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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • I have now uploaded version 6.0. It contains many significant changes, some of which are likely to be somewhat unpopular but I think add to the gameplay and accuracy of the map.

    First, resources have been greatly reduced, everywhere. The total number of resources are now as follows:

    Horses 16
    Iron 18
    Coal 16
    Aluminum 17
    Salpeter 17
    Rubber 17
    Oil 17
    Uranium 12
    Gems 17
    Fur 14
    Wine 12
    Dye 13
    Incense 11
    Spices 12
    Ivory 12
    Silk 12

    There are several goals in these numbers. First, the world cannot sustain too many nuclear powers, and virtually none who are not colonial powers; I think this is significant. Second, luxeries are just that, luxeries. There is no way every civ can have every luxery and it will probably be a dramatic challenge for any civ to get more than 3 or so luxery items. Further, no civ has easy access to every strategic resource, so no civ will be able to easily progress without paying through trade or conquest.

    Second, three civs have changed their starting places:

    - China has again been moved to the old capital of Nanking, to -give Japan a chance at Korea and Manchuria,
    - Babylon has been moved to the coast of the Persian Gulf, in part because
    - Persia has been moved away from Tehran, and to the ancient capital of Persepolis. Two things I've been most unsatisfied about is the inadequacy of Persia and Greece and the overwhelming advantage of India. This move resonds to all three concerns. To the former, Persia is now actually in Iran, as opposed to a Central Asian civilization centered on the Caspian. Now, Persia begins very close to the Persian Gulf, preventing India from easily expanding past the Kush and allowing Greece a major advantage in moving into Asia Minor. The only downside is that Persia and Babylon start *very* close together. But I guess that's why they call it the cradle of civilization.

    Third, the agriculture in China and Russia has been reduced, especially the area east of Moscow.

    Fourth, and perhaps most contraversially, I have made several rule changes in the hopes of making England and Japan more competitive:

    - Japan, while still militaristic / religious now begins with the same advances as England (Alphabet and Pottery) instead of Ceremonial Burial and the Wheel. Obviously, this only applies if you use the correct starting spaces. And, in a related move
    - the requirements for Mapmaking have been reduced to the earlier requirements of Civ II -- Alphabet and Pottery. IMO, this requirement is too strict to account for civs with as small a starting space as England or Japan.

    Finally, I've included an updated .c3b file. This program seems to work very well, I highly recommend it.



    • interesting changes.
      Some of Kaptn's changes were lost ... in particular the Rocky mountains change. I will make a 6.1 with the resource placement and the rocky mountains change. ( Rivers and that was done alot better in 5.8 regarding USA than 5.7 which you obviously updated from).


      • Okay I have updated the 6.0 with the changes in 5.8 regarding the rocky mountains placement and rivers around there.

        Noteworthy stuff that has been changed includes creating the massif centrale in France, the Indus valley, remodification of Finland, Mexico and Denmark.

        Small resource placement changes have also been done. Adding oil fx to Mexico. Here is a list of the strategic and luxury resource placement :

        EU is the area from GB to Ural mountains to Caucasus to Bospurus. North America is including Mexico and American Isles. Middleeast is from turkey to Suez, including central Asia and India. Asia is Japan and China and Eastern Russia, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. Pacific is Australia and the Islands around there. South America is South America.


        NA = North America, EU = Europe, ME = Middleeast, AFR = Africa, AS = Asia, PAC = Pacific, SA = South America, SEA = South East Asia

        3 - NA
        8 - EU
        5 - ME
        2 - AS

        2 - NA
        1 - SA
        8 - EU
        1 - AFR
        2 - ME
        3 - AS
        1 - PAC

        2 - NA
        8 - EU
        1 - AFR
        2 - ME
        3 - AS
        1 - PAC

        3 - NA
        3 - SA
        4 - EU
        2 - AFR
        2 - ME
        3 - PAC

        2 - NA
        2 - SA
        5 - EU
        1 - AFR
        4 - ME
        3 - AS

        1 - NA
        3 - SA
        2 - AFR
        3 - AS
        8 - PAC

        3 - NA
        1 - SA
        2 - EU
        2 - AFR
        7 - ME
        1 - AS
        3 - PAC

        4 - NA
        1 - SA
        1 - EU
        3 - AFR
        2 - AS
        3 - PAC

        5 - SA
        7 - AFR
        1 - ME
        1 - AS
        1 - PAC

        3 - NA
        6 - SA
        2 - AFR
        2 - AS

        3 - NA
        2 - SA
        2 - AFR
        5 - ME

        2 - AFR
        6 - ME
        4 - AS

        5 - ME
        1 - AS
        7 - PAC

        9 - AFR
        3 - ME

        10 - AS
        2 - PAC

        7 - NA
        1 - SA
        4 - AFR
        3 - PAC

        I also added some barbarian huts around to balance things up, so that you would spend more time killing them in others.
        1 - EU
        2 - AS

        Starting location for Babylonians moved more north. Starting position for Indians moved more east and north. Starting position for China moved more south and west. Start position for Iroqius moved more west.
        Last edited by warlon; December 13, 2001, 19:09.


