a belated congratz for finally getting your Lord of the Rings scenario past beta.
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War of the Ring - beta
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI know it's been a while since you released (the final?) version of WOTR...
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post1) first I thought the Nazgul are very difficult to evade but on the third try and later on I managed to run for Bree and then Rivendell on the road asap. I sacrificed a few hobbits in front and at the rear of the main party. In one game all but one or two Nazguls appeared in front of Bree and, even though I lost many hobbits on defense all Nazguls were killed by Aragon and the rangers the next turn time and time again.Sometimes you're going to get lucky with big stack kills.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI think Balrog is way to strong. His stats are the first thing I'd change. For several reasons: first, he's got a movement of 4, making him very hard to spot on time. Even if you try to run away, hobbits and Gimli have a movement of 3 so...
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostSecond, attacking him with Gandalf will result in Gandalf's death in 95% of the time, which is not really true as he killed the Balrog. Third, even if you knowingly sacrifice Gandalf, there's a huge chance you only damage the Balrog by 50% and no other Fellowship member would have the chance to do more damage than that anyway so you might end up losing many fellows in there. That would mean he generally escapes and Gandalf dies just to slow him off Did you really want that?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostAnd last but not least, I don't think there is much of a chance of you meeting the Balrog on Durin's Bridge where that 150% would count.
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post3)Isengard is not hard to defeat but the first time it took forever to get entmoot tech.Originally posted by Catfish View PostJust one tip on getting critical techs when you want them: adjust your tax rate depending on availability. Build up a cash surplus in slow periods; when something like The White Rider or Entmoot comes along, ramp up research.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostOn the downside, Osgiliath is very easily defendable. Especially if you conduct sorties with knights and kill all orcs on open field.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostDenethor will despair if you lose Osgiliath and Boromir dies?
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post4) Shelob was shy against the "light of Aerendil" so Sam finished her of the first time. Not without fear on my behalf so that's ok too. I never encountered her the second time.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI never encountered Gollum the first time on the other hand.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI also have a minor suggestion I hope you won't kill me for. I absolutely loved Fav Flight's map in his Return of the King, particularly the mountains (Geo units). True, they are many unit slots wasted but I guess if you could make Barrow Down somehow change veteran status of the hobbits instead of upgrading them to other units...
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI don't know how to edit out the shield and health bar of static units so maybe you could halp me on that.
I notice that you flipped some of the units horizontally. ToT mirrors the orientation of unit bitmaps depending on their direction of movement. For some reason, it doesn't do this when the AI moves; which is why I figured you've done what you've done. However, AI units will turn to face an attacker in combat, so those flipped Mumaks would be giving you the arse in every fight - in more ways than one.
I'm going to leave the graphics alone. One problem I have with that alternative cities set is style inconsistency. I'm not all that keen on graphics ripped from one 8-bit colour game to another (Civ2: FW) anyway. I prefer Curt's and Sarsstock's isometric cities.Attached Files
Originally posted by Catfish View PostIf I drop the Balrog's movement to 3, I think it'll be too easy to evade. What I might do is reduce its movement to 2 and give it the alpine flag. With the x2 road multiplier, that gives it an effective movement of 4, however, if the Balrog moves 3 squares, it will suffer a 50% penalty (due to fatigue) when attacking into the 4th. In my testing I found that the AI won't attack while fatigued. It's the same deal for Shelob, but she has the advantage of being able to move freely over web terrain.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostAt what level of difficulty were you playing? What effect did the Winged Nazgul have on the siege of Gondor? The eastern bank of Osgiliath is full of defensive terrain: rivers, forests and hills. What was your attrition rate using knights against Ologs, Mumaks and Trolls with a minimum 50% defensive bonus? Did these heavy units not appear? I find that I have to abandon Osgiliath once Mordor begins its main assault, as it takes a fearful battering from Winged Nazgul, Mumaks, Ologs, Trolls, and countless Orcs and Uruks.). Mumaks are rare. There weren't all that many after just the first turns when the gate opened. Ologs are your worst enemies and are the only (common) units that can take down a spearman in Osgiliath but they die on Gandalf like there's no tomorrow. Gandalf will easily dispatch winged nazgul too so, before Grond appears he's very good defending Osgiliath. I guess he would kill the Witch King too but he died before Gandalf came to Osgiliath. You will lose spearmen but I had around 20, most vets when they started pounding. By then I switched Minas Tirith to spearmen and had one every turn or two. I switch maintenance early to Cair Andros and Osgiliath so as to maximize the prod in Minas Tirith. Don't get me wrong, it's not a piece of cake and at a point, when Grond came and I had to withdraw all heroes from Osgiliath so as to keep them alive, it coupled with 4 winged Nazguls on Osgiliath too (the fifth will die on Legolas in Cair Andros and the sixth was just killed by Gwaihir last turn) I uploaded the sav (turn 60 and frodo is down in Cirith Ungol). It was their swansong and it felt great. They lowered my def to half in one turn. But the next turn I decided to attack grond with the Dead and the stack of Nazguls (damaged as they were) all died to Gandalf, attacking from inside Osgiliath as Grond was gone... It was all downhill from there. True, I lost Pelargir a turn or so later but got it back in the same turn, happy that no buildings were pillaged. I loved the 5 black ships too
