Of course it won't do any good, but I can't resist arguing the merits anyway.
First, it seems premature to be calling this an exploit - Attention all PBEM opponents, if you disband all your CmdCntrs you'll reverse all unfavorable odds - IMhO, it just demonstrates that the randomization mechanism is a bit sticky, and could use improvement; my guess is that it could just as easily have been the other way around (that we would be winning nearly all the time unless/until some randomization jolter shook it up) - the thing I find surprising is that selling the CmdCntr would have any connection with the randomization thing, my thinking would be that any of a variety of things, like moving or attacking with another unit could have done it, or something equally different too.
Hey, if we never posted the turn, it wasn't officially over with - period. How can there even be discussion about that anyway?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of the reloads is that they occurred because Cap'n Maki used the turn from Cap'n Herc, she could just as easily have used her own and added Cap'n Herc's suggestion to sell the facs, do whatever else he suggested and make the last-gasp attack - and lived with whatever the results were (apparently 7 chances in 10 of success). The reloads themselves were just because Capn Herc, not expecting his turn to be used, had already openned the original turn a couple of times so as to be able to see what was happening and to analyze the position and make his recommendations - not expecting his turn to be used, he didn't bother to save it so it could be reopened without the cheat message. If Cap'n Herc had really wanted to cheat, do you think that he would have allowed reload messages to come up?
First, it seems premature to be calling this an exploit - Attention all PBEM opponents, if you disband all your CmdCntrs you'll reverse all unfavorable odds - IMhO, it just demonstrates that the randomization mechanism is a bit sticky, and could use improvement; my guess is that it could just as easily have been the other way around (that we would be winning nearly all the time unless/until some randomization jolter shook it up) - the thing I find surprising is that selling the CmdCntr would have any connection with the randomization thing, my thinking would be that any of a variety of things, like moving or attacking with another unit could have done it, or something equally different too.
Hey, if we never posted the turn, it wasn't officially over with - period. How can there even be discussion about that anyway?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of the reloads is that they occurred because Cap'n Maki used the turn from Cap'n Herc, she could just as easily have used her own and added Cap'n Herc's suggestion to sell the facs, do whatever else he suggested and make the last-gasp attack - and lived with whatever the results were (apparently 7 chances in 10 of success). The reloads themselves were just because Capn Herc, not expecting his turn to be used, had already openned the original turn a couple of times so as to be able to see what was happening and to analyze the position and make his recommendations - not expecting his turn to be used, he didn't bother to save it so it could be reopened without the cheat message. If Cap'n Herc had really wanted to cheat, do you think that he would have allowed reload messages to come up?