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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • #76
    south america and aztecs

    you may have already been told this, but u could throw the aztecs into south america. u said you left australia and s.america alone but s.america would be ideal.


    • #77
      For Game Balance

      Originally posted by PMLF
      Yes, Brazil produces coal too, in Santa Catarina (Southern Brazil). Also, we "produce" horses in the center and in the south of the country.
      We have to focus on what each region excels at, not just what they produce. Realistically, many of the resources can be found in many many places, but than the strategic resources lose their strategic value.

      What Brazil excels at...
      "Brazil produces bauxite, columbium, gemstones, gold, iron ore, kaolin, manganese, tantalum, and tin from world-class deposits and exports them to the global marketplace. In Latin America, particularly within the Southern Cone Common Market (Mercosur), Brazil continued to be the leading producer of aluminum, cement, ferroalloys, gold, iron ore, manganese, steel, and tin."

      Top 3:
      Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminum = Aluminum
      Gold = Gold
      Iron Ore = Iron

      What else:
      Gemstones = Gems (a few)

      Regarding India - I would agree with India having a few less spices and/or incense. Where I positioned the coal requires the player to put a city on Incense (thus losing that incense) to get both the coal & iron within the same city radius. The iron & coal are understated if anything...

      "Historically, mining and metallurgical activities in India can be traced back for about 6,000 years. Mineral resources are an extensive wide variety, ranging from bauxite, copper, bituminous coal, diamond, gold, iron ore, manganese and zinc, to a host of industrial minerals. Most of the mineral deposits are in the south and central highlands of the country. India is a major minerals producer, ranking among the world's leading producers of bauxite, bituminous coal, iron ore, and zinc. The main mining industry is the production of steaming coal for power generation. Coal provides about 60% of the country's energy requirements. Including peat and lignite, it accounts for an estimated 40% of the value of all mineral production. Iron ore, primarily from surface operations, accounts for an estimated 40% of the value of all metallic mineral production. Approximately 50% is used domestically for steel production, with the balance exported. Aluminum is the only nonferrous metal for which an adequate domestic ore (bauxite) resource is available.

      you may have already been told this, but u could throw the aztecs into south america. u said you left australia and s.america alone but s.america would be ideal.
      I'm indifferent to where the Aztecs start, but either way for gameplay reasons the path between North & South America should not be blocked with 100% jungle. I believe I opened up a space or 2 with grasslands so the AI would more likely gradually build cities down that way (a wall of jungle prevents that).
      Last edited by Pyrodrew; November 17, 2001, 20:46.


      • #78

        Good map nice job
        John Plavchan


        • #79
          Ahh, more corrections! heh.

          The oil spot in the south of Alaska shouldn't be there. There is some offshore oil in southern Alaska, but not enough to matter in a strategic sense, like the north slope production.
          Hmm, more about Alaska.....
          The Aleutian peninsula should go further (that peninsula that goes of to the southwest of the state) The island arc that goes off of that goes all the way to Kamchatka (the peninsula that points at Japan)
          There is a second chain of mountains in the north of alaska. Mostly qualify as hills.
          If I get around to it I'll rework Alaska and post it here. (Aaron is REALLY wishing they had glacier terrain)

          The southern shore of the Caspian sea should be forest or tropical forest. I've read it's the most fertile area of Iran. (ie, grassland should underlie it)

          Georgia, that is, the former soviet republic of georgia, should be forested. As should Chechnya, immediately to it's north. (The western half of the northern slope of the Caucausus mountains)
          The eastern half of that northern slope should fade into desert as it approaches the Caspian sea (I forget what you did, not looking at map at moment)

          The area between the Himalayas and Mongolia needs reworking. There's a continuous band of mountains that pretty much abuts the border of the old Soviet Union all the way to Mongolia. You have it as open desert.

          I don't see the Yangtse river in China. Should snake up all the way to Tibet through the Sichuan basin. I don't remember if you included the yellow river.