. Again, this does not minimize the effort, the pounding is right were it should be. Perhaps a few more orcs as I love those guys dying on the walls. My guess is if Osgiliath lost it's river bonus, it would be the other way around so I don't think it's the way to go. I guess it would be kinda frustrating but once Shelob and Grond are dead, Mordor should have some more reinforcements. The other fronts (especially Belfalas, Pelargir and Dale are a lot more challenging)
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThe Civ2 engine would require the designer to define the exact tile co-ordinates for the transaction; to destroy the original and create a veteran in its place. What's more, the upgrades (using Leonardo's Workshop) provide a greater than 50% improvement. If I had more unit slots I wouldn't squander them on mountains, no matter how pretty.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThat requires Mercator's SpriteGen utility. The method's a bit of a hack job and is becoming less effective as desktop resolutions increase.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI notice that you flipped some of the units horizontally. ToT mirrors the orientation of unit bitmaps depending on their direction of movement. For some reason, it doesn't do this when the AI moves; which is why I figured you've done what you've done. However, AI units will turn to face an attacker in combat, so those flipped Mumaks would be giving you the arse in every fight - in more ways than one..
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI'm going to leave the graphics alone. One problem I have with that alternative cities set is style inconsistency. I'm not all that keen on graphics ripped from one 8-bit colour game to another (Civ2: FW) anyway. I prefer Curt's and Sarsstock's isometric cities.
Actually I've found out you can't hide the shields only for some of the units as follows: slots no. 10, 22, 41, 42, 47, 61, 62, 69, 72, 73, 78, 79, 80 and 81. Right now only no. 47 and the last three are hidden anyway. What's more, before I read about using the static.spr (please excuse me beeing a n00b in TOT modding) I noticed that some units were animated (wrongly, say the spearman was that awful excuse of a Dragon from the fantasy game etc), while others were correct. It turns out they were the exact units that can now hide their shields. I wonder why is that? is there some sort of override to the static spr directly from the units.bmp file? Altering the bmp will not change the units mentioned while the static.spr will not change the others....
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBut trolls would have a 60% chance to die on a river/forest square to a knight which is acceptable if there is a stack (especially if that stack read orc and the trolls were hiding from view if you know what I mean).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostMumaks are rare. There weren't all that many after just the first turns when the gate opened.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostOlogs are your worst enemies and are the only (common) units that can take down a spearman in Osgiliath but they die on Gandalf like there's no tomorrow. Gandalf will easily dispatch winged nazgul too so, before Grond appears he's very good defending Osgiliath. I guess he would kill the Witch King too but he died before Gandalf came to Osgiliath.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostYou will lose spearmen but I had around 20, most vets when they started pounding. By then I switched Minas Tirith to spearmen and had one every turn or two. I switch maintenance early to Cair Andros and Osgiliath so as to maximize the prod in Minas Tirith. Don't get me wrong, it's not a piece of cake and at a point, when Grond came and I had to withdraw all heroes from Osgiliath so as to keep them alive,...
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post...it coupled with 4 winged Nazguls on Osgiliath too (the fifth will die on Legolas in Cair Andros and the sixth was just killed by Gwaihir last turn) I uploaded the sav (turn 60 and frodo is down in Cirith Ungol).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostIt was their swansong and it felt great. They lowered my def to half in one turn. But the next turn I decided to attack grond with the Dead and the stack of Nazguls (damaged as they were) all died to Gandalf, attacking from inside Osgiliath as Grond was gone... It was all downhill from there...
...Again, this does not minimize the effort, the pounding is right were it should be. Perhaps a few more orcs as I love those guys dying on the walls. My guess is if Osgiliath lost it's river bonus, it would be the other way around so I don't think it's the way to go. I guess it would be kinda frustrating but once Shelob and Grond are dead, Mordor should have some more reinforcements.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBarrow wights too will easily dispatch them before upgrade so Bombadil is kind of a must...
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostTrue this presents the player with a tough choice and luck will play a major part in it as the wolves and low morale are your main enemies in the shire...
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostThat's a nasty bug indeed. I didn't like the way the ships moved the other way around. And the mumaks are sometimes attacked from Pelargir from the top so they aren't rotating. Better this way than to attack with their arses, don't you think.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostHere and here are a preview with the mountains. As I said, hobbits are cannonfodder before upgraded and very low on def even after that (low fp). Since they are so important, I think I'd change the ! with a nature mount doom and use the same replacement of the hobbit with his veteran counterpart when he dies as you've done at Sammath Naur. Naturally, I'd use the upgraded version of the hobbits from the beginning as they are very weak to begin with...
