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Free-for-all Succession Game

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  • #46
    Rabbit Log

    -Jrabbit declared King in 525Bc. Looks it over -- 8 cities and settlers, lots of open land for more settlements. 290K people, 96 GP in treasury. we're in Monarchy, generating +12 GP/turn, tech/9turns at standard 70-30-0 setting. Studying Literacy. Have Hanging gardens. Camels being built everywhere.

    Press ENTER in 525 BC...

    500 BC -- Feeling my way around, buying the occasional end-of-row.

    475 -- Found city of Canal Zone
    --Sioux sneak attack our wounded horsie.

    450 -- Now 300,000 strong.
    --Hut = chariout (attached to Santa Anita)
    --Beads (d) to Monk Silk, 16 GP

    425 -- 2x Hides (d) to Santa Anita (28 + 16)

    400 BC -- We discover Literacy! -->> Philosophy.

    375 ---Jrabbit declares intention to complete trans-continental highway.
    --Now 410,000 hearty souls.
    350 --

    325 -- Sioux chariot kills our exploring horsie.
    --southern hut = NONE nomad.

    300 BC -- Damned Sioux horse kills our exploring chariot. -Jrabbit begins to become annoyed...
    --Hut = Map Making

    275 -- Santa Anita builds Settler, starts camel
    --We build Marco Polo's Embassy in Central City.
    250 --

    225 -- Yet another horse ambushed by Sioux chariot.

    200 BC -- Carths learn Mysticism.
    --Canal Zone builds settler.
    --Hut = Mathematics.

    175 BC -- Persians start Colossus, but Carths are nearly done... Germans learn Math.

    150 -- Colossus of Carthage is completed. Persians switch to Lighthouse.
    --Babylonians learn Literacy from Great Library.

    125 -- Sioux learn Polytheism.
    --We learn Philosophy! Then The Republic!! Start studying Construction.
    --Without any preparation, we opt to OEDO in Republic, moving faders to 10-60-30.
    --Silk (d) to Central City, 48 GP. Hides (d) to Santa Anita, 60 GP.
    --City of 2Whales is founded in isolated southern location.

    100 BC -- Persians get Monarchy.
    --WTConsul in Central City, but lack food for growth.
    --Insufficiently supported settler lost.
    --Consul -Jrabbit promises the unhappy populace a return to the familiar ways of Monarchy.

    75 BC -- Disorder in 4Monks, adjusted.
    --Beads (d) to Barking Mad (52 GP)

    50 BC -- Copper (20 and Wool (16) delivered to 4Monks.

    25 BC -- Back to Monarchy.
    -Jrabbit sends emissaries to all foreign embassies.

    Sioux -- 4 cities; despots agree to Peace, gift 3 techs, get maps. No tribute.
    Germans -- trade Philosphy for Construction and peace. Gift trade, get maps and 150 GP tribute.
    Celts -- Peace. Gift Map Making, get map exchange and 200 GP tribute.
    Babylonians -- Pathetic. Get peace, then gift Map Making and Trade, get their maps and 200 GP tribute.
    Persians -- Demand 100 GP. We decline. The declare WAR!
    Persians (obviously, a problem with my notes...) -- require 4 techs (Republic, Philo, Iron work, Horseback) to achieve attitude adjustment. We get maps but no tribute.

    The treasury stands at 762 GP, and we can now see a significant portion of the world map. Continent 1 continues north of us. We have tons of useful land. We also have about 6 settlers wandering about.

    --The national highway system is *almost* done, and I propose one of the settlers found a city at the connecting point.

    --The Sioux have been traipsing northward into our territory. We need to claim the intervening forest area (2 silks).

    --Buy Temples everywhere, and celebrate.
    --Buy Settlers everywhere and ICS.
    --Trade for Polytheism, build an attack force, and go after the bastardly Sioux.

    The impulsive move to Republic was really the only thing besmirching an otherwise reasonable turnset. (Well, and the continuous Sioux silliness.)