          The highest mountain in Cameroon is right on the coast, fading off into hills further inland.

          The arctic sea is NOT NAVIGABLE. Sure, nuclear submarines and icebreakers can do it, but this did quite a bit to isolate Russia. Archangelsk and Murmansk are at least seasonal ports, and I know in the middle of the summer they can get barges past point Barrow.....BUT
          to simulate this eastern Siberia and the Canadian islands should abut the top of the map. (I'm really wishing for glacier terrain again)(simulate sea ice)

          All for now, byebye!
          "Destiny triumphs over human endeavor and then goes MAD!!!"


          • #80
            Ohyeah, I remember now! There's something very screwy about the rivers. Not the placement, but...

            before I get engineering, there seem to be many spots where I can cross rivers without a movement penalty. Those same spots can't be directly irrigated, and don't get the river trade bonus. I started in the Roman spot, and found this common in the European rivers.

            I think the graphical representation of rivers does not directly correspond to the information in the squares; ie it'll paint a river next to squares that have "river adjacent" toggled. A road from one "river adjacent" square to another does not enhance movement before engineering. (finally, "river adjacent" squares can be irrigated directly, and get the river trade bonus)

            So just to be safe, you might want to try clicking on each side of all the rivers while having "river" selected in the pallate.
            all for now
            "Destiny triumphs over human endeavor and then goes MAD!!!"


            • #81
              First Save Game Editor.

              Ok, I have a very basic save game editor if any one wants it.

              So far you can edit the year and unit positions.

              At the moment i've no idea which unit belongs to which Civilization so change positions could be a nightmare.

              The best way to edit the positions is to start an earth map and then save it at the very start and then load the map up in the editor and load up the save game with my editor and change your positions using the positions in the map editor.

              I shall continue to look for which unit belongs to which Civ.

              And one thing I can't find is where the money value is stored!!!



              • #82
                Modified Alaska and a bit of the Yukon Territory.
                Placed gold close to actual historical positions (Fairbanks, Nome, and Yukon)
                Added the Brooks Range, the Tannana hills, changed the Alaska peninsula and the Aleutians. Added one fur resource, a whale for the Point Barrow Eskimos, and a game next to the oil
                (I've worked at Prudhoe Bay. You wouldn't believe how many caribou there are)

                As a lark I added a whale near the tip of Baja California (I know there are lots of gray whales that migrate by there)

                Northern British Columbia, the rest of the Yukon Territory, and the adjacent part of the NW Territories also need work, but I don't have maps of them with me to use. (unlike Alaska, I did have a map to look from)

                OMFG!!! What in God's name were they thinking when they decided you can't have plains squares adjacent to tundra squares!!! Really, there are parts of Alaska that are "moderately fertile" that would qualify as plains, but NOoooo.

                Detail: Every time I would attempt to place a plains square adjacent to a tundra square, all the adjacent tundra would turn into grassland. Every time I tried to put tundra adjacent to a plains square, all the adjacent plains squares turned to grassland. GRRRR!!

                And ignore my previous postulation about how rivers work. I don't understand and truly dislike how they implemented them. I gave up and just put the Yukon River so it'll appear where it oughta be.

                All for now.
                "Destiny triumphs over human endeavor and then goes MAD!!!"


                • #83
                  WOW! you guys are doing a great job! I first downloaded the file when it came out. It wasn't very good at all a 2 out of 5 tops, so I put it off and decided that I would play the CIV 2 map until a better one came out, well I'm certian that this map is much better a 5 out of 5 and getting better everyday. there were somethings I would like to point out for you to consider

                  1. For the stratigic and luxurie resources the max of anyone you should have is 16, since this is the max number ov civs you can have. If anything you should have a few less to make things interesting, from 12 to 15.

                  2. Babylon's starting position is to low, the city of babylon historicaly was located near modern day Bagdad in Iraq, your map has it to far south.

                  3. No horses in North America. There were no horses in north america untill the spainiard imported them in the 1500's.

                  4. No oil in texas. There may be oil there but its not enough to be significant.

                  5. More oil in N Africa I know that Libia's major export is oil, much more than Texas could ever produce.

                  6. Germany needs coal, the 2nd largest machine ever built was a huge strip mining machine built in germany in order to expliot their huge coal deposites.

                  7 either the black sea is too large or the caspian is too small I can't tell which, im leanning towards the caspian being to small

                  8. I don't think that there is anything that we can do about this but what was firaxis thinking when they dicided you couldnt move diagnally on water between two land masses this makes it impossable to get into the black sea, this sucks, hopefully they will patch it.

                  Keep up the good work, you've done a great job
                  "How can you shoot women and children?"
                  "Easy! You just don't lead 'em as much!
                  Ain't war hell?"
                  - Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket


                  • #84
                    Civ3 Save Game Editor v1.0

                    I posted a Save Game Editor over in Creation, since I couldn't start a thread here.

                    The Editor can change start positions of units and it tells you which civ they belong to.

                    You can even change barbarian positions!!!
                    You can also change the year of the save game.

                    If you want to post any comments then please do so where I've posted the editor.



                    • #85
                      For whatever reason my modification didn't post. Trying again.
                      Attached Files
                      "Destiny triumphs over human endeavor and then goes MAD!!!"


                      • #86
                        I haven't got the game, nor have any idea what you've been putting on the map in terms of resources, but hopefully these help:
                        Attached Files


                        • #87
                          And this. I know the resources aren't in the exact spots but hopefully the labels will help.
                          Attached Files


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by AlmightyBob
                            1. For the stratigic and luxurie resources the max of anyone you should have is 16, since this is the max number ov civs you can have. If anything you should have a few less to make things interesting, from 12 to 15.
                            I agree with this for luxury resources, but I disagree with this for strategic resources particularly because this is a huge map. No player will have access to all areas of the map (thus all 8-25 resources) or all 16 Civs until near the end of the game where oil & uranium (which are about 8-12) are important. Early on strategic resources (Iron & Horses) should be VERY plentiful in Europe because of all those Civs packed in together so close there, otherwise Europe will turn into an early bloodbath killing off too many too early. Let the tension build & alliances form... then when newer resources become more rare let the fights break out. If you notice there isn't much saltpeter in Europe & thus it will make the discovery of gunpowder as critical & climatic as it should be. And when resources are clumped together it limits the "every Civ gets 1" potential as well. Why give you iron & saltpeter when I can kill you & take your cities instead?! And BOTH Australia & SouthAmerica don't even have Civs starting in them thus the resources of the other continents will be fought over 1st instead.
                            Last edited by Pyrodrew; November 19, 2001, 06:07.


                            • #89
                              Ok, map update.
                              Changed some stuff as sugested here.
                              Also removed a few resources from Europe, I think if every european (or at least some of them) have extra iron and coal for instances, then they would all be able to trade it, flooding the market or something, hehe.
                              But if you disagree, go ahead and add them back.

                              Is there really an oilfield in Greenland?

                              Now, I believe nicbeam is going to update Africa tomorrow
                              Attached Files
                              Alexandre Madeira
                              I create worlds. :)


                              • #90
                                Man, I go away for a weekend and my map goes from 2.01 to 3.4 . It's great that we've gotten so many people working on this thing together. I unfortunately am still away from home and my Civ3 editor, but when I get back I'm going to review the changes, use that new Saved Game editor to get real starting spaces, and update the post on the top of the page. Playtesting and balance will be key in the next stage of developing this map. Given the conflict between gameplay and historical accuracy, I want to come down mostly on the side of gameplay, and it will take us a while to figure out exactly what is best for that.

                                Anyway, great work everybody and I'm thrilled that this map has improved so much...