BTW, I'm considering streamlining the hobbit heroes' stats: setting a maximum defence of 3 (to reduce the likelihood of them defending a stack), but making them a little tougher overall.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostActually I've found out you can't hide the shields only for some of the units as follows: slots no. 10, 22, 41, 42, 47, 61, 62, 69, 72, 73, 78, 79, 80 and 81. Right now only no. 47 and the last three are hidden anyway. What's more, before I read about using the static.spr (please excuse me beeing a n00b in TOT modding) I noticed that some units were animated (wrongly, say the spearman was that awful excuse of a Dragon from the fantasy game etc), while others were correct. It turns out they were the exact units that can now hide their shields. I wonder why is that? is there some sort of override to the static spr directly from the units.bmp file? Altering the bmp will not change the units mentioned while the static.spr will not change the others....
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI get 34%, but still...
Originally posted by Catfish View PostSix Mumakil under Mordor's control lead the assault on Gondor, the remainder come from the south (under Harad's control). I can very easily introduce a breeding programme.? No, really the problem is a more complex one IMHO. You will have time to muster quite a bit of troops if you play your cards right. I know you must think ahead. I research Warriors of Lamedon first. You will need plenty of spearmen especially in the south first were you are more likely to lose them (no river bonus in Pelargir and horsemen top orcs on attack). Belfalas is even worst with 50% against blackship attack...
What I'd like from those mumaks is to come on later, not just as the gates open. They win, all are in awe, they are neatly stacked on the lowest def tile east of Osgiliath and quite damaged. Even if you waste 2 or 3 knights to kill the stack, you won't think twice. Think what if Grond protected them on their way back to heal and come again for another wave of kills? They must come later, after you muster Rohan. Or AGAIN, after you muster Rohan.
I would like to bypass Bombadil because research tends to linger unfortunately. This last testplay I started yesterday I managed to do so with little problems. I know what you mean, run for the swords but on the way back, if you don't have more then one hobbit you'll lose the poor guy (even Merry's def bonus seems to have no effect against wights. I thought they were air units but I see they have only the ability to move through impassable terrain... ToT editing seems great compared to MGE). I guess you could send Pippin since he's of not much use if you still have Merry but I'm not that deviousAnyway, Sam and Merry are my first choices. You might even veteranize them. But if you're down to red, then you have to fortify, wait for all five of them and prey they come one at a time not all at once. I hate that movement drops with health... This time it seems the wights were of haunting some other place, I managed to slip past them. It's just dumb luck, no real strategy in it. Safer with Bombadil I guess. But 10 turns of research... Plus I hate it when they tumble over hard terrain and they spread out. Lazy little hobbits
. I'd remove a forest and turn it to grasslands so they make it in the third turn on the entrance. Why, because if you don't make it, sometimes there's a chance a Nazgul will come to Buckland from the south and kill the unfortunates... That's a definite startover but still, really annoying and just for one grassland instead of a forest. I might upload a pic later on.
As for the Nazguls, I managed to surround them and keep them safe till Glorfindel came and killed them one by one. Kinda lame but Rangers will die in vain on them if they are on hills. The Lord died on Aragorn at Amon Sul. That was great. Some others died on Sarn Ford and Bree. One died on a veteran hobbit on hills.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostAgainst archers, Legolas or eagles? Did Gandalf make archers redundant?
Perhaps Gandalf the White is still overpowered. I've already nobbled him once. By holding Osgiliath, you also put a dent in Mordor's production of siege equipment. That may have to change.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostExcellent... but, of course, quite unacceptable. Since your situation seems to be the exception to the rule, I need to be conservative with any upgrades to Mordor's attack. Things can go downhill very rapidly if you lose a key hero and defenders can't replenish their health at a sufficient rate. In earlier play-tests I have lost both Osgiliath and Minas Tirith..
In order to withstand all attacks, barracks in Osgiliath is crucial (for rapid healing). I build it right after the shrine. And I build barracks in most cities with decent production too right from the start, wouldn't want to support cannon fodder with precious shields... I guess that's why research tends to languish, those barracks cost a lot of maintenance. Of course, once you know what you're up against it's a lot easier. Saruman will give you some tribute sometimes... (woops). Still haven't lost Osgiliath in either of my games, though. Logistics is the key.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThat's the idea. They require total protection until they upgrade. Even with moderately high HP values, it's not that difficult to promote upgraded hobbits to veteran status by attacking wolves (only 1 defence) out of a stack. If the only benefit to obtaining the barrow-blades is veteran status, then I'm sure most players would bypass the sojourn in the barrow-mound and leave Bombadil well alone. The mountains look very nice, but at this stage I'm not going to rework the Barrow-mounds area.
