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Free-for-all Succession Game

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  • #91
    Interesting. You have a goodly number of camels stationed in their home cities. What is your thinking about this tactic??

    Until Metallurgy "topples" the Great Wall there doesn't seem to be much profit in attacking the Suefolk. If those units are stationed in the fortress they will be safe and lure the Indians to their deaths.

    so long and thanks for all the fish


    • #92
      I was wondering why neither of our two clerics switched to Republic after building the Chapel? What'r y'all waitin' fur?

      OTOH, it looks like Raz has found an excellent Institute site over near the Soo.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Bloody Monk
        Interesting. You have a goodly number of camels stationed in their home cities. What is your thinking about this tactic??

        Until Metallurgy "topples" the Great Wall there doesn't seem to be much profit in attacking the Suefolk. If those units are stationed in the fortress they will be safe and lure the Indians to their deaths.

        Was unsure whther to start actually trading with them or to hold them for wow rushing, so left them where they were for the enxt great leader to decide best actions....

        As for the sioux yes i should have waited, but got bored sso went for a wander across the palins .... in hindsight i wouldnt have left the fortress
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #94
          Originally posted by Grigor
          I was wondering why neither of our two clerics switched to Republic after building the Chapel? What'r y'all waitin' fur?

          OTOH, it looks like Raz has found an excellent Institute site over near the Soo.
          Also didnt think we were fully prepared for a governmetn switch yet and not having the oedo years in fornt of me, didnt want to waste production and growth during anarchy.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #95
            I'm not a fan of Republic unless the preparation is done. In my case, I was waiting for the fortress at the chokepoint to complete, on the one hand, and Shake's on the other. I actually got very lucky, getting Medicine out of a Hut. Otherwise, it would not be so close to being ready. Fortunately, I also got Sanitation, so an aquaduct and sewer should be started next in the capital.

            The capital can get to size 21 or so; not sure with this map and Republic. The point of going Republic is growing the Capital/SSC. It costs too much in lost food and shields to overstay. The other cities will grow as best they can during that term.

            That's the long answer, Grigor. The short answer is sequence logistics.

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • #96
              well next person can return our units back to the fortress and then maybe switch to republic i guess...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #97
                Or something else entirely; we shall see in the fullness of time.

                Different kind of roster this time. There is still room for more to join in the fun. We have...

                -4 Old n Slow
                -3 Grigor
                -2 Bloody Monk
                -1 Rasputin

                Free to play:
                He who choses to be chosen

                12 Turns

                so long and thanks for all the fish


                • #98
                  For What it's Worth

                  Tech rate could probably be cut from 10 turns to 6 or 7 by making peace with the Suefolk and doing a massive tech dump.

                  so long and thanks for all the fish


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                    He who choses to be chosen

                    12 Turns

                    that's me
                    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                    • I chose the peaceful way (for once ):

                      SSC now size 17; Shakespeare, Magellan, Leonardo.
                      Log very soon.
                      Attached Files
                      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                      • Thank you, Lafayette, for civilizing our civilization! It was fortuitous to find the first Carthaginian city, since they have refused to trade maps for 2000 years. The inspired location of LafayetteSilk should be developed to have at least one wonder by the end of the game. Soon a play theme may emerge.

                        I wonder when somebody will take the time to build a university in our capital...


                        • LF comes to power and wonders why the previous leader was busy building an aqueduct in the city of 4Monks (size 6), why the marvelous Wonder of Shakespeare was left half-built and why there were so many caravans left idle here and there (this is not the 'lazy' succession game is this ?).

                          Anyway our concern is not the past, but the future, and LF decides to be a peaceful ruler (probably for a change from his bad habits in scenarios, where the problem is generally to shoot faster than the opponents ).

                          1160: Revolution

                          1180: Republic chosen (sure the Monk will love that ); lots of units disbanded; SHAKESPEARE completed; lux at 10%, enough for our SSC to celebrate (thank you HG!).
                          Sioux Elephant contacts us and agrees for ceasefire, then peace = massive tech gifting = our rate of research down from 10 to 7 turns/tech.

                          1220: INVENTION disc., r. Physics; Aqueduct completed in the SSC and lux at 20%.

                          1240: Persian horseman will have 50g = Yes (the horseman is stationed close to a stack of 2 settlers and we dislike to run the chance) = peace.

                          1260: MAGELLAN (so nice to have on huge maps)

                          1280: Hut = 50g; SSC size 12.

                          1300: Sewer System completed; SSC size 13; lux at 30%. Hut = AT = Fayettesilk.

                          1320: Library in 4Monks; PHYSICS disc., r. Theory of Gravity. LEONARDO (so nice to have before Explosives, oops Gunpowder if you prefer).

                          1340: Babs ask us to ally against Germans = NO (though that would have been my pleasure )

                          1380: Hut = 100g; SSC size 17

                          Note to my successor:
                          I chose peace... for a while. Feel free to build bunches of ironclads (don't forget to rehome them to the SSC), if you feel like it.
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • Originally posted by Grigor
                            I wonder when somebody will take the time to build a university in our capital...
                   successor, I suppose, right after Isaac.
                            For me, it wasn't a question of time, but it was definitely a question of cash ( already compelled to lower the science rate in order to raise funds for the Sewer System).
                            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                            • Saw the save, played the game. Log to follow...
                              Attached Files
                              Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                              • 1380 -- Move a couple of citizens, buy the market in N. Zoom. (Where are our boats? A ship chain to Persia might bring in a few $$.)

                                1400 (1) -- Market completed in N Zoom, as is a settler in Canal Zone; both start on boats. Pop a few huts -- Barbs in the north (dip later dies & the boat is recalled for ship chain duty; 50g and an AT == Cuidad Gonzalez, a size 4 (island) city west of Persia (a future trade target, I might add.)

                                1420 (2) tickle a few shields & some movement

                                1440 (3) Discover TG, opt for Mag. (Persians discover the Wheel, Celts get WC, Babs get both from the GL.)

                                1460 (4) Hut = 100g. (Carts get Code.) We Love ends for Central City

                                1480 (5) Drop off three camels in Persian lands (all undemanded)

                                1500 (6) Cash in the first of three camels for 58g.

                                1510 (7) Discover Mag, opt for Chem over AT, Bank (Germans know), BB (Carts, Sioux, & Babs know), Steam, & Theo. Cash in the other two camels, best = 68g. We buy (subvert, actually) Stoney Lake for 79g X 2 -- & get 7g back along with 2 cruc. We also get BB and most importantly, a nice canal. Carts want to talk, want 300g (no) and declare war. Toggle up to 0.4.6

                                1520 (8) WL in 7 cities, inc. Central City. Second skull appears near Central City.

                                1530 (9) Monk Silk (d) to Sidon nets 165g. (Better...)

                                1540 (10) New cities: Quick Coal & Rapid Buff. Pop = 5M

                                1550 (11) Discover Chem, opt for Gun. deliver four demanded camels to Persian markets, netting 120, 140, 180, and 200 (because the demand changed with the last one, Beads from BM to Ar!). Hut gives a None Leagion in the far south; because we have a few extra coins, we'll buy a university in Central City (size = 22, max, so we toggle down a bit).

                                1560 (12) Discover Gun, opt for Explosives over Metal, AT, Bank, Steam, Theo. We have a few hundred in cash, five food camels & a couple of Wonder options...all for the next player.
                                Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments

