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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • ok thanx Jamorobo, Lenius has already put it looking to real proportion in his version of the map. If you want, you can send me a mail with all your stats to:
    I'm interested about it.

    I'll study it there and it won't take too much space on the thread...
    Thanx again


    • Re: A note about getting the correct locations...

      Originally posted by American Guy
      Every time I make a game with the map and do all the steps to gewt the correct starting locations, it goes fie. But when I load the saved game it can't open the file, please help.
      Try to download CPT. It comes with marla.cpf.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • Thanks, I can't wait to control north america after i kill the iroquois and block off the aztecs.
        Launch the nukes at the zulus Flavius! ~ Me at my military advisor.


        • Re: A note about getting the correct locations...

          Originally posted by American Guy
          Every time I make a game with the map and do all the steps to gewt the correct starting locations, it goes fie. But when I load the saved game it can't open the file, please help.
          What filenames are you using when you save/load

          You need to save the game as FIX.SAV

          Then run the correct player location tool off your start ment

          Then load the new file FIXED.SAV

          Works every time for me, If your doing the above can you let me know what your Windows Ver is so I have an idea as to what environment you are using this in.
          "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989
          AIM/YAHOO: Vonotar1975 MSN/EMAIL: ICQ: 123236923


          • Should i download now or wait for an update?
            Indifference is Bliss


            • Re: A note about getting the correct locations...

              Originally posted by American Guy
              Every time I make a game with the map and do all the steps to gewt the correct starting locations, it goes fie. But when I load the saved game it can't open the file, please help.

              Try creating a new game (quck start is the quickest way) and loading from inside the new game.
              Indifference is Bliss


              • My SA map [finally :-)]

                here it is...
                Attached Files
                Indifference is Bliss


                • Originally posted by American Guy
                  Thanks, I can't wait to control north america after i kill the iroquois and block off the aztecs.
                  Did CPT work, or did you get Vonotar's compliation of Mortioso's CIV3BREED to work?
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • More stuff.

                    I am mightily impressed with it. I, too, played the Babylonians and got squished. There's a way you can ease off some of that pressure, and fix an accuracy problem:

                    Move Thebes. You have Thebes where modern-day Cairo is. It should actually be about 6 squares directly south (144,88).

                    Also, you can fit a city in just north of Babylon, but it's got poor land and can't grow. Throw a wheat up there, or extend the desert along the river so that it gets flood plains (or put wheat on the flood plain!).

                    Other than that, I've yet to play the map enough to find anything else worth pestering you about.

                    One final idea, which would add another star to your 5-star map:

                    INCAS! Replace the Iroquois with Incas (there's a city list in CivII's city.txt). I had just done this on my modified Earth (Huge) map, but I got sick of restarting the map trying to get them in South America. So I come here, and I see all these fine, vastly superior Earth maps, and now I can forget that idea.

                    In my experience with boring old Earth-(Huge), (modified - I put all the starting points in the proper place), the 3 civs that start out in the Americas always follow the same path. The Aztecs (or whoever starts in their place, last time it was Greeks) spread north and west into North America, further limiting the land that the America and the Iroquois starters have. Meanwhile, they're free to settle all of South America with extremely limited opposition. Maybe one or two cities.

                    The Amercans and Iroquois starters end up turning the rest of North America into some senseless patchwork of cities, with the occasional Aztec messing up the mess. Blue here, purple there, blue here, blue here, green there. Neither one is capable of building a cohesive nation.


                    • Yeha I hate that, AI cities are worse than the queen of bees, they make settlers and settlers and settlers, and then, they don't know where to put it so why not one city in siberia, after all, the civ will win a lot to own that tundra tiles... another city in Greenland... oh! hey! this sahara desert looks fine for my city, there's sand !

                      Well anyway, I've understood the goal of the AI is to cover the whole map, I don't think it's accurate... Australia is own by the australians even if there's very few cities on the North/West Coast. It's even more obvious for the russian northern coast.
                      I think it would be better if we can build fortress with a soldier to claim a land without having to put actually a city there. I also think that when there's a hole inside our country that doesn't belong to anyone, it should be instantally ours.

                      Well, for now, the main idea is to make settlers more expensive to build (twice more). I don't think it will solve the issue, but at least, we can hope the AI takes more time to invade the map. I haven't tested it yet... I'm preparing a new version of the map, I'll post it as a beta to see what people think about it.


                      • I find it quite historically accurate. We all know that Siberia was the great "melting pot" of ethnic diversity (French, Roman, Egyptian, German, Zulu, Greek, Chinese, they all had their impact on the densly populated metropolises that cover Siberia).

                        Being clever, I figured out how to move the Egyptians. Not hard. So I went ahead and made my Incas. Didn't work, Illegal Operation on the first turn. So I said skip it, I'll just move the Egyptians and leave it. Turns out, I'd messed with the wrong c3b file, and the Iroquois were still being moved to South America. So I went ahead and tested it, step by step. Change the name to Inca. Worked fine. Change the cities. Worked. Changed Mounted Warrior to Sun Warrior (basically, an Impi with Jaguar Warrior graphics). That worked

                        I was convinced the problem was solved, but I didn't want to play Incas all alone down there, I wanted to see how your map worked in Europe, so I played Babylon. Got up to 3500 BC and Illegal Operation!

                        I don't know what's causing this. I made the same changes on my own Earth (Huge) map, and played the Incas (on a random map. Did you know that you can use the changed rules if you Load Scenario and then customize the map? ). I never had any problem with them (except that I left Horses as a requirement for Sun Warriors, so I didn't get to see them). The only difference this time is that I expanded the city list.