BTW, I'm considering streamlining the hobbit heroes' stats: setting a maximum defence of 3 (to reduce the likelihood of them defending a stack), but making them a little tougher overall.
Today I playtested 'till Lorien. I couldn't go down in Moria for a couple of turns because... The Balrog was on the other side of the stairs. Then I went down and a whole party of orcs and one troll were on the left side. When I went for the troll with Gandalf (you don't stand a chance defending) I saw the Balrog on the right. Not enough movement tu run up the stairs, that's it, I'm screwed. He didn't attack, he moved in the other direction... With the troll and orcs killed I thought I'd go to the north but I'd waste a lot of turns so I thought I'd sneak up on the Balrog instead. Which I did and he continued to flee. What a chicken. I met him again, right at the exit of the great tomb hall (he was 2 squares to the north) and again I tought I was screwed. Stacked all units behind Gandalf and hoped for the best. Some orcs attacked but he again fleed. Then I got everybody to the bridge, fortified Gandalf and was quite confident. He failed to appear so, after all except Boromir got out I sent Gandalf after him (I'm not gonna lose the White Rider just for a stupid daemon....) He finally came, right next to a slightly damaged Gandalf, by the bridge. I decided to attack him because he might have wondered off and I wanted to test your 52% theory. he was down to less than 10% and I easily finished him with Boromir but all the rest were in the boats by now... Next turn I started researching the White Rider. I don't know if it's ok. Also, the risk of the Balrog (or an orc) closing the way into Moria for more than a turn (2 for me) is something that needs adressing, I guess. I never met the Balrog in the right spot (in 3 games). What if you created him on the bridge or in MORIA (city) right when Gandalf entered Moria?
Last edited by the Monarch; July 6, 2010, 11:34.
Sorry if I give you too much work, my opinion is that it's great as it is, mostly. You think you should change stuff. I agree I still don't know how to make the player go to barrow downs unless you keep those slots occupied and it's quite fun to start the quest for the ring like this. But I wouldn't lower their defensive stats. Frodo died on a hill to a wolf, something I'll never forgive you for
. And hunting for wolves with slow hobbits on a quest is quite uncertain. Both of the games I finished I had Frodo not veteran till the end.
They won't defend if you have a single 4 def unit fortified in the city/stack so don't lower their defense cause it's very dnagerous/frustrating. Even now, If you are attacked by a (fast!) wolf they will take forever to recover. Also, for some reason, the AI only takes the def value into consideration when it calculates which unit to defend in a stack, not the hp/fp so they are safe if the spearman isn't chiped.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostKnights against trolls on forest or river will prevail IMHO.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI know what you mean, run for the swords but on the way back, if you don't have more then one hobbit you'll lose the poor guy...
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI thought they were air units but I see they have only the ability to move through impassable terrain.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostIt's just dumb luck, no real strategy in it.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBut had I lost Osgiliath, I'd lost Minas Tirith too. If you want to prevent this, make some unmovable guards in Minas Tirith. Or remove the river from beneath Osgiliath, I guess I'd abandon it then.
In the current version of the scenario, you believe it's too easy to hold Osgiliath. If I change that, as you requested, then clearly you're going to have to rethink your strategy.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostIMHO you should give Gondor some aid after Osgiliath falls because Minas Tirith would soon follow.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostIn order to withstand all attacks, barracks in Osgiliath is crucial (for rapid healing). I build it right after the shrine.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostSaruman will give you some tribute sometimes... (woops).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostWhich reminds me: why shouldn't you take the High Pass? How is it watched? The first game (which I abandoned because Frodo died on a wolf!!) I got Boromir and the hobbits through the highpass (it's easier, safer, shorter, no Balrog, etc).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostWhen I went for the troll with Gandalf (you don't stand a chance defending) I saw the Balrog on the right. Not enough movement tu run up the stairs, that's it, I'm screwed. He didn't attack, he moved in the other direction... With the troll and orcs killed I thought I'd go to the north but I'd waste a lot of turns so I thought I'd sneak up on the Balrog instead. Which I did and he continued to flee. What a chicken. I met him again, right at the exit of the great tomb hall (he was 2 squares to the north) and again I tought I was screwed. Stacked all units behind Gandalf and hoped for the best. Some orcs attacked but he again fleed.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI decided to attack him because he might have wondered off and I wanted to test your 52% theory.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostAlso, the risk of the Balrog (or an orc) closing the way into Moria for more than a turn (2 for me) is something that needs adressing, I guess.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI never met the Balrog in the right spot (in 3 games). What if you created him on the bridge or in MORIA (city) right when Gandalf entered Moria?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBut I wouldn't lower their defensive stats. Frodo died on a hill to a wolf, something I'll never forgive you for.