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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • Originally posted by Qilue
    I don't mean to be negative here, but there's a minor problem relating to realism.

    Iroquois will not be able to build their UU and will probably be able to build knights by the time they do get a source of horses.
    Vonotar; Can I assume you consider this a non-issue?
    There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


    • Originally posted by Qilue
      Vonotar; Can I assume you consider this a non-issue?
      Firaxis's own civilopedia entry for the mounted warrior says that horses were only introduced to america in the 17th century. The fact that they picked the mounted warrior as the iroquios UU again proves that they never intended us to play on maps that were accurate or that had correct starting positions.

      This issue has been boiling along for a while now, so lets try to resolve it. Do we.....

      A - Give the Iroquois a horse resource on the site of there capital city

      B - Change the Iroquois UU to something that doesn't require horses

      C - Change the Iroquois altogether into either the Inca's or the Tupi (both south american) relieving the pressure of three Civ's in N. America

      Cast your votes and reasons now folks, I'll tally the results 00:00 GMT Tuesday 29th
      "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989
      AIM/YAHOO: Vonotar1975 MSN/EMAIL: ICQ: 123236923


      • Iroquois Issue

        The Iroquois were woodland indians so it does not make sense to involve them with horses, a plains or step browser, anyway. I would go for replacement with the Inca.


        • america never had horses spanish people brought them there

          GREAT MAP!!!


          • South America really needs a civ, and the obvious choice is the Inca. Tho it might be best for gameplay (with historical start positions) to edit a european civ for this purpose.
            The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

            The gift of speech is given to many,
            intelligence to few.


            • Marla,

              First of all, this is a great map. I love the concentration of resources, forcing people to trade military (iron) resources for cultural/happiness resources (silk etc).

              A couple of minor quibbles/suggestions:

              1. Sea resources:

              From modern times through to now these are still things nations argue over. Australia/Far South American Nations/Africa first major national product was the product of whales, with many North American Whalers involved as well. I think instead of been so heavy with Aluminium in Aust-NZ you could make it more profitable to be down under with some strongly concentrated whale stocks.

              Also one of the major points of contention between Europe and North American Nations in modern times has been fishing rights in the North Atlantic, with confrontations between some Scandavian Nations with Canada and Iceland over fishing. So I was thinking that by been as judicous with the sea resources as you have been with the land resources we could have as balanced a sea as we do a land map .

              2. North Africa:

              From what I've played so far, the Southern Shore of the Mediterranean has been depicted fairly accurately as in modern times. In historical times Northern Africa has been much richer than present day. Carthage was a MAJOR Meditaerranean power, rivalling Rome, this was based on extensive forests and fertile plains in the North of Africa. Only in the recent times has the coastal regions of North Africa become part of the Sahara desert.


              • Iroquois UU

                i guess.. for this map, you could make the Iroquois UU a swordsmen unit with increased movement?? i dont know if that would be too powerful as those increased movement units tend to run rampant. maybe you could make it a swordsmen unit that costs 50% less shields... all you need then would be a cool graphic.. lol


                • Genia: Yes... but America didn't have Americans until the English brought them.

                  I'm playing with an older version of the map, so I don't know if this has been changed, but a big problem I had was that all of the Saltpeter in North America is clustered around the Aztec's start.

                  I tried switching the Iroquois to Inca a while back, it made the game crash. I don't know what I did wrong, but I couldn't get it to work.


                  • Vonotar,

                    Well, I'm past the deadline, but I'd definitely vote for the Incas over the Iroquois for this particular map.

                    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                    • Originally posted by Vonotar

                      A - Give the Iroquois a horse resource on the site of there capital city

                      B - Change the Iroquois UU to something that doesn't require horses

                      C - Change the Iroquois altogether into either the Inca's or the Tupi (both south american) relieving the pressure of three Civ's in N. America



                      • Originally posted by HsFB
                        doesn't the volga go through Moscow?

                        i had to build an aqueduct there.

                        and about SA, it's nearly horrible, i was making a few changes but the un-nice things civ3 does with the coasts depending on if its plains, grass or desert gives me the ceeps.

                        Also, the lack of a mini-map in the editor is a major drawback...

                        Good news, i'm on the way to getting a new computer (i currently have a celeron 400 with 88 MB RAM and a built-in video card)

                        I'm getting a P3 500 with 128 MB of RAM (i live in argentina, so this is almost impossible to get for less than 250 local $, which are U$S 125 at the exchange rate in most banks.

                        Anyway, as soon as i get it, i'll DL the newest version and work on SA.
                        Indifference is Bliss


                        • Ok, I post a message...

                          I sweared to myself I will stop to send messages in here because it took me too much time to make changes to the map, but the temptation was too strong and I had to answer.

                          NOOOO ! The volga doesn't go through Moscow !!!
                          Moscow is between the oka river in the south and the volga river on the north. Nijni Novgorod (former Gorki) is at the junction of the oka with the volga.

                          SA looks awful ? I used the same technic as for the rest of the map to make south America, I've drawn the whole thing in a gigantic squared paper enough transparent to let me see continent borders of the map I've put under it (a map that I've printed)... You can still change it if you're not satisfied, but I advise you to not change it too much if you want to keep respectful proportions.

                          About Vonotar's question. I'm for the inca solution. But I won't be the one who'll draw the inca leaders animations. And by the way, if we change the iroquois to the inca, it means that we need to change the special unit (cause it would still require horse)... or maybe we can say that lamas are mounted instead of horses. (I don't have no clue about the actual possibility to ride a lama). Well, it's hard... If someone who knows how to use PhotoShop wants to do all that, It would be really great !

                          Bye everyone


                          • Gawd, no, a llama-mounted warrior!? For an old-world comparison, this is akin to the fear instilled by the donkey cavalry. ee-aw ee-aw

                            The Inca were masterful warriors, they conquered the whole of the Andes and nearby lowlands. They did it on foot, tho, so a UU should be a modified warrior. How about one with move=1 but treats all squares as road? or just a stronger unit?

                            I think south america is done very well in this map. The only changes I've made on my pc are to the extents of desert on the west coast, and changing grassland to plains on the easternmost tip. Inland from Recife in Brazil is very dry, not the wet vegetation on this map. I've also changed the hills to mountains toward tierra del fuego. The Chilean coast has huge mountains right up to the sea, no room to towns.
                            The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

                            The gift of speech is given to many,
                            intelligence to few.


                            • When I try to download this why does winzip say it is not a valid archive?


                              • Apolyton Download Problems

                                Since they went on the new server files, do not download properly. The only time I have been able to have any success has been on a system using I.E. 6.0. Since I do not use I. E. 6.0 on my machines, I wait until a kind soul posts these files at CivFanatics.

