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  • One more thing - Solo's guide talks about building colonies to provide return trade - is it currently worthwhile building one of those? I guess that peninsula on the Aztec island is perhaps the best option... a short rail into their cities would allow us to do same turn deliveries in both directions


    • Well done, Tim.

      The game is movig forward again. Here's a small reminder to the next player. We are about to lose MPE, so it may be worth having a good look at all the AI before you hit the enter button.

      Fill me with the old familiar juice


      • Originally posted by rjmatsleepers
        We are about to lose MPE
        Sorry about that


        • Re: Re: Another viewpoint...

          Originally posted by Tim_Augustus
          ... I was to busy worrying about losing the 10 & 20 shield units for rushbuying.
          Afraid I may have put that burr under your saddle, but the time for that passed when you took War and Feud. The reason you were getting those as only choices was that you were avoiding the key tech that opened up many of the mid-game tech lines, Gunpowder.

          Whenever you've only got one or two options on the list you need to ask yourself if you're avoiding something that blocks a bunch of alternatives. You cannot keep the 10-shield line past mid-game anyway, and the 20-shield line can be prolonged a little longer by avoiding the Knight-Dragoon-Calvary progression, but eventually you need to go there to get to MassProduction. At some point it becomes cheaper to rushbuy a Barracks or Temple (160g), switch to units and drop to 20 shields, then IRB through Dip/Spy & Set/Eng for those high-paying one-turn freights. Two-turners just have to eat the difference of jumping a couple rows.

          Also don't get lost in the excitement of caravan delivery - getting Mikes earlier would have paid off much better for the whole empire that the extra progress in techs, especially since they ended up being stuff like War and Feud that we could have gotten via trade with the AI. Now we're in the sad position of obsoleting our own Marco Polo, so they next player ought to think about getting a few embassies in place ASAP.


          • Re: Re: Re: Another viewpoint...

            Thanks for your feedback, folks. As you can probably tell, I haven't played many Early Landing games (well, early anything games to be frank ) although I have skimmed the ELG and other player's turn logs at various times over the years... I'm not sure what I was thinking though, obviously not thinking ahead in any way

            For what it's worth, I have replayed my ten turns in a more sensible manner - this time round, I followed BM's suggestion and swapped for gunpowder, allowing me to go straight for explosives in 800AD; this allowed me to stick with on path techs, and I also reversed the build order for Mike and Isaac, allowing me to go Demo... All in all it went the way it was supposed to I think

            I have attached below the save from the replay, although I daresay it isn't kosher to use a replay to continue the game so I leave it up to individual's conscience as to whether you actually view it... I also have a turn log if any one wants it

            edit: actually i might attach it to another post as a text or something...
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Tim_Augustus; August 29, 2006, 10:06.


            • and a turn log for those that are interested...
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Tim_Augustus; August 29, 2006, 11:05.


              • ...maybe this belongs in a separate topic....

                Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with incremental rush-buying?

                Obviously it's hard to come up with a principled basis for evaluating the various 'exploits,' but this one rubs me the wrong way.


                • It's called cross-training.
                  (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                  (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                  (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                  • Originally posted by Tim_Augustus
                    and a turn log for those that are interested...
                    Pretty cool, isn't it?? Amazing how dramatic the difference can be.

                    As long as everyone uses the original save there's no problem. But, it is probably better to to put alt-saves in a separate thread. Any discussion could be confusing to the original line of play. For instance, why is the settler in Sardis mining a shielded grass tile??

                    so long and thanks for all the fish


                    • Originally posted by defrancoj
                      ...maybe this belongs in a separate topic....

                      Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with incremental rush-buying?

                      Obviously it's hard to come up with a principled basis for evaluating the various 'exploits,' but this one rubs me the wrong way.
                      Yep, probably should be a new thread...or resurrect one of the many old threads from years past. I think one was called something like, "Is it a bug or a feature." Most folk have accepted it as a feature and see no problem.

                      A principled basis??...This is a game, not RL. In the game it can take 5 turns from completion to delivery of a camel, which at up to 20 yrs. per turn means 100years. How reasonable is that??

                      Think of it as the production version of division of labor. Five folk, each doing a small part of a big job, get it done cheaper and faster than one guy by himself.

                      I bet that if there was a "one click" way to get it done, fewer folk would object to IRBuying. Not that micro-management is a bad thing.

                      Finally, the main reason for a new thread is to be found on page one, post one. It is allowed in this game, or at least not prohibited.

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • I might be able to find time for a few turns this coming week - it doesn't seem as if people are falling over each other to grab a turnset

                        Meanwhile ... in a quiet Ibizan cove ...

                        Petrina is now in her berth at Tomas Maestre marina, La Manga, Murcia, Spain.

                        Attached Files
                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                          I might be able to find time for a few turns this coming week - it doesn't seem as if people are falling over each other to grab a turnset

                          Meanwhile ... in a quiet Ibizan cove ...

                          Petrina is now in her berth at Tomas Maestre marina, La Manga, Murcia, Spain.

                          Hope you can work some turns in to the mix this week.

                          The Petrina is gorgous!!

                          so long and thanks for all the fish


                          • Surely someone can play some turns? Anyone?

                            Or is the situation too scary


                            • BM - could you post a "recent player" list?


                              • Originally posted by Elephant
                                BM - could you post a "recent player" list?


                                Not sure what your question/request is directed to. It's not a "list" game. Anyone can play next--except the last player, Tim_Augustus--including folk who have not yet played or even yourself, for instance, even though you played just before Tim.

                                The game is in need of someone to step forth and play. Please use Tim's original save found in post #235.

                                Who will be next??

                                so long and thanks for all the fish