        • Babbylon: I first started with them and I lost... Barbarians were a pain and then the Persian. Maybe they live a little to close?

          England: Is the map marking not faster researched? Didn't noticed... I may say it takes longer...

          but the rest..
          nice job


          • Exhausted resources


            One thing you maybe haven't thought of is that resources sometimes are exhausted (anyone who has noticed that except me?) - they just stop existing. I just found some iron walking around in the world, built some Swordsmen, and then it just vanished with a text "This resource of Iron is exhausted." Therefore it is not appropriate with 16-20 resources of each kind. It should be much more, perhaps the double.
            "Peace can not be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding"
            Albert Einstein


            • I understand that old resources can die out, but there is I believe an equal (?) chance of finding a new resource as the game goes on. Anyway, even if the number drops well below 16, that's all the better in my mind. A world in which every civ can have every resource is a world without conflict.



              • More of a Relocation

                Whenever a resource is exhausted somewhere it reappears somewhere else on the map. This is true for custom maps & randomly generated maps.


                • Looks good guys!

                  I just changed one thing, removed one horse from Spain and moved it to Britain. If there are no horses there, the English wont be able to build horse units for a bunch of time, either until they colonize somewhere with horses, or they establish sea trade.

                  Also, a couple of rivers didnt look very good, they made a loop instead of connecting to the sea.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Alexandre Madeira; December 8, 2001, 12:13.
                  Alexandre Madeira
                  I create worlds. :)


                  • YIKES what did you do with all the fishies around Alexandre???

                    Why delete all the fish? Fish aroudn was a natural plentiful resource that many civillizations depended on.

                    On another case: Perhaps we should soon get the FINAL version? And after that what about submitting this map to Firaxis to have them have it as official World Map? Seeing on this map and the other World maps we have on this Forum it is an easy conclusion to come to that the other maps do not offer either the same realism or gameplay balance as this map does. So when shall we start promoting?

                    In any case lets get the fish back in, and for that matter put our heads together to see if any more change needs to be don


                    • Huh? I didnt touch any fish

                      And I agree, I think the map is ok for final, but there will probably allways be people who will give more sugestions all the time
                      Alexandre Madeira
                      I create worlds. :)


                      • Am I the only one who thinks there should be at least 1 iron near Rome's starting location? I know there's some near France and Germany, but in my games I've never seen the AI go for this one... As a result, I've never seen roman legions with this map :/


                        • Well, there's the iron in Northwest Italy, which I presumed would go to Rome but would also serve as some tension with France. Are you saying France is getting to that one first?

                          I updated 6.2 with two small corrections:

                          1) the creation of the canary islands was having a small unintended effect; the coastal spaces of the canaries and Haiti / DR were now close enough to be passed with a galley. Last time that happened, the computer AI was smart enough / badly programmed enough to cross the Atlantic and the new world was contacted before 500 BC. One of the 2 islands has been removed to make this impossible.

                          2) Fish were spead liberally throughout the world, because for whatever reason, 6.2 had no fishes.

                          Other than that, this is the same as 6.2

                          I would really like to come out with a definitive version to give to Firaxis and see if they'd use as the official world map. We're definately getting close to the point where we are so accurate, most of the suggested changes are opinions rather than improvements, and of course opinions can go on forever. ANyway, think they'd go for it?



                          • here it is
                            Attached Files


                            • Iron in South America

                              Sorry to jump into the thread late & nitpick, but the work looks FANTASTIC -- the ONLY iron found in South America is of meteoric origin, therefore is of minute quantities and probably should not be included unless for play balance purposes.


                              ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


                              • Play balance? Mmm....

                                Well as I see it, it can arrive that a civ doesn't even have some ressource. Like America that got a lot of warrior and archers battles but never saw a horse before colonization. You have to make with it, not all parts of the world have equal advantages in all aspects; they all have strenght and weaknesses. Some more weaknesses I also.
                                Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

