Mordor's mobilization
Having made several attempts to complete the quest, I've had argueably playable positions upset by the early mobilization of Mordor and it's allies. This soon overwhelms Gondor, leaving the completion of the quest virtually impossible and apparently futile. There's no time to complete the muster of Rohan, rouse the Ents, or pass the paths of the dead.
Returning to the Readme, I see that there's a trigger with a cumulative threshold, involving loss of members of the fellowship primarily, but also including killing of eye orcs on the main map.
Losing members of the Fellowship is almost inevitable, given the randomized threats which abound in the scenario. The Balrog, wolves along the way, etc. are unpredictable threats that require lots of luck as well as some skill to counter. Killing orcs is almost unavoidable if you want to mount any sort of active defense of the Anduin crossings, aside from adding to the fun.
Frodo and Aragorn are the only characters essential for victory, so their loss should certainly trigger Mordor's attack, if not the outright loss of the game.
In the book, it was Aragorn challenging Sauron using a palantir which triggered his premature attack. This took place after the defeat of Isengard, and just before the muster of Rohan and the passage of the Paths of the Dead. This was seen as a good thing, as Sauron had not yet completed his preparations.
I will argue that too many games come to a premature end due to random fellowship losses. In my latest game, I came out of Moria with Aragorn, Legolas, and the hobbits. I felt I'd done pretty well. With the resurrection of Gandalf I was keen to continue the quest. But by the time I was halfway down the Anduin, Minas Tirith had fallen, and a few turns later, most of Gondor had been overrun by the Haradrim.
Perhaps this is just a rationalization of my own poor play, but you might want to consider some other mobilization triggers, or simply set the existing threshold a bit higher. Otherwise, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.
Having made several attempts to complete the quest, I've had argueably playable positions upset by the early mobilization of Mordor and it's allies. This soon overwhelms Gondor, leaving the completion of the quest virtually impossible and apparently futile. There's no time to complete the muster of Rohan, rouse the Ents, or pass the paths of the dead.
Returning to the Readme, I see that there's a trigger with a cumulative threshold, involving loss of members of the fellowship primarily, but also including killing of eye orcs on the main map.
Losing members of the Fellowship is almost inevitable, given the randomized threats which abound in the scenario. The Balrog, wolves along the way, etc. are unpredictable threats that require lots of luck as well as some skill to counter. Killing orcs is almost unavoidable if you want to mount any sort of active defense of the Anduin crossings, aside from adding to the fun.
Frodo and Aragorn are the only characters essential for victory, so their loss should certainly trigger Mordor's attack, if not the outright loss of the game.
In the book, it was Aragorn challenging Sauron using a palantir which triggered his premature attack. This took place after the defeat of Isengard, and just before the muster of Rohan and the passage of the Paths of the Dead. This was seen as a good thing, as Sauron had not yet completed his preparations.
I will argue that too many games come to a premature end due to random fellowship losses. In my latest game, I came out of Moria with Aragorn, Legolas, and the hobbits. I felt I'd done pretty well. With the resurrection of Gandalf I was keen to continue the quest. But by the time I was halfway down the Anduin, Minas Tirith had fallen, and a few turns later, most of Gondor had been overrun by the Haradrim.
Perhaps this is just a rationalization of my own poor play, but you might want to consider some other mobilization triggers, or simply set the existing threshold a bit higher. Otherwise, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.
