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War of the Ring - beta

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  • Originally posted by Catfish View Post
    Updates in the 'official' version will address major imbalances, exploits and bugs, ie, it will be a maintenance release.
    Fine. It will be for my own pleasure then . Could you please help me (just with some answers) so I can finish it for myself? I've wasted a bit of time implementing it as it is and I'm only a few steps away from finish. I don't like to leave things unfinished either and I'm not about to quit.

    I thought about it and it doesn't sound realistic and it might be dangerous denying Frodo access to Bree (and Rivendell) prior to the Barrowdowns. Besides the player wouldn't know why that happened. I was pondering an alternative event sequence alltogether for the two triggers. That's why I need a free flag to turn on (continuous). Since flag 15 will eventually be turned off (not much problem since it will be a long time before that but anyway), I was wondering if, say flag 7 is free for Rohan for example (it's the flag you used when Boromir was killed but I guess it has no impact on allies).

    Edit: I stand corrected, just tested it and it seems it counts as one point towards Mordor's mobilization. How is that? Doesn't the mask check the status of flags only for Mordor whereas I've set it for Rohan ? Anyway I think flag 21 (the one you are using for Lorien, the Elven Catapults after the Ring is destroyed and Denethor's despair) would do if I turn it off after Rivendell?

    Also, I'd like to ask you what program did you use to save the (compressed) avi files? It's a great way to replace txt messages.
    Last edited by the Monarch; July 27, 2010, 04:58.


    • Originally posted by the Monarch View Post
      Fine. It will be for my own pleasure then .
      Yep, and you knew that before you posted it. There's nothing to stop anyone else from testing it, but it just won't be me.

      Originally posted by the Monarch View Post
      I was wondering if, say flag 7 is free for Rohan for example (it's the flag you used when Boromir was killed but I guess it has no impact on allies).
      Flags 0-13 are all checked against the Everybody wildcard right up until Mordor mobilises, so they're all off limits. Rohan flags 17-21 are free.

      Originally posted by the Monarch View Post
      Also, I'd like to ask you what program did you use to save the (compressed) avi files?
      VirtualDub. Utility software used to help create the scenario is listed in the Readme file.
      Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


      • Originally posted by Catfish View Post
        Yep, and you knew that before you posted it. There's nothing to stop anyone else from testing it, but it just won't be me.
        . That's what I was offering myself to do: test it. For what it's worth, there are no changes to gameplay except the Barrow Downs (actually that's what I'm testing it for here so it runs smoothly with these changes and so it blends in with the original).

        Originally posted by Catfish View Post
        VirtualDub. Utility software used to help create the scenario is listed in the Readme file.
        Thnx. One more question, forgive my inquisitiveness, what extra flag would you consider placing as the third for the High Pass event? Would it be no 23 for Mordor? I wouldn't want to mess up with precisely that flag.


        • Originally posted by the Monarch View Post
          One more question, forgive my inquisitiveness, what extra flag would you consider placing as the third for the High Pass event? Would it be no 23 for Mordor? I wouldn't want to mess up with precisely that flag.
          Flag 23 is also checked against the Everybody wildcard - when Frodo is captured by Isengard. Mordor flags 24 and 25 are good: Gondor flags 24 and 25 are switched on and off later in the game (the latter nullifying the continuous modifier), but only after Mordor mobilises.
          Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


          • Just started to replay this scenario and nothing happens when Gandalf destroys the event thingy in Moria, thus noones able to enter Moria. I updated the scen just before I started the replay, and I really don't want to replay all the turns up to entering Moria

            Edit: Just replayed two turns and saved just before I'm about to destroy the event trigger in Moria.
            Last edited by Arthedain; September 10, 2010, 03:10.
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • That's a new one. Can you attach the saved game?