    This was FUN!
    -Jrabbit out. Who's in?
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #47
      Republic! Pah!
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #48
        Yeah, it was a mistake. Hadn't done any planning, but it was OEDO time and I knew the capital had an all-happy pop. Stuck in the "Do you wanna?" screen, I didn't realize that food support issues would prevent growth.

        Mea culpa.
        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


        • #49
          Originally posted by -Jrabbit
          Yeah, it was a mistake. Hadn't done any planning, but it was OEDO time and I knew the capital had an all-happy pop. Stuck in the "Do you wanna?" screen, I didn't realize that food support issues would prevent growth.

          Mea culpa.
          Yep. That was a mistake...(a rookie mistake??), not just food but lack of temples. That's overly stated, but let's use this as a learning experience. Republic is a very useful gov't for growth but the changeover has to be prepared. So, when one gets a popup box asking if one would like to try "some groovy drug", just say no.

          We have a capital with the Gardens still at size three and supporting a settler. Not good.

          You waited a looong time to use Marco Polo. If in the intervening six (6) turns before you got Philosopy you might have traded for Polytheism and chosen Monotheism as the free tech. Or taken Poly as the free tech and then Mono (if Poly was unavailable). Republic is an offpath tech before Mono and the Chapel. Then, with food, Republic will work.

          Yeah, I know all this

          Wishing I had a copy of Archie Bell and the Drells so I could play a little "Tighten Up."

          so long and thanks for all the fish


          • #50
            Marco Polo Science

            I mentioned this before. If Marco Polo is built earlier, it is a powerful research tool. Why do the research ourselves when we can get them thru Marco?? This is something that Early Landing Gamers have recognized and it is almost always the first WOW built in those games.

            The two previous players delivered 5 camels that could have built the Embassy a lot earlier. They got us less than 100g and beakers, which did move the research along some, but not much in the way of ongoing trade. Most of them produce zero arrows at this point. That's not much payoff when contrasted with an additional WOW (Col, LH).

            But maybe this is another case of contrasting styles. I would love to hear a counter arguement for the other way. Like Stu asking why I was mining a nonspecial hill so early, I ask why make these very, very early deliveries when there are WOW's to be had?? Early on, to me, it's a wonder race; trade routes can come later.

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • #51
              Oh boy my turn again (or someone else can jump in and then it will still be my turn again!)
              Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


              • #52
                Well, with no firm "Thou shalt" direction, and no goofy "Thou shalt Not" rules/restrictions, I was relaxing and having fun.

                Waiting to use Marco? Yeah, but whoever goes next will have more fun.

                RCC all you want gang, you'll get no apology from the lagomorph.

                So, when one gets a popup box asking if one would like to try "some groovy drug", just say no.
                More from the "no fun" set. PAH! Spark it up, I say!

                (And btw, in the world where -Jrabbit is king, Republic is On Path...)
                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                • #53
                  Originally posted by -Jrabbit
                  Well, with no firm "Thou shalt" direction, and no goofy "Thou shalt Not" rules/restrictions, I was relaxing and having fun.
                  "Do what thou wilt" implies playing well. You had a brain cramp because it was so late. The rest is dodgeball.

                  Originally posted by -Jrabbit
                  (And btw, in the world where -Jrabbit is king, Republic is On Path...)
                  Yeah, that worked out well didn't it....

                  so long and thanks for all the fish


                  • #54
                    Hey Monk, you can't quote Crowley with a conditional like that.

                    I've copped to my lack of perfectionism, and refuse to be hectored into thinking that's some kind of violation of (your) construct of a vague group ethos. The fact that I'm capable of playing better is frankly immaterial. Especially in a game that we'll likely finish by 1800 or so.

                    A. I do this for fun.
                    B. I had fun.
                    C. No parrots were killed.
                    So bite me, Monk.

                    You logical syllogism freaks will probably recognize the classic form