planet. Sent on the Unity, it is no doubt that the capitalist pig-dogs have been planning to hurt us for a long time, now. They may think that they are clever, but they are not! They shall never triumph over the Hive! Do not be fooled by her foolish good looks, Comrades! She is evil through and through! Make sure to report ANY suspicious behavior to your local Kommisar at once!