Originally posted by Catfish
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I thought about it and it doesn't sound realistic and it might be dangerous denying Frodo access to Bree (and Rivendell) prior to the Barrowdowns. Besides the player wouldn't know why that happened. I was pondering an alternative event sequence alltogether for the two triggers. That's why I need a free flag to turn on (continuous). Since flag 15 will eventually be turned off (not much problem since it will be a long time before that but anyway), I was wondering if, say flag 7 is free for Rohan for example (it's the flag you used when Boromir was killed but I guess it has no impact on allies).
Edit: I stand corrected, just tested it and it seems it counts as one point towards Mordor's mobilization. How is that? Doesn't the mask check the status of flags only for Mordor whereas I've set it for Rohan

Also, I'd like to ask you what program did you use to save the (compressed) avi files? It's a great way to replace txt messages.