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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • #61
    try the improved huge world map thread.

    The map there is in its final stages and IMHO quite quite realistically formed and the resources have been spread out to offer the best gameplay and realistic abillities as possible.


    • #62
      Hey Warlon,

      Actually, before I started to create a map, I've checked on forums maps already made and, if I created that one, it's only because I wasn't satisfied by any maps I've found.
      Satya's map is a good improved version of the Civ3 original map, but I was shocked about how much it's disproportionnate and inaccurate.
      The best I think must be to show you a picture of satya's map so that you can understand why I wasn't satisfied about it.
      Maybe my works are useless but I can't personnaly be satisfied with Satya.
      If you think gameplay is funnier on it, I could agree, but it's not accurate to see Japan landing in California before Europeans land in America. I won't talk about the non existence of such important thing (to me) as the Chad lake, the Baïkal lake, etc... and how it isn't accurate if we look to human devellopement in History.

      Here's a snapshot of Satya's map just to show you why I wasn't totally satisfied about it:
      Attached Files


      • #63
        By the way Warlon, no need to wonder who rated this thread as "the worst" (1star)... It's stupid to do a silly competition like this, I find it a bit childish. I think it would be better to try to work together... I'm sorry but I had to create a new map, that was my way to help to make a better map.


        • #64
          So what is it exactly that you are insatisfied with? The oceans? I believe that the ocean's size are mentioned along the thread being small. But would you rather see vast amounts of ocean not being used for anything or some larger continents?


          • #65
            Why I'm not satisfied about it????

            Here's a snapshot of Marla's Map:
            I don't like that name, but it's generally named this way
            Attached Files


            • #66
              It might look good on that minimap Marla, but your the on the playing of the map Europe is TOO small for gameplay purpose. Though Satya's world map might not look as good as yours on a minimap, it is better when you go close and look at the forms of the landshapes. My ICQ is 95631564 if you want to talk in real time about it.

              Also half of the squares in Europe are filled with wheat and cattle (as well as the rest of the world). For gameplay purposes the American civillization really have it easy, while Japan fails to in every game make but a single "noteworthy" thing.


              • #67

                Thanx for your help,

                If you can give time to reallocate some ressources, it would be great that you use your book to do it ! You could post your map on the forum it would be really great.

                Just some little tips:
                - the total number of each strategic ressources should be around 20.
                - Uranium should be scarce (around 12).
                - the total number of each luxury ressources should be around 10.
                - Bonus ressources on the map had been thought so that the most densed part of the world (in population) could be the same in the game. That's why there's a lot of wheat and cattle in Europe, around the Ganges Valley and on chinese coast. (I've used a world map with human density to allocate it).
                - Moreover, Europe must be a strategic place to control if we look to History.

                You can use the map stat utility presented in the forum to count each of ressources.
                I advise you to read the readme it explains several things.
                Thanx again for your help !!


                • #68
                  if you want, here is a link to where i posted my SA map (for civ 2)

                  if you want, you can download it. the thread is in spanish, but the dowload is on the first message and not hard to miss. It is in .sav format, 'cause Apoly ton won't allow .mp files, but it can be opened with the editor and saved as a map.

                  This should be it
                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • #69

                    I can't open your map with civ2 editor so I tried with civ2... it doesn't recognize the format.
                    I advise you to zip your .mp file and then to send it... maybe there's an issue because of languages (my version of civ2 is only english and french)

                    Post it again or send it by e-mail to:

                    Thanx to help
                    I want also to know if you like South America as it is or if I should redraw it, I tried to make appear the great importance of the Rio de la Plata (Montevideo and Buenos Aeres are on this Gulf). Do you think deserts are well placed or no? do you like the Patagonia now ?
                    Well, send me a mail to tell me everything !


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by warlon
                      It might look good on that minimap Marla, but your the on the playing of the map Europe is TOO small for gameplay purpose. Though Satya's world map might not look as good as yours on a minimap, it is better when you go close and look at the forms of the landshapes. My ICQ is 95631564 if you want to talk in real time about it.

                      Also half of the squares in Europe are filled with wheat and cattle (as well as the rest of the world). For gameplay purposes the American civillization really have it easy, while Japan fails to in every game make but a single "noteworthy" thing.

                      Well I think it does just like i reality except on one thing: the Civ III game stil isn't a direct model of reality and thus may change things. For exemple, do you think that the production of a civilization is as direct that it is in Civ III? I mean... the only island of Japan made more than some Civ with alot of ressources and more people. this is because some factors aren't represented, simply.
                      Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                      • #71
                        Well I haven't added any views on this yet - so here I go.

                        First of all I'd like to say 'Great map!' infact it's been quiet alot of fun and by far the best earth map I've used so far, however of course using all of the civs at the same time did tend to slow things down a little bit later in the game, but it was not too unbearable.

                        I've only played through once as the Germans, and maybe it's just playing with all the civs at the same time, but geez it sure becomes a quick fight to expand between the french, romans, greeks, russians and english. Much more exciting than playing for endless turns with nothing to do.

                        Once again great work!
                        You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                        The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.


                        • #72
                          Marla, as an information source, I think you could look at "L'État du monde", which is THE source for knowing more about any country. It is upgraded every year and is only in French I think (shouldn't cause you any problem ). Also, if you need to search about any specific thing, if you are interested, let me know and I'll give my personal little report of what I found after searching in Britannica Encyclopedia and maybe elsewhere if needed.

                          Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                          • #73
                            Marla, as an information source, I think you could look at "L'État du monde", which is THE source for knowing more about any country. It is upgraded every year and is only in French I think (shouldn't cause you any problem ). Also, if you need to search about any specific thing, if you are interested, let me know and I'll give my personal little report of what I found after searching in Britannica Encyclopedia (plus the encyclopedia, there's also an atlas in it) and maybe elsewhere if needed.

                            Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                            • #74
                              NEW VERSION ON LINE

                              The new version is now on line, it can't be easier to play with correct starting locations, everything is written on the readme...
                              Many thanx to you Vonotar, your work is so great !

                              Go on the first post to download it

                              NOTE: nothing about the map has changed compared to the version 1.10 it's just easier to put civilizations in correct locations


                              • #75
                                About the Readme

                                Everytime I open the readme file my wordpad locks up and I get a fun message like this :

                                EAX=00000001 CS=015f EIP=0140f6d5 EFLGS=00010206
                                EBX=00410000 SS=0167 ESP=0119f94c EBP=0119f960
                                ECX=00411ffe DS=0167 ESI=00412001 FS=3cbf
                                EDX=00000000 ES=0167 EDI=0143c729 GS=195e
                                Byte på CS:EIP:
                                66 8b 1e 83 c6 02 0f b7 cb 8d 45 fc 50 51 e8 38
                                004118cc 00000000 0041148e 00421642 00000008 0119f988 014125b4 00411644 0000fffe 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000428 0041148e 0119f9cc

                                Did not mean to complain but I would really have loved to play your map. But now I can not read the readme to see how to put in correct starting locations.

                                Anyone else having this problem or do I need to fry my computer?

