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A good WWII scenario, finally!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Alexander01

    I'm wondering, why can't the Russians give back their part (Heaven know they've got enough land) and give Prussia back to Germany?

    Won't happen, man.


    • #47
      Why do you guys keep putting India as a seperate civ in a WW2 scenario? It was a British colony at that time, right?
      Maybe they had some sort of home rule? Please explain


      • #48
        The threat of revolt was constantly around. In the 1st WW, India exported hundreds of thousands of troops to French trenches, but in the 2nd WW it couldn't (or wouldn't) even protect its own borders against the Japanese. British Asia had to be defended with British troops.

        If the Indians are included as part of the UK (as I suppose they should be), then there has to be a great deal of effort put into assuring that India won't be able to provide the British war effort with masses of troops.
        12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
        Stadtluft Macht Frei
        Killing it is the new killing it
        Ultima Ratio Regum


        • #49
          Originally posted by Jer8m8
          Just a random comment, don't make Brazil neutral. They were an ally and played some part in the war
          Another side note: I think that many of the countries that many people have lumped into the "neutral" category, were far from it. Argentina for example shouldn't really be lumped in with the rest of Latin America during WWII. (If anything they should probably be lumped in with the British Empire) On the other hand it's not realistic for you to create individual nations for countires who weren't "key players" in the war.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Alexander01
            I know it was wrong for Hitler to invade in '39, but Poland still had German territory even then - Danzig, Pomeravia, Posen, Silesia and so on.
            You have forgotten Warschau, Krakau und Auschwitz
            Sierotek Maryœ


            • #51
              Alexander01: you should find a better textbook. Where did you study, in some kind of Nazi school?

              To all using names like Posen, Krakau, Warschau: WE USE ENGLISH HERE, OK??!!! You want use these names, find yourself a German or Nazi sort of forum, if it suits you. Please use Poznan, Cracow, Warsaw, etc.

              To all Germans: above comments are not general, and I do not intend to offend any of Germans here.

              BTW I've got lots of friends in your country.


              • #52
                To Staszek:

                For one thing, "Poznan" isn't English. Polish. Also, I only knew it by its German name, "Posen." And I wasn't the one using Warschau and Krakau, try Lepperson.

                Be careful before you go slinging the term "Nazi" at any German who happens to cross your path. It is a very serious and cruel thing to say to a person.

                In regards to my schooling, it was very moderate, and AMERICAN.

                I'm all for having a decent Poland, I just don't see why Russia got to keep its half, while German lost even more territory to them.

                To Bogi:

                Sorry to burst your bubble, but Silesia was at one point part of Germany. In the 18th Century, Prussian King Frederick the Great annexed it from Austria. It was then present in German territory until after the First World War, when it was divided. Germany once again controlled during the dreadful Second World War, but afterwards it was lost to Germany again.

                To whom it may concern:

                If you guys want to go back as early as the 900s-1100s to prove the right of the Poles, I could just go back to the 200s BC, when Germanic tribes filtered into Europe from central Asia.

                I could say that since the Germanic tribes hit Europe before the Slavs, that it should all be theirs. But I won't. I for one think we can all coexist peacefully. I mean no harm to anyone, I only ask questions.

                If we go back to distant ages past to prove points, everything only gets muddled. By this rationale, Europe should belong to Celts, Etruscans and Greeks.
                The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
                "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
                "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
                The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Alexander01
                  To Staszek:

                  To whom it may concern:

                  If you guys want to go back as early as the 900s-1100s to prove the right of the Poles, I could just go back to the 200s BC, when Germanic tribes filtered into Europe from central Asia.

                  Yes and they were all Blue Eyed and had Blond Hair.They came from Tibet too.Sieg heil Alaxander

                  How would you like me to start calling the capital of germany brenen(acient slavic name)

                  In regards to Selisla(slask)
                  Taken form Britannica Encyclopedia

                  Polish Slask , Czech Slezsko , German Schlesien historic region that is now in southwestern Poland. Silesia was originally a Polish province that became a possession of the Bohemian crown in 1335, passed with that crown to the Austrian Habsburgs in 1526, was taken by Prussia in 1742, and was returned to Poland in 1945. Silesia consists largely of the basin of the upper and middle Odra River, which flows from southeast to northwest
                  Last edited by bogi; October 15, 2001, 10:26.


                  • #54
                    I would appreciate it if you would refrain from using Hitler's stupid catch phrase in my thread. Just because a person is German does not mean they're an evil fascist.

