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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Marla
    Another thing, does anyone know what we need to do to go to the civ3-files forum instead of the civ3-creation forum?
    Try to PM MarkG
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #17
      Thanx for the tip Gramphos. I just hope it will work !


      • #18
        Here are the names of the leaders and cities.

        Great Leaders
        1. Qin Shi Huang (First Emperor)
        2. Zhuge Lian
        3. Li Shih Min
        4. Yue Fei (from Southern Song dynasty)
        5. Cao Cao

        Beijing (Capital)
        Nanjing (Nanking)
        Guangzhou (Canton)
        Hong Kong

        I think these should be enough.
        May the Civ be with You, Always!


        • #19
          Hum... Lhasa is the capital of Tibet right ? well, I'm not sure it's politically correct to put it in the list... I guess I won't do so. Maybe I'll put Taipei in Taiwan instead cause even if blabla independant Taiwan belongs to chinese culture.

          Thanx again for the list !


          • #20
            Marla, I am not trying to be a pain in the bottom, but no matter how the other people think otherwise, Tibet IS still part of China. Unless it becomes an independent state in the future, no one can really argue about that.

            I respect your rights of not putting Lasha in the list. But if it is political correctness that you are concerned with, you should have nothing to worry about.

            On the other hand, Taiwain is officially not part of China, and that is why I didn't put it in the list.

            I am simply stating a fact, so if other people read this thread and don't feel happy about Tibet being part of China, you can send me an email. But please don't start an argument in this thread. Thanks.
            May the Civ be with You, Always!


            • #21
              Tibetans claim they are tibetans and not chinese, taiwanese people claim they are chinese but not communist. That's the only thing I meant, it wasn't an argument. When I talked about "politically", I didn't mean it that way, I just meant that in diplomatic relations, Tibet isn't recognized as chinese by everyone.

              Sorry, I didn't mean to make any argument about it. I just talked.


              • #22
                I got some messages about the fact that the game is lagging when we enter in more modern eras because the game can't handle with so many units and cities....

                Well, I want to know if it's really a common problem or not. I think about making an alternate version of the game with a reduced tech rate (time is going faster and technologies are easier to find) so that we have less time to produce tons of units.

                I really like to play with 16 civs but maybe playing with only 8 civilizations make the game less big.
                By the way, when I get 16 civilizations, only 8 appear on the foreign advisor scree, I don't know how to make all of them appear... it's quite boring when you want to know how are built mutual protection pacts.

                Oh I've forgotten to say, the tutorial included in the zipfile explains how to play with all civilizations in their correct locations instead of the randomized locations as the game does normally.

                Answer me fast please !!


                • #23
                  With everything I have learnt from the beginning of the announcement of Civ3, I strongly believe that near the end of production, they never intended to include 16 civs at the same time.
                  But at almost the last minute, they changed that to 16, and I believe that is because people were hoping/begging for Firaxis to allow 16.

                  I don't think Firaxis were expecting it to run smoothly at the end of the game
                  be free


                  • #24
                    "By the way, when I get 16 civilizations, only 8 appear on the foreign advisor scree, I don't know how to make all of them appear... it's quite boring when you want to know how are built mutual protection pacts."

                    Tip: Hold shift and right-click on one of the leader heads in the screen...

                    -- Roland


                    • #25
                      Freshly moved to this forum...


                      • #26
                        here is my view
                        Are the british isles big? yes? I love it. No? Waste of imagination.
                        Go British!


                        • #27

                          I would like to complain about greenland, portrayed here as iceland (not to be confused with Iceland ). I think you can add a little green to it on the south tip. This is where those pesky Vikings lived and they thought it to be rather green. Green=grass There are of course no Greenlanders here to confirm it. Yeah, it is true it snows there in the winter, but that does not make them into tundra! Or maybe it does... Anyway, i do believe Romania had/have oil (remember that from WWII history) And Norway has oil, yeah in the sea, but maybe you should add it to the land so that it might be a little desirable to be there?? And techincally there are hills in Svalbard, with coal in them. AND there is iron in Sweden (also WWII history), still is. I used to live in Norway where they ship it from .

                          My 503 cents
                          This might or might not be a signature


                          • #28
                            The Vikings called it Grønelan to encourage migration there. The Norweigens/Danes cut out the 'e' and called it 'Grønland' meaning 'Green land' after 1453AD when the Black Death had died off in Greenland to encourage migration again (only 15% of the original population on Greenland survived the 1452AD Bubonic Plague)


                            • #29

                              thanks for the map
                              John Plavchan


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Marla
                                Sorry to disturb you guys, I just wanted to notice that I would be pleased to hear potential critics (or praise , but critics would help more) so that I can improve the map even more.
                                For now, I just think of adding other names for cities cause it's really boring to see one hundred cities called "new thing" (what after ? new new thing?)
                                About ressources, I've tested the game already and for now (350 AD) it looks to work well. I will keep 3 wine ressources in France because I'm french and I can't accept a map without at least Bordeaux, Bourgogne and Côte du Rhône wines presented.
                                Well, if you ask for critics

                                First, I great map I know it's not a critic, but still
                                I would put one wine in Italy, one in Spain, two/three in France and let's be all for European wine.
                                Talking about France, as you're French, you forgot to put uranium in it, while it's one of the biggest producer of the world. And I think that the "hole" in the Normandy would look better with a grassland instead of a coastal tile.
                                In a whole, I think you went wild on ressources. Remember that a civ does only need ONE to be able to build any unit/building that require it. 3 irons and 3 aluminium in NZ, 6 aluminium in Australia, and so much cattle/wheat/wine in Europe and India... Err it's a little excessive
                                I would cut by 75/80 % the number of ressources.

                                A river in a desert tile is considered "flood plain" and produce more food than grassland. So you don't need to put plains with wheat in Egypt and Iraq, just let them be flood plains.
                                Alpes are perhaps a little too big and too long in the east-west line.
                                One more oil in the middle-east could be good.
                                Sweden has iron
                                Gold is in California around San Francisco, you put it too to the North.
                                USA has the biggest coal reserves in the world.
                                There was no horses in America

                                Do you plan to make such a map with a standard/large size ? I would like play on earth, but it's a little too big for me
                                Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.