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostThey won't defend if you have a single 4 def unit fortified in the city/stack so don't lower their defense cause it's very dnagerous/frustrating. Even now, If you are attacked by a (fast!) wolf they will take forever to recover.. Wolves are more dangerous than orcs on attack. I said I was going to cap the hobbits' defence at 3, not make them weaker. You might notice that Gandalf the White only has a defence of 4, but he's a beast. That's due to his high HP and FP. High A to D ratios keep the AI aggressive.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBoth of the games I finished I had Frodo not veteran till the end.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostAlso, for some reason, the AI only takes the def value into consideration when it calculates which unit to defend in a stack, not the hp/fp so they are safe if the spearman isn't chiped.Last edited by Catfish; July 7, 2010, 09:46.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostYes, 34% of the time.. Actually I attack orc or uruk stacks and I might end up damaging a hidden troll and losing a knight. I take the stack with the second knight if the troll is damaged so much, the orc will defend instead. I haven't encountered stacks of multiple trolls or ologs so far so I guess it's ok but still 73% on uruks (on hills with river) is worst than 0,3% (the chance they have to kill a vet spearman in Osgiliath). If you have more knights than spearmen I guess it's ok to take out stacks of potentially lucky orcs (sometimes I take out 4 at a time). And it's most recommended against siege engines. Yes I know these utilities and no, I don't reload for every lost knight as I think that'll take away both the fun and accuracy of the testplay. But, since you challenged me, I'll give you some reasons why I like keeping Osgiliath:
- firstly, at least in theory, it's better to have a single funnel of a front than an overstretched front line. Losing Osgiliath will make reinforcing Cair Andros harder, open it to rear attacks, lose you a very near base to heal your heroes when Grond comes and you want to keep them away from the frontline and, most important, perhaps, open the way for enemy siege units to move in and attack in the same turn, without time for you to take them out prior to that in knight sorties (you mentioned they get a bonus in siege units if they take Osgiliath too!). My guess is you'll lose more troops this way than I did defending Osgiliath. Plus you have to reinstate the war effort with Gandalf if Denethor despairs(not much of a problem but still).
- secondly, the defense bonus in Minas Tirith is not much higher than in Osgiliath. (see Excel chart)
- thirdly, I like to have a pause with frodo and sam in Osgiliath (and possibly veteranize Frodo or Sam by a safe moping of a really damaged unit near Osgiliath) before I send them to Cirith Ungol without fear of them beeing caught up in the fight. I guess you could use Henneth Annûn as I do with Gollum instead but it would be harder to clean up those tiles without the road from Osgiliath.
- last but not least, if Grond defends the tile between Osgiliath and Minas Tirith you'll have to either suffer more losses to siege units or kill it immediately with Gandalf or the dead and that makes it a less important event (maibe increase its def to 10 or so, the Dead - one or two, rarely three - make shortlose of it right now, on river and I'm sure Gandalf would to)
Originally posted by Catfish View PostQuite, but I don't see the point in creating unmovable guards. If you wish to clear everyone out of Minas Tirith and throw them into Osgiliath, the option is there. If you lose all of your forces trying to hold a less defendable city, whose fault is that?In the current version of the scenario, you believe it's too easy to hold Osgiliath. If I change that, as you requested, then clearly you're going to have to rethink your strategy.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostNo, losing all of your forces defending an inferior stronghold would be a tactical mistake on your part. Heroes and 'research' are your aid. Use them as you see fit.. Actually I guess that seems a bit strange since holding Minas Tirith was supposed to be hardest
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThe first idea is plausible. The second would create a mobile super-archer merely to contrive a result that has little bearing on the outcome of the scenario.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI had that happen to me once in all my play-tests. I have a record of it: it occurred on turn 39, 3 turns after Isengard mobilised. Solution: I just killed negotiations with Isengard following its mobilisation; that's when the cash begins to flow. You should no longer be pestered by the Voice of Saruman during the battle for Rohan..
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI may need to increase its A/D at the expense of HP/FP.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI could seal off the area until Gandalf dispatches the Moria gate trigger; then it would be up to you to get your backside down the stairs before something blocked them.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThat's an option. I could also restrict its movement using the previous method. Then again, maybe I don't want it to appear in the 'right spot'. After all, this is a game not a simulation. There's an old SPI board game called War of the Ring where the Balrog can randomly appear at the High Pass, Cirith Ungol or the Black Gate. Keeps it interesting.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostYou're just sloppy. Wolves are more dangerous than orcs on attack. I said I was going to cap the hobbits' defence at 3, not make them weaker. You might notice that Gandalf the White only has a defence of 4, but he's a beast. That's due to his high HP and FP. High A to D ratios keep the AI aggressive.
?) I guess that's why they got that random out in civ 3 and later versions. I guess they make me more aggresive too
. I think Boromir has the greatest chance to defeat a weakened Balrog over Aragorn or Legolas. Besides, he's the most dispensable one...