                    No if you all don't mind, this thread has gone WAY off topic, so lets get back on.
                    The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
                    "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
                    "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
                    The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


                    • #55
                      World War II- Europe
                      Start: May 1940 (Not sure of date, but Germany's first turn should be to attack Norway)


                      Germany (Germany) Leader- Adolf Hitler
                      United Kingdom (England) Leader- Winston Churchill
                      United States of America (Americans) Leader- Franklin Roosevelt
                      France (French) Leader- Petain
                      Soviet Union (Russia) Leader- Josef Stalin
                      Italy (Romans) Leader-Benitto Mussulini (sp?)
                      Turks (Babylonians) Leader- (same as civ2 leader some weird name)
                      Norway (Iroquois) Leader- (don't know)
                      Finland (Greeks) Leader- Ahtisaari
                      Belgium (Zulus) Leader- King Leopold II? III?
                      The Netherlands (Indians) Leader- King ...
                      Yugoslavia (Aztecs) Leader- (dont' know)
                      Sweden (Japanes) Leader - King ...
                      Spain (Chinese) Leader- Franco
                      Portugal (Egyptians) Leader- (don't know)
                      Switzerland (Persians) Leader- (don't know)

                      The map would be structured a lot like the civs map with a few changes

                      The USSR will stop at the Urals. The extra map would then be map into Eastern USA so the Americans can be a strong force with a few cities.

                      If the maps will be 250x250, there will be plenty of space for those little countries.

                      There should be more strategic islands. Therefore, I included Portugal, since they own the Azores, and both sides will want to get a piece of it. It also adds pressure to the Spanish because if one country joins the war, the whole Iberian peninsula will be engulfed.

                      Sweden should have lots of Iron/ Ore in its area as with Norway. Norway should also have oil offshore in the water (if that exists in Civ3)

                      The USA starts at peace with Germany and the UK. The US player can then do whatever he/she wants.
                      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                      • #56
                        Units in Allied Cities and squares

                        If Civ3 started on the base of AC, then I can't believe if they went around and didn't allow one to move units into squares occupied with allied units and cities. Yes thats right, thats the best feature in AC. This would lend itself beautifully to WW2 scenarios! And if we start at the blitz, we can have the British expeditionary forces in France without actually belong to France but able to defend French cities. And the US can send units to Britain and build up and we can do all sorts of cool stuff! Anyway, thats my two cents
                        Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                        -The Artist Within-


                        • #57
                          Re: Units in Allied Cities and squares

                          Originally posted by JMarks
                          This would lend itself beautifully to WW2 scenarios! And if we start at the blitz, we can have the British expeditionary forces in France without actually belong to France but able to defend French cities.
                          I like the idea. It would also lend itself to a liberation idea.

                          On a technical note, "the Blitz" usually refers to the raids on London in the Autumn/Winter of 1940. It occurred after the Battle of Britain and about 5-7 months after the collapse of France.
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
                            World War II- Europe
                            Start: May 1940 (Not sure of date, but Germany's first turn should be to attack Norway)


                            Germany (Germany) Leader- Adolf Hitler
                            United Kingdom (England) Leader- Winston Churchill
                            United States of America (Americans) Leader- Franklin Roosevelt
                            France (French) Leader- Petain
                            Soviet Union (Russia) Leader- Josef Stalin
                            Italy (Romans) Leader-Benitto Mussulini (sp?)
                            Norway (Iroquois) Leader- (don't know)
                            Finland (Greeks) Leader- Ahtisaari
                            Yugoslavia (Aztecs) Leader- (dont' know)
                            Spain (Chinese) Leader- Franco
                            Switzerland (Persians) Leader- (don't know)
                            This is what I foun so far:

                            Turks (Babylonians) Leader- Ismet Pasha Inönü
                            Sweden (Japanes) Leader - King Gustav V
                            Belgium (Zulus) Leader- King Leopold III
                            The Netherlands (Indians) Leader- Queen Wilhelmina
                            Portugal (Egyptians) Leader- Salazar
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
                              World War II- Europe
                              Start: May 1940 (Not sure of date, but Germany's first turn should be to attack Norway)
                              The Germans attacked Denmark and Norway on the morning of April 9 1940.

                              Sweden should have lots of Iron/ Ore in its area as with Norway. Norway should also have oil offshore in the water (if that exists in Civ3)
                              Norway didn't have much iron, but in winter iron from Sweden was shipped from the ice-free port of Narvik, Norway. The North Sea oil wasn't exploited until the late 1960s IIRC.


                              • #60
                                Re: Re: Units in Allied Cities and squares

                                Originally posted by Big Crunch
                                On a technical note, "the Blitz" usually refers to the raids on London in the Autumn/Winter of 1940. It occurred after the Battle of Britain and about 5-7 months after the collapse of France.
                                "Blitzkrieg" can refer to all of Hitler's major surprise engagements (Poland, France, Russia, etc.), though the "Blitz" is usually reserved for the bombing raids on London.
                                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                                Killing it is the new killing it
                                Ultima Ratio Regum