                        • Okay so I didn't even succeed to try myself the changes, cause I needed to add a galley specially for brits and Japan (to reduce the cost) and it makes bugs...
                          That's why there's no news...

                          About the Egypt issue, I think I've insisted a bit too much on flood plains . sorry about it, I'll put more desert tile around the nile river.

                          Jamorobo, Please send me your stats by e-mail, I really want to get them.

                          On Civfanatics, someone has proposed to make of tundra a terrain where we can't found cities, just like mountains. I think it will solve many more problems than what it will create. Cause we won't see anymore a mix of AI cities in Siberia/Greenland/Northern Canada, and that will reduce a lot more the time between turns cause it makes a lot of cities less to manage for the computer. Moreover, we could still found colonies to go find ressources in there, which look more logic to me.
                          The only default would be to not build strategic cities in some place... anyway, I think it still would be better.

                          Now, the editor doesn't allow us to do so... if people have ideas, thanx to talk about it


                          • Excellent map! (Didn't I say that already?)

                            Seems there's no need to switch the Iroquois to Inca. You've made North America big enough so that all 3 can spread out evenly. The Americans have most of America, the Iroquois Canada, and the Aztecs Mexico and a few south western states (like Texas). Infact, nobody has hardly touched South America yet, and who's the first to settle there? Americans! Why I wanted Incas (apart from the fact that they obviously deserved it more than the Iroquois) was because it's always been too easy for the Aztec-start civ to dominate the whole western hemisphere. Not a problem anymore. Even Sibera looks better, mostly Russian, with clusters (not just random, individual cities) of other civs, and not as much diversity (there's no Greek, Roman or English, they're settling in north Africa).

                            Moving Thebes made it easier to develop Babylon, but I neglected to check one thing: Shields. Thebes is now totally surrounded by Flood Plains. Fully developed, it can get a maximum of 8 shields, 9 with a Railroad on it's sole hill.

                            But now I do have another problem: The tech tree. In the first era, there weren't any pictures of the units or improvements in the tech boxes. In the second, the pictures returned, but the lines (not arrows, gray lines) disappeared. Now, there's neither pictures nor lines.

                            I tried loading an old saved game of a random map (without any rules changes), and there's still no pictures. The original arrows are there. What happened? Was it simply because I loaded a saved game after playing your map, or did something permanently alter the game files themselves.

                            Oh, yes, and one last problem: Babylon needs an Aqueduct, and I couldn't irrigate the square in the fork of the two rivers (south-east of the cattle), until I'd irrigated a square on the other side of the river. There's also an Egyptian city just south of Thebes (at the edge of the Sahara, where the Nile splits) where the laborers aren't getting any commerce for squares adjacent to rivers. Seems there's a few squares on this map that, although clearly adjacent to rivers, aren't recognized by the game as such. Ever hear of such a problem?
                            Last edited by Aqualung; December 17, 2001, 23:27.


                            • More problems on your map:

                              Neither Paris nor Lyon (built where the goodie hut north east of Paris is, on the coast) are "adjacent" to the rivers they're actually adjacent to. The same with the wheat west of Berlin. There's clearly a river on the edge of the square... yet it's not adjacent to it?

                              Mind you, this isn't a problem with what YOU have done. It's actually a problem the way the clods at Firaxis programmed the editor. There IS a river there, why can't I irrigate?

                              I found a few other "problems" which are not your fault. Since you made changes to the "default rules" which I suspected of being the reason my Inca modifications didn't work, I restored default rules, the only thing I changed was the Huge map size (to what your map is)... and player colors.

                              Illegal Operation before the game even starts!

                              Long story short: There SEEMS to be a fatal bug whenever you try to change player colors to their non-unique (I tried to make the French light blue). Not your fault...

                              But you said you wanted criticism rather than praise (and I agree, praise tells you what you did right, so there's nothing to do. Criticism tell you what you did wrong, and thus, how you can make it better). Those are my criticisms...

                              Wait, what have I actually complained about that you've done? Oh yeah, Thebes is too far north. And Washington looks like it's too far north, too. There's a few personal tweaking of things here-and-there (such as what I did around Babylon, and making Greenland snow-capped mountains), but those are personal.

                              One actual complaint I have is the goody-hut in Ireland. I was playing England, and my cultural influence expanded and BAM! The goody-hut becomes Canterbury! I was planning on building TWO cities in Ireland...

                              Other than that, complaints about things which aren't actually yours to fix, I'll stick by my original comment. AWESOME MAP! It's geographically accurate, and resource-wise, gives a bonus to those who start out in areas where their expansion is limited. I don't like random maps. I want Earth. And this IS Earth.


                              • Heres the final list of Resouces.

                                Also on the map that might be of some use is Gold, Cattle, sheep, Wheat and Titanium. Unfortunatly Aluminium is not displayed on the map.

                                I didn't know if u want the ones above or not, plus it takes about 25min to search the whole A2 map for each resource as the symbols for each resource are very small and i have 50 resources shown all on the same map!!!! There fore i thought i would do them if u ask insted of doing it and u not needing it

                                My E-mail ain't working at the mo so thats why i've posted this on the site.

                                Edit- Oh Aluminium is on there, its just called Bauxite I only just found out that Aluminium is made from Bauxite

                                I'll prob add it to the list on saturday
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by jamorobo; December 20, 2001, 15:52.

                                "Damn that monkey"