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThat's right; which means they are not safe in a stack of spearmen, unless the latter are veterans and they are not.. Cannon fodder (see Excel chart). Besides, Bree or Cair Andros are the only places where they're likely to be coupled (the hobbits with spearmen, that is). I think 6/1 hp/fp is ok for hobbits. Merry and Pippin are kinda low on def with just 4/1 (similar to 4/2/2 for spearmen)... I'd keep the 4 def but it's oyur call from 4 to 3 is a long way down
Attached Files
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBut, since you challenged me, I'll give you some reasons why I like keeping Osgiliath:
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post- secondly, the defense bonus in Minas Tirith is not much higher than in Osgiliath. (see Excel chart)
- Changing tile (155, 173) to forest.
- Scaling Gandalf the White back to Gandalf the Grey level (movement rate and Aegis flag excepted). Therefore, will also prune Gandalf the Grey and the Balrog.
- Slightly increasing the probability of ologs, catapults and siege towers spawning in Minas Morgul.
- Increasing the number of trolls by 50% when Mordor mobilises.
BTW, what are 'total def', 'most likely to occur' and 'great difference in battle result' in that spreadsheet?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI'm not complaining. Hardest thing is the ring quest and the power march afterwards with only dwarves ignoring city walls.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostTrue but what exactly would that "super archer" change? If he's on open field he'll get killed by Nazgul and Eowyn, Gandalf and Legolas and even Merry are already even better than him in the city and better than archers... It was just a thought anyway.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostTurn 30, before he mobilizes. And it's a good boost to research.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBesides, the calculator says the Balrog has 78,9% chance of success (not the other way around), which is consistent with my tries. Fortifying him would turn it around for sure but in my tries he died 8 times out of 10 (normal def on Durin's Bridge). Might want to look that over, 12 attack is more like it with these hp/fp.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBesides he seemed less interested in attacking me so I guess if that would always be the case than it would be kinda exciting to chase such a monster all the way to Durin's Bridge, haha (kidding here).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostHow can you help it if 2 units with 3 movement (Frodo and Gimli, the bodyguard can't keep pace over rough terrain?) I guess that's why they got that random out in civ 3 and later versions.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostDo you still have non veteran spearmen ??.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBesides, Bree or Cair Andros are the only places where they're likely to be coupled (the hobbits with spearmen, that is).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI'd keep the 4 def but it's oyur call from 4 to 3 is a long way downLast edited by Catfish; July 7, 2010, 22:46.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI'm not objecting to your efforts to hold Osgiliath, but that you held it quite comfortably. In fact I thought that the ease with which you held the city was your main complaint with the scenario. I suspect it's even easier to hold Minas Tirith, but why fall back when you're not even breaking a sweat in Osgiliath.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostHaving spent time defending both cities (without Gandalf), I believe the +50% defensive bonus is significant. The combat odds only show the probability of a win/loss, not the amount of damage suffered by the victor. You will suffer a higher rate of attrition in Osgiliath than Minas Tirith through sheer volume of attacks. I suspect it's the combination of Gandalf the White's strength, particularly against winged Nazgul, coupled with the ability to take out unit stacks on the single east bank tile that makes the city very defendable. Take Gandalf out of the equation and then try comparing the two cities. Before I look at pulling the river from Osgiliath (making the city virtually worthless, and merely transferring the problem to Minas Tirith), I'll try the following:
- Changing tile (155, 173) to forest.
- Scaling Gandalf the White back to Gandalf the Grey level (movement rate and Aegis flag excepted). Therefore, will also prune Gandalf the Grey and the Balrog.
- Slightly increasing the probability of ologs, catapults and siege towers spawning in Minas Morgul.
- Increasing the number of trolls by 50% when Mordor mobilises.
BTW, what are 'total def', 'most likely to occur' and 'great difference in battle result' in that spreadsheet?. Until Mordor mobilises (turn 43 for me, couple of turns after I conquered Isengard) you don't get much pounding, just orcs. Lots of them but still, no problem holding on to Osgiliath. Btw, what time do you decide to abandon it? Right when the gates open (as the storyline) or only much later? By turn 62 I got Frodo and veteran Sam safely on Mount Doom. That's around 20 turns of (mediocre) pounding. The Nazgul Lord comes too soon, he doesn't even meet Gandalf, let alone Theoden, Eowyn and I never get Merry and Pippin to Minas Tirith (it would take forever). I have to confess I'm relieved when he's killed by Gwaihir after taking down just 2 archers. Nut much like the story goes... Nazguls die on Legolas in Cair Andros all the same with or without Gandalf. I hate it when eagles decide to "scramble" and die instead of leaving Legolas defend with greater odds. I have to station eagles and the dead in Minas Tirith as I use the former for reconnaisance. One more reason why I like keeping my front away from my "aerial base". I think the calculator got wrong the scramble factor (x4). Anyway. I wouldn't like it if Gandalf or the Balrog were pruned. They are maiar after all, unlike the rest of the folk. Besides, as I repeatedly said, Gandalf doesn't make much of a difference in defence against the Nazgul Lord, mumakils or Grond as he doesn't encounter them or I pull him out in front of Grond. Spearmen take down trolls and everything inferior listed above them in the spreadsheet easily. Grond dies rapidly from the dead. I guess 12 def might be ok, he only got one turn of stay in front of Osgiliath and would be even easier to kill in front of Minas Tirith. Mumaks and Ologs are the only random factor here. And believe me, Eowyn, Legolas and Gwaihir will get them and the lower Nazguls anyway as it is.
Which brings me to the main point of the discussion here: the chart. It illustrates combat probabilities in all three types of tiles (100, 150 and 200% bonus)."Total def" or total defend point factor is the total defence of a unit (a spearman has 4, 6 if he's veteran or fortified, 9 if both, etc. Maximum is 36 in Minas Tirith. 36/2/2 gives the hp/fp ratios as well. "Most likely to occur" means that in game you are most likely to encounter combats as that one (say any veteran spearman will defend before all knights, all veteran archers and so on against ground attacks and archers or heroes will face Nazguls). "great difference in battle result" means simply the very difference terrain makes on the turnout of the battle (an Olog has 13% of killing a vet spearman in Minas Tirith and 34% in Osgiliath as it is - which is quite a low difference compared to 83% which would happen if it weren't for that river). Since Ologs are the highest (trolls die on spearmen like all the other inferior folk) I don't see this as a great thing. Trully I lost more spearmen to Haradrim Black Ships in Belfalas and Pelargir than to Sauron, the Easterlings and Isengard alltogether on the rest of the map!!). So far I got 24 casualties and, as I said, the war is kinda over for spearmen...
I still got 52 left without the guards in Minas Tirith which I swap for the Knights of Dol Amroth instead. I never needed them in any of my games but I did need the Lamedon ones...
Changes 1 and 3 in your list seem ok to me. Change 2 I've already adressed, I'd hate it if Gandalf just became another say Eomer... He's damn special and he still can't take out a Rhun spearman behind citywalls without great fear of losing him. He'll become useless and that wouldn't change much on the outcome of the siege. Change 4 is great! but only if you remove the damn river. Troll has 9% chance of killing veteran spearman as it is. Come on. I know you ment the attrition and all but things are simpler: you kill the troll, no matter how much damage, barracks will heal all your (surviving) units by the beginning of your turn. Lower chances are some Ologs survive, you get the lot of them with the knights. I never got more than 20 attacks on a turn and I got roughly 30 units stationed in Osgiliath. I lost many knights doing sorties out of Osgiliath but hey, I'm doing ok. Suit yourself, I've already listed the benefits of keeping the cork on Anduin, I'm not convinced to give it up as it is and let myself at the mercy of siegetowers in Minas Tirith...
Originally posted by Catfish View PostYou know that the elite Dunedain unit receives x8 to attack vs orc garrisons? Rhun and Harad is a different story.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostHe'd be a second Eowyn. I edited that out of my last post because I didn't believe it was a debate worth having. The only reason you're considering this option is to attempt to reproduce Theoden's death from the book, not because he's especially capable against the Nazgul..
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThen I'll have to hack into Saruman's bank account.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI don't know the reason. I guess I'm going to have to start poking around in the scenario again. Sigh.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThen you'll just have to move the bodyguard first. I can't do much about hard-coded stuff.and loads of Elven Marksmen and Glorfindel. It's a whole posse. I guess you can't blame me much if I fortify a markman where those damn wolves keep reappearing near Rivendell?
And another thing I mentioned earlier: could you please change tile 69/69 to grassland so all hobbits end up on the entrance of Barrow-downs at the same time since it's all that important that they all go in together (see picture). I mentioned I lost the ones that legged behind to a Nazgul heading for Buckland from the south...
Originally posted by Catfish View PostSpearmen was your example. Other units, including Fellowship members, also have defence values of 4. That's a problem if any of the hobbits become veterans. I imagine that if you have Aragorn, Gandalf and Sam (all veterans) in a stack and Sam leads the defence, you'll be more than slightly pissed off. BTW, this is a result of me reducing the defence values of many heroes to 4 (earlier in this thread), to encourage the AI to become more aggressive. I simply overlooked the stack defence issue with the hobbits.
Again, I'm not making them weaker..
Last edited by the Monarch; July 8, 2010, 03:47.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostUntil Mordor mobilises (turn 43 for me, couple of turns after I conquered Isengard) you don't get much pounding, just orcs. Lots of them but still, no problem holding on to Osgiliath.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBtw, what time do you decide to abandon it? Right when the gates open (as the storyline) or only much later?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostBesides, as I repeatedly said, Gandalf doesn't make much of a difference in defence against the Nazgul Lord, mumakils or Grond as he doesn't encounter them or I pull him out in front of Grond.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostOlogs are your worst enemies and are the only (common) units that can take down a spearman in Osgiliath but they die on Gandalf like there's no tomorrow. Gandalf will easily dispatch winged nazgul too so, before Grond appears he's very good defending Osgiliath.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostChange 4 is great! but only if you remove the damn river.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostHaha. Forgot to mention he gave me another tribute. Do you consider it cheating if I accept money he offers for a peace treaty that he would otherwise impose on me anyway?
Originally posted by the Monarch View Post(edit: I got a last minute idea: how about you make negotiations only one way - he calls you, you don't).
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostMan, I did, Frodo legged behind and got wasted for his laziness. Bilbo still can't get over it. Losing the ring like that... I use double escorts nowand loads of Elven Marksmen and Glorfindel. It's a whole posse.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostI hope I'm actually helping more than annoying you with our chats here and thanks a lot for making Wotr and taking time to review all these tricky aspects..
Last edited by Catfish; July 8, 2010, 21:15.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostTurn 43 is quite early (before Mordor automatically mobilises). Did you trigger this by losing Fellowship members?. Could've been turn 44.
The game is now over (84 objectives - Moria is damn stacked and only dwarves can go there so I got the hobbits to go there as well just for a look-see) but I must say, second or third time, as you play the part after the ring quest things are more predictable and less intriguing. First time it was a REAL challenge, not knowing the map and always suffering attrition from horsemen. Only "fellow" I lost was Gimli, on his way to defend some farflung Southron city. He was stacked with a spearman and of course that spearman chose to defend instead. No hills in Harad means more casualties I guess. Seems Gimli is the coward here, spearmen always seemed to defend Pelargir instead also (main reason why I sent him there anyway). I wonder why? All the rest took to the walls if they weren't damaged.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostEither as soon as the gates open or when the first winged Nazgul appear. It's force of habit; the scenario used to be harder.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostYou said previously that you withheld him from Grond and that he came late to the Witchking's party, but you also said he beat the crap out of a bunch of other heavy units in the defence of Osgiliath
Originally posted by Catfish View PostThe river isn't the problem. Mordor's assault is the problem. If it cannot put a dent in Osgiliath + river, then the same composition of forces doesn't have a hope in hell of capturing Minas Tirith.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostWell I intend to kill that stone dead. If your position in the scenario is in part due to accelerated research as a result of this exploit, then you're going to find things doubly difficult with the upcoming changes.). I've read the events and opened the cheatmode after my first play to see how different it is modding civ2ToT compared to MGE which I did a long time ago. You kinda lost me with the masks and flags (difficult to follow). It's great for the enthusiastic scenario builder. And the sprite generator is great. I wonder if civ 4 has such a possibility for (easy?) modding? I've done my share of modding for civ 3 and it's a HUGE killer of time and has no events unless you can tweak the game a bit....
Originally posted by Catfish View PostSaruman might not be quite so obliging now.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostRevisiting this scenario is a bit of a chore, but I don't like leaving things broken.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostNo but I beat the crap out of Saruman and I guess that triggered it. Could've been turn 44.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostOnly "fellow" I lost was Gimli, on his way to defend some farflung Southron city. He was stacked with a spearman and of course that spearman chose to defend instead. No hills in Harad means more casualties I guess. Seems Gimli is the coward here, spearmen always seemed to defend Pelargir instead also (main reason why I sent him there anyway). I wonder why?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostSo it is worthless for you, river or not. My main concern is that the player would actually suffer from events if he lost Osgiliath (siege towers, etc - see previous posts) so the only way to abandon it is to be forced out of there. Don't see that happening according to the spreadsheet unless you mass Olog hai and mumakil production...
In the current version of the scenario it appears that Mordor's assault is simply incapable of taking either city in the middle part of the game. Minas Tirith is on a hill, and I don't want to change that either; it's meant to be nigh on unassailable. The assault must be powerful enough to take both cities. I didn't get much feedback on this part of the scenario, so I don't know how others fared in this area. I've also got to take into account your cash surplus and high research rate. Did you rush buy troops as well?
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostIt says he's "loyal" in the foreign advisor tab, whatever that means.
Originally posted by the Monarch View PostCan't wait to see your changes...
Originally posted by Catfish View PostNo, that's not it. Do you have a saved game from just after the point where Mordor mobilises?
Originally posted by Catfish View PostI have been forced out of the city. In earlier versions of the scenario I've also lost Minas Tirith. Except for the heroes (higher defence values), the unit stats were the same.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostIn the current version of the scenario it appears that Mordor's assault is simply incapable of taking either city in the middle part of the game.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostDid you rush buy troops as well?
Originally posted by Catfish View PostSame as worshipful: the most favourable attitude.
Originally posted by Catfish View PostYou might have to wait. Civ2 isn't a priority. It's going to be a bit of trial and error to get the numbers right and my desire to play Civ2 is close to zero.Attached FilesLast edited by the Monarch; July 10, 2010, 06:38.