Note to the group at large and Bloody Monk in particular: I'm having fun here. I'm not upset. This stuff is thrust-and-parry, nothing more.)
Calling me thin-skinned is actually the closest you've come to upsetting me. Apparently my smilie usage needs work...
At my discretion. With 4 turnsets played the first day and limited personal time available, speed was of the essence. So I plunged onward, feeling free to be impulsive in this romp.
No. RCC objections to my my actions were duly noted and copped to. You seem to take the fact that I wasn't apologetic about it as some sort of betrayal of your erzatz philosophy of SXN. That is not RCC.
The actual RCC is no problem. I started succession gaming as a learning tool (with bonus socializing). The fact that I knew darned well the techniques I was flouting (and still did as I pleased) seems to be what offends you. Tant pis. C'est la vie.
With no goal other than "just win"? Well, yes. IMHO. And frankly, during my turns, MHO is the one that counts.
Despite all appearances...
Originally posted by Bloody Monk
So, too robust it would appear. Or too thin skinned.
So, too robust it would appear. Or too thin skinned.
You insist you are capable. Is not this the place to demonstrate that??
Is RCC hectoring??
Is it so unreasonable to expect that those who join in a group endeavor would give their best?? Does not the very concept of RCC spring from the foundational principal of getting the most from the least effort per turnset??
Is the near certainty of the distant outcome even remotely relevant??
Look, I'm all for you having your fun...