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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

    Version 6.0 now ready -- much lower on resources, other improvements

    Here it is, after a lot of hard work, my response to the very unsatisfying World Map that came with Civilization III. It is, I hope, a dramatic improvement. Some of the things changed:

    - Japan is now in East Asia, as opposed to South East Asia, and is now four islands rather than two.
    - Hawaii and Alaska have been greatly reduced in size.
    - New Zealand exists, as does Taiwan.
    - The Arabian pennisula is now well defined.
    - Europe is far larger, with room for several major powers, and is also much better defined. Italy is no longer the flaccid penis of Europe, but a well defined boot. Ireland is more than three forest squares criptically misplaced due North of England. France and Spain don't suck quite so much. Greece has it's own presence and is not connected to Asia Minor. The Mediteranean now has islands; Sicily, Corsica, Crete, Sardina.
    - The Milddle East is completely reworked.
    -South Africa, which before was a bizarrely sharpened edge to the contininent, is now appropriately round.
    - Mexico and Central America have been redone; the Carribean is now more or less accurate.
    - North America is larger and more, well, interesting. The Rockies no longer extend to the Pacific Coast, so that western cities such as LA, Seattle and the Bay area are possible. The Northeast is both large enough and resource-filled enough to allow for several major cities. Florida is no longer quite as hideously ugly, I even sort of have a Okechobe eye in Florida.
    - South East Asia, likewise, is better defined, and the archipeligo of Indonesia is much better off.
    - North Africa (above the Sahara) is now habitable land
    - all the starting locations are accurate. That is not to say that the right civilization will be in the right place, but the sixteen starting places reflect the sixteen civilizations (this was not possible in the earlier map in which England, Italy and Japan barely existed). No Civilizations will start in Australia, for example, or South America. This creates a contrast between areas that will logically have major civilizations and areas that probably will go through most of the game without being controlled, simply because nobody is near them. As a result, a colonial period seems logical, if the game plays out the way I suspect it will, particularly in Indonesia, South America, and Australia.
    - Many of the strategic resources have been rearranged to encourage colonialism (for example, most of the spice and rubber is away from any major civilization, so that overseas colonies are a necessity). Almost all the oil outside the middle east has been removed, to force the importance of that area. Also, many goods suchs as wheat or cattle have been arranged not in an attempt to make the map geographically accurate, but rather to encourage large historically accurate cities in major city areas such as New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, etc.
    -Large numbers of barbarian villages have been placed in areas where famous or particularly devastating invading hordes came from, such as Mongolia and Central Asia. All worthwhile potential colonial possessions (such as Indonesia) now have a barbarian village to represent the indigenous population of those areas.

    To do this, I had to do some somewhat geographically unrealistic things. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are both considerably smaller than they once were (although neither is big enough to cross without an oceanworthy vessel, except at the Bering Straight, which is all that matters gameplay-wise). Europe and North Africa has probably been elongated in order to allow civ games to be historically accurate (if not literally geographically accurate). Furthermore, Central Asia has been sort of squashed between the dramatically rebuilt continents of Europe and Asia.

    Likewise, because of other elements of gameplay or just design flaws, there are a few other mistakes I know of. Japan is positioned correctly relative to Korea, but is now incorrect relative to the United States -- it's too far North, and the prospect of moving all of Eurasia south was just too much to bother with that mistake. Australia is now directly South of Papua New Guinea, as opposed to Southeast, and New Zealand is a tad confusing -- it's on the other side of the map from Australia. The Iriquois starting space is farther west than it should be, but their real starting space is too close to Washington DC in my mind.

    But also, a lot of the issues beyond coastline, for example, where jungles, forests and grasslands should be on the map I was quite unsure of, especially in India, sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and Australia. So those of you who know more about those areas, your input would be greatly appreciated. Still, I hope you'll find this to be what I've designed it to be: the map most conducive to a historically accurate game of Civilization.

    I'm really hoping to get some feedback from others on this map, to see how well it plays and how accurate these things are. So send me a line to give me your thoughts to Thanks a lot, and enjoy the map.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by satyajedi; December 11, 2001, 16:01.

  • #2
    good work (at least judging from your post)! Can't wait to try it out later this week... But I can't seem to download it. vBulleting tells me it can't find the file, yet it's been downloaded 21 times???


    • #3
      I hope you left at least one oil resource in Texas/U.S. midwest and in the Arctic north. last I checked a large portion (although not the majority) of the oil the US uses comes from, or has come from, these areas.

      Also, with the way the AI expands I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have both South America and Australia colonized before 1 AD. heh


      • #4
        I guess it was a problem with my browser... got it now


        • #5
          World Map Issues

          Looks good, but I did spot some problems...

          No Oil at all in Texas, hardly any in Alaska... what's up with that?

          One horse for almost all of Europe??? Are you insane? No Spanish Horses, and France, Italy, Germany, England all have to fight over one stupid horse?

          No game in England... what ever happened to "the King's Deer?".

          England should have more coal, less iron... Germany should have more iron...

          Somebody has bought into the "Baywatch/California" myth.... I've lived in California... I've driven though the entire southwest... most of which is one big irrigated desert... plains at best, and yes, that includes San Diego, L.A. and Beverly Hills... if you've ever been out west, IT AIN'T GRASSLAND OUT THERE!!!!

          P.S. Where are the California Whales?
          Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


          • #6
            OOoook, you've got a really weird picture of Scandinavia... Your map would probably describe Scandinavia about right after the iceage, when we still had tundra landscape. Sorry to say, but that was about 10000 years ago (NOT 6000)...
            Despite that, your map of mainland Europe and England was a lot better than the original. I hope someone will take the time to improve upon the rest of the world map...


            • #7
              Thanks guysm this is the kind of criticism I'm looking for, especially from natives, and I'll post a ner version that incorporates that soon.

              In LA, I'll add the whales but should I go for plains instead of grassland? I don't want to go for desert and make the area uninhabitable. What do you think?


              • #8
                wow what happened to canada. Sure it's cold up there, but it's not so narrow!

                You forgot the great prains (between the great lakes and rockies), nova scotia, newfoundland (both in the atlantic, it's near maine!) and the great st laurent! not to forget all bauxite and iron found in quebec..

                And the west coast of North America!!!! 3 tiles of grassland?? just a bit too much. Big cities on the west coast are in valleys, not in lush rolling grassy plains. Because of that your rockies are way out of proportion.

                Greenland isn't so green btw, and I guess iceland is abstracted

                good job with europe and the rest of the world, but whats up with all that oil in the north parts of the map? Sure there is some, but you should keep the emphasis on the important oil production places, like in the middle east (where you added a little too much towards the north of the middle east)

                So much tundra though. Hopefully the AI won't mass colonize all of that cold space.

                Good job! Now can you make a smaller map?


                • #9
                  fast look-thru

                  If you're placing a higher emphasis on historical reality than geographical reality, then horses have to be eliminated from the New World. If horses are used to symbolize any large pack animals, then they could be moved to the Andes and just overlooked as being weird-looking llamas.

                  California IS way too green in this. Anything south of those fish (who seem to be roun San Fran) should be plains, with maybe a hill dropped in around the San Gabriels. And whale would be a neat touch just off Fran, but would also be good off Alaska.
                  "Magnificant bird, isn't it? Beautiful plumage."


                  • #10
                    Another major source of oil will be southeast asia, in the Malaysia region. . .
                    "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                    Drake Tungsten
                    "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                    Albert Speer


                    • #11
                      Hey, I don't have Civ3 and can't view the map, but it would be nice if someone here could post a screenshot of it here on this thread for all to see. I can't wait to see it myself! Thanx.


                      • #12
                        Historic Locations

                        Does any one know how to actually start in the correct historic loacations, I would like to start as the English but, but my starting loaction is never correct.



                        • #13

                          Above link goes into detail about the strategic resources for each region.

                          Sum up what each person has mentioned:

                          North America - no Horses
                          South America - no Horses
                          Texas - Oil
                          Alaska - Oil
                          California - Whales, Plains (-Grasslands)
                          Between GreatLakes & Rockies - Plains
                          Quebec - Aluminum & Iron
                          Germany - Iron & Horses
                          Italy - Horses
                          France - Horses
                          Spain - Horses
                          England - Coal, Game & Horses
                          Scandinavia - Grasslands, Hills, & Mountains (-Tundra)
                          Canada - too narrow?
                          Greenland - should be 90% tundra (perhaps some snow mountains); 10% hills & grasslands in the southern part)
                          MiddleEast - Move oil from northern MiddleEast to southern MiddleEast
                          Malaysia - Oil

                          I would like to add:

                          EasternAsia - I believe there were Horses there too.
                          Spain - +Iron & maybe +Saltpeter (Rock Salt & Sepiolitic Salts are there). From my information - Spain has "some of the most mineralized territory in Western Europe.")
                          Germany - +Iron... they definitely have Iron.
                          France - +Uranium & +Coal (1 Aluminum tile could go there too). The French are far more known for their wine then Italy or Spain.
                          Greece - +Aluminum ("Aluminum was produced from domestic sources of bauxite and alumina and was important in the domestically integrated metal's sector.")
                          Egypt - SaltPeter you have, need to add +Iron.
                          Russia - A few more +Aluminum & +Oil couldn't hurt
                          China - +Aluminum
                          India - Most of it's resources are in the South part (these primarily include: +Aluminum, +Coal & +Iron ("India is a major minerals producer, ranking among the world's leading producers of bauxite, bituminous coal, iron ore, and zinc.")
                          Ukraine - +Iron
                          Turkey - +Aluminum
                          Poland - maybe +Saltpeter (Poland "was among the leading European and Central Eurasian producers of lime, nitrogen (in ammonia) and salt.")
                          Australia - +Aluminum, +Uranium, +Iron ("Australia was the world's leading producer of alumina, bauxite, diamond, ilmenite, lead, monazite, opal, rutile, sapphire, and zircon"..."the fourth largest producer of cobalt, iron ore, and uranium")

                          Footnote: Remember placing Iron & Coal next to each other will allow a player to create the highly desired "Ironworks" building.
                          Last edited by Pyrodrew; November 12, 2001, 16:54.


                          • #14
                            Ok, I took the liberty of continuing satyajedi's work
                            Sorry if you're working on the same thing at the same time

                            I changed some stuff as you guys sugested, and also made some modifications to certain areas:

                            The Iberic Peninsula, hey, where I come from
                            Great Britain
                            Egypt (changed to plains near the river so the Egyptians have a chance)
                            Middle East
                            Japan and Kamchatka
                            Greenland and Iceland

                            And some other smal changes.
                            Check it out!

                            I changed the version to 1.1, but satyajedi is free to do as he pleases
                            Attached Files
                            Alexandre Madeira
                            I create worlds. :)


                            • #15
                              Nice work on the maps. I tested the new huge map ver 1.0 and liked it a lot. Thanks!
                              Every experience is a moving force.

