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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • #91
    I'd love to see some more standard and large sized maps. Huge maps are great for greater accuracy at depicting the real world, but I find them poor for gameplay.

    Any chance you'll be converting your excellent map to standard size, Marla?


    • #92
      Well, for now, I don't have a lot of time to make other maps... next map will certainly be the mediterranean sea... maybe during winter holidays, I'll do other maps...

      I advise you to check the forum to look at Soufie's standard map or Zeb Fisher's map. They have both made standard size maps.

      Maybe other people has made standard maps...
      I can't say you more...


      • #93
        Finally finished doing the strategic resources on Marla's Map so he's the end product.

        There should prove to be a lot of trade and wars fought over them as in real life.

        Anyway i'm knackered and off to bed, ciao

        Attached Files


        • #94
          Oops should have added horses to japan, their resource deprived as it is.


          • #95
            I'll be postponing my checking of the map till tomorrow or sunday at the latest.

            I have just finished december compensation (not entirely successful, but the hell) and am wishing to celebrate.
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #96
              I have one comment to you:
              You should remove the artic ocean so its impossible to pass trough there with ships. This is very inaccurate and i think its really stupid that you can do that.
              Also i would remove the coastal tiles for ocean or sea from kamerun to Angola. The portuguese traveled to the west after cape verde and then to the south east when they were not far from brasil. They did so because its easier to sink around the west coast of africa.

              I would also remove the coastal tiles a few other places to "block" some zones like india/china/europe from each other.

              I have found out that the maximum tiles for a map is 65536 tiles (256x256), so i woner if you have found a way to put more then 256 in the width and less in the height ( i would like a world map to be from around 55deegres south and to 70 deegres north, and use the spare tiles to make this area bigger)?


              • #97
                Unfortunately, each water tile in front of a ground tile can't be other than coast. I also agree that it sucks cause the smallest island you add on the pacific ocean makes appear 8 coast around it... it makes of Bermudas enormous !

                About the Arctic ocean, unfortunately, I can't say anything. When I planned the map, I had to create some security tiles in case I've messed up continents... I insisted a bit too much on it... and now I'm angry to see such a huge seas on the north of the map.... It would be so great if we could select the map, press ctl+C and then ctl+V, just like on Excel... but we can't.
                Actually, it would be maybe funny to add a new terrain: cold or frozen waters... boats moves are decreased by a half and it produces less food...

                About the size, I haven't checked but I think 256 is the max size for lattitude or longitude. I don't think we can do a 512x128 map for example... but maybe I'm wrong, you can test that with the editor.

                There was an old message about gold, I'll remove gold from Himalaya mountains.

                Oh by the way, when you edit the map, it would be great if you use the latest version to do so
                thanx again to everyone


                • #98
                  HTML Documentation

                  Attached below is an updated version of the Read-me now in HTML form, the logic being that while not everybody has Micro$oft Word they must all have a browser otherwise how did they find this forum

                  Very little new information is in the Read-me, but I have taken the opportunity to re-vamp and re-arrange a few things, especially since when I tried to get Word to save in HTML the new document was only readable in IE6 (I wonder why )

                  These files have been tested with IE6 and Opera6, I don't have Netscape, but I can't see Netscape people having any problems if it works with Opera. All the documentation was written on Frontpage Express 2 which is at least 4 years old so if your browser can't cope then it must be a truly ancient browser

                  Comments to the usual address plze:
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Vonotar; March 2, 2002, 20:48.
                  "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989
                  AIM/YAHOO: Vonotar1975 MSN/EMAIL: ICQ: 123236923


                  • #99
                    ok, so as it is now, here is what I may change:
                    - I think about putting mountains on greenland, even if it's weird, it could be a great idea to avoid the AI to settle there. (AI settles EVERYWHERE !). It would certainly avoid brits to go use their time to install cities on it.
                    - I'll put less grassland on western Africa coast (Guina Gulf coast), so that Egypt will have less an advantage, but it would be hard to avoid it...
                    - I'll test a game with settlers twice more expensive; brits and japan trirem less expensive (maybe discoverable sooner for them?).
                    - Gold will be removed of northern Tibet mountains and I'll also study changes from Lenius. For example, the horse on the iroquois capital city is an awful dilemna to me.

                    I will need some time to test these changes, if you give your advices whether it looks good or bad, you will help a lot.

                    After that, I guess I'll let the map as it will be. People could still continue to post their alternate versions (even on new thread if it's enormous changes) but I won't change it by myself.

                    If changes are ultimately and undoubtadly better than the original version, I'll post it as the map (with of course the editor name in the credits in HUGE!)

                    Thanx again to everyone


                    • How to download??

                      I really want to try this map, but when I click on the link, I get a small php file that does nothing. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to save the link also.
                      "Honestly, Anakin, I swear you'll be the death of me someday." Obi-wan Kenobi


                      • a small php files ???

                        Normally, when you click on the first attached file (1st post), you download a zip that contains a .exe file. This .exe file is a self extractor that include automatically the map in the scenario folder and the files to get correct locations.
                        If you don't have that, I can't explain.


                        • Try to rename the php-file to .zip

                          This is a bug with Netscape.
                          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                          • A note about getting the correct locations...

                            Every time I make a game with the map and do all the steps to gewt the correct starting locations, it goes fie. But when I load the saved game it can't open the file, please help.
                            Launch the nukes at the zulus Flavius! ~ Me at my military advisor.


                            • Well this is my first post and i also have not got the game but i am getting it for christmas. However i want to help out so....

                              I have here infront of me a map of the world main resourses

                              ( no.% is the percentage of world resource)

                              Coal is found in =
                              UK 10%
                              Germany 5%
                              East coast America 22.5%
                              Central China 15%
                              Central russia 25%
                              France 2.5%
                              Japan 2.5%
                              North east India 2.5%
                              South africa 2.5%
                              Poland 2.5%
                              Australia 5%
                              Middle east 5%

                              well i'll be back in a mo to do more resorces but i need food......

                              "Damn that monkey"


                              • Well now for


                                France 10%
                                South west africa 15%
                                Central north america 35%
                                Central canada 17.5%
                                Kazakstan 5%
                                east China 2.5%
                                Australia 10%
                                5% Argentina

                                hope this helps

                                "Damn that monkey"

