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Sorry that took so long; a busy weekend interrupted. Mikes is in reach, with some gathering of new caravans.
"Consul Elephantius, welcome to Persepolis."
"I trust my accession will be brief, but we have much to do. Please
review the current state of the Republic."
"Sire, we have 11 cities at present, and are in a state of celebration
to increase our size. Arbela, our SSC, is at size 17 and growing.
The rest are not likely to grow much more without improvements, but
those are probably not worth it. We have a pretty good treasury,
and a fair number of caravans on the move, but only four ships and
five settlers at work. Diplomatically, we have 6 peace treaties,
with the Zulus and Mongols neutral toward us and the French receptive.
The Greeks and Mongols are at war with the French at the moment.
Several civs are building Leos, and most are researching Gunpowder."
"Gunpowder is where I do not want to go right now, as it kills the
first row of rush-buying and most of our cities are barely producing
any shields. We'll encourage the other civs to research it while we
fill in the gaps, aiming for Magnetism to get Galleons to replace our
Triremes so we can switch to Democracy to eliminate corruption.
In the meantime improving the SSC with roads in the rivers
and Copes will be our first priority, followed by Mikes
for the rest of the empire if we can squeeze it in."
"Very well, Sire, we shall order the rushing of ships and settlers
Settler in Sardis, Persep, Sidon
Silk Gordium, Wine Arbela
discover (Econ/Gun/Phys/WC) PHYSICS, start (Ato/Gun/Mag/SE/WC) Mag
WLTCD Tyre,Susa
580ad: 335g,10b,44t@17b/740b for next
...Arbela size 18
...Susa Beads to Teo(10,N): 82g/b,TR+4
Mongol govmt Democracy!
Mongol-French peace treaty
WLTCD Gordium
600ad: 421g,109b,44t
...Arbela size 19
...resupport Susa Settler in Canal
...RB Harbor for Gordium
...Enthus Aztecs: 4A,gift Phys(pres res; Mong GL),sh maps
...Enthus Greeks: 1A,gift Iron(pres res),sh maps
Celts & Aztecs declare war!
Arbela food, Settlers Pasarg
620ad: 134g,127b,42t
...Arbela size 20,+3F
...Susa Dye to Athens(8,D): 148g/b,+3TR
...Enthus Aztec: 4A, dem Democ(pres res),sh maps
WLTCD in Tyre again
640ad: 295g,296b,36t
...Arbela size 21,+1F
...RB Arbela Univ 292g
Celts capture Texcoco, get Nav
French govmt Repubic
Aztecs start Copes!
Settlers Tarsus
University in Arbela
660ad: 107g,320b,30t
...Arbela size 22,-1F
...start Cope in Arbela,3xFood,2xCoal,1xSilk
...Arbela Dye to Athens(8,D): 400g/b,+9TR
...change 6.2.2 to drop WL
Greek-Mongol peace treaty
Mongols dev Chivalry!
Dip in Tyre
COPERNICUS in Arbela, Aztecs abandon
discover MAGNETISM, start (Ato/Eco/SE) Steam
Spice in Susa
680ad: 511g,10b,7t@110b/760b
...Icy Mong: 5A,demand 100g,gift Mag(only one?),bye
...shift to 2.2.6 3t@286b
Zulu caravan approaches Susa
Aztecs dev Mag (dang- forgot them!)
hmmm: Zulu Legion between Sardis & Tarsus?
Beads Canal
700ad: 355g,296b,3t
...Uncoop Zulu: 0Sp,gift several to Worsh,sh maps
...(ah-Zulu Tri landed Leg,Cat,Ele)
Dip in Sardis
720ad: 265g,586b,3t
Zulu caravan bypasses Susa? several units near cities now
Coal in Arbela
STEAM ENGINE; start (Ato/Eco/Gun/RR/WC) Econ
740ad: 240g,25b,3t
...Cord Zulu: 0Sp,gift Nav to Enthus,nomoretime!
...Arbela Gold to Karak(8,D): 520g/b,noTR
Greeks dev Gun!
Mongols near Leos
French get Sea from Greeks for Bank, Peace
Dye in Sardis, Gold in Sidon, Salt in Gordium
ECONOMICS; start (Ato/Gun/WC) Atom
760ad: 387g,25b,3t/800b
...argh! Sparta dropped demand for Spice!