              You should probably wait until I patch the scenario. There's a whole slew of changes following The Monarch's thorough play-testing account. The changes were implemented over a month ago, but I was too unmotivated to test them. I reinstalled ToT only a few days ago, so I'll see what I can do about posting an update.
              Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


              • :hmm: I Guess I'll just wait for the new patch then. Seems much simplier
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • Gee, I can't remember my own scenario. I just looked at the events file. The only thing preventing the Fellowship from entering Moria is the trigger unit itself; it's an air unit. Once Gandalf clears it, everyone else can pass. Have you disabled the sound? That will prevent the AVI file from playing, but that's all.
                  Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


                  • I have no sound effects. Is there supposed to be a text message when killing the trigger unit? Cause there wasnt. When the felloship units standed on the "stair" to Moria they couldn't change map
                    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                    It can only be achieved by understanding"


                    • Well waddaya know, now it works!
                      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                      It can only be achieved by understanding"


                      • Originally posted by Arthedain View Post
                        I have no sound effects. Is there supposed to be a text message when killing the trigger unit? Cause there wasnt.
                        Yep. If you disable sounds within ToT, it also disables AVI. That's mentioned in the Installation section of the Readme file. I can't do anything about that. It's lazy design on the part of the developers.

                        Originally posted by Arthedain View Post
                        When the felloship units standed on the "stair" to Moria they couldn't change map
                        The stairs may have been blocked by wandering Mordor units. You will have to wait until the tile is clear. The chances of this happening will be reduced in the next version:
                        Originally posted by Catfish View Post
                        • Added blockers in Moria to reduce the chance of Mordor units blocking the stairs to the Lower Deeps and to confine the Balrog until the arrival of the Fellowship at Durin's Door.
                        Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


                        • Thanks for clearing it all up Catfish. I see I missed some parts in the readme, sorry for that. I will still wait for the next patch to play through it though
                          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                          It can only be achieved by understanding"


                          • Inspiring ...

                            Three years later ....
                            I just reinstalled Civ2 (MGE) .. it's been a few years since I played it. Went looking for mods/scenarios and found this thread ... this scenario looks so darned interesting that I ordered a copy of ToT, which I've never played before, from amazon.

                            Also found a boxed set with Civ3 complete AND Civ4 complete for $12 .. yeah, I've lagged behind in the gaming dept. for awhile LOL!

                            So, catfish .. you're responsible for inspiring me to get ToT AND Civ3 and Civ4 ....

                            I anticipate many sleepless nights (just .... one ... more ... turn ...!!) this fall and winter.


                            • Good choice Razz. There are many excellent Test of Time scenarios available. The more powerful events and other features allow designers to build truly challenging scenarios. Enjoy!
                              SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                              SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                              SL INFORMATION THREAD
                              CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                              • Finally got some time to play this .. had a hard drive meltdown and decided I'd had enough Windoze and set up a Linux system .. then decided i DID need Windoze for gameplay, so dual-booting ... so, just now got this loaded up ..

                                I absolutley could not get out of the Shire at the start of the game. No matter which route I chose, the Nazgul slaughtered me every time ... finally dropped difficulty level and still got slaughtered .. so went back to default and .. all my cities were in chaos from the start ... dropped down to troll level and finally got the hobbits to Bree ... raised the Shire and just made a lucky dash right down the road .. then sent Sam down to the barrows. After healing up Aragon from his heroic defense in Bree against the Nazgul, with some cover from the elves, I got everyone to Rivendell.

                                All went according to script (well, except for not finding the bridge and wandering around awhile in Moria) .. Gandalf was slain by the Balrog with Legolas avenging him. meanwhile, defenses are holding in the south except Belfalas where I've been absolutely pummeled by the Haradan(?) galleys. Lost a lot of spearmen before finally just abandoning defense there since they can't actually take the city. The Shire was brutalised .. lost Hobbiton and Bree, but retook both ...

                                Just divided the party after leaving Lothlorien .. Frodo and Sam are headed downstream in boats .. where a galley awaits them below the falls. Pippin, Merry, Gimli and Aragorn are headed for Fangorn. Boromir returned to Moria to try to escort the severely wounded (and 1 square-moving) Legolas to safety.

                                Everywhere else, I'm just holding the line ... lost a bunch of knights I sent off to help fight Isengard, lost a bunch of dwarves and archers south of the Iron Hills and retreated back to dale and the Lonely Mountain .... outside of the Shire, the enemy can't break through into my cities, but every time i try to mount any kind of offensive, my troops get slaughtered. So the greater war is a stalemate ... with Gandalf the White set to show up, the Ents soon to be awoken, and the Eagles winging south maybe I can finally make some progress, at least against isengard ...

                                But the most dangerous part of the journey now awaits Sam and Frodo ...