...Neut Mong: 5A,gift Econ,Steam to Enthus,sh maps
...Cord Celt: 2A,gift Phys,sh maps
...(Mong-Celt war heating up)
...Enth Zulu: 0A,sh maps
...Neut Fre: 3A,gift several to Worsh,sh maps
...Cord Gree: 1A,gift Mag,sh maps
...Arbela Wine to Zimbabwe(4,D): 222g/b,NOTR
Leos finished in Karak; French to KRC, Celts to GW
Fench-Celts cancel peace
780ad: 548g,540b,3t
...Enthus Greek 1A offer Gun for Steam- no,sh maps
...Arbela Silk to Athens(8,D): 533g/b,+9TR frees Dye&Gold!
...Enthus Zulu: 0A,withdraw?got several, not Ele
"Sire, your time to resign has come."
"Make some notes for my successor, esteemed scribe. We are ready to
consider Democracy. Seven caravans will complete next turn; the most
profitable are those demanded by the Aztecs or Greeks, and a Galleon
chain is now ready in those waters. I suggest Dye, Copper, Silk,
Spice and Gold be marked for delivery (after rehoming) and the rest
be reserved for Mikes. The Zulus have been restive but were not
adverse to a request to withdraw. A better road network to a Station
City for Arbela is needed, but I prioritized getting those hidden
Silks mined. The north-south highway from Pasarg to Sardis is now
done, but Pasarg and Persep need immediate attention to correct their
negative food situation. The Celts are now at war with the Aztecs
and French (Aztec contact via the South Pole); the entanglements of
the big continent are many but some offshore colony cities might be
in order soon. The Galleon off Arbela was delivering caravans and
revealing more black tiles so we don't get suprised by Barbs again
from that direction. It can pick up the Caravel's Dip before you
disband it and continue the eastern exploration. There is a Zulu
caravan near Canal that has bypassed that city as well as Susa; it
may be aiming for Arbela or Persep. If you let it make more distance
from Zululand it may be cheap to bribe."
And the save:Attached FilesLast edited by Elephant; July 11, 2006, 22:15.
A good read - and a noble list of accomplishments Oh Great Elephantius!
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Wow! Civ2 Sxn alive and well. Looks a bit late for this game, but if there is another I'd love to dust off the Civ2 CDs and give it a try.
SG - congrat's on retirement & the boat. It's been a long time and a name change since I've been to these parts. What happened to Stu's Domain and the Apolyton Knitting Circle?Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him|"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years
No, by all means jump in. This is a free-for-all Early Landing Game. But read up if you are a little rusty on the ELG strategies.
Hey, Stu... no pics of Mallorca yet?(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Lovely! Ha venido en el forum hispanico para practicar en Español?(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Hmmm. ELG. I'm out of practice as it is. I don't want to crash your spaceship. Thanks for welcoming me though. Maybe next time.
* Daddy-O walks off and starts his search for his CivII CDs...Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him|"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years
Are the difficulties of ELG scaring away some players? We do have a decent SSC functioning now, just waiting for Newtons. The current stage of the game is mostly making caravans for wonders and quick payoffs. With Newtons we should get pretty close to 1 tech per turn, especially if someone can figure out the critical Rd/RR path to Zimbabwe. We're also only running about a dozen cities right now, so it's not an impossible management job.
Perhaps we should consider running a parallel Conquest game for those of you itching to destroy something. At least it might keep the forum a bit more active...
I'm more scared by the 'E' in the Landing Game. I don't mind a space race, I just don't want to slow you guys down.Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him|"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years
Sorry for the delay. Your turnset looks to be excellent. I had hoped to examine it closely but just can not get anything done right now. You've put things on a good footing.
especially if someone can figure out the critical Rd/RR path to Zimbabwe.
That said, I suspect there will be problems getting routes to replace the ones already in place. Especially the two Aztec routes because those cities are so much more developed than Zim. This is why getting the road net, or Station, and three routes early in the game was a constant nag from me. Early on, even non-demanded goods create a route; now it may be that even big ticket demanded goods will not replace the Aztec routes. Since we don't make either Wine or Silver anywhere, this may not be possible anyway.
(Just keep these ideas in mind if you play another EL Game. Having 3 routes each contributing 30+ Arrows is worth the early effort and attention.)
I'll check in again when I can...and, who's next??)
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
Originally posted by Bloody Monk
This is called a "Station City" in the EL Guide and having those two cities road connected "fools" the AI into thinking there is an ideal road to Zim.
Originally posted by L.É.V.
Can you thus get the bonus for an overseas route, or does Civ check the continent numbers?
There is a lot more detail available by reading the Early Landing Guide from solo that is topped in the Civ2 Strategy Forum. See the entry at 2.1.4 Station City.
I highly recommend reading solo's EL Guide. There is so much really good information as well as pointers on how to think through numerous problems that are regularly encountered in playing Civ2.
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish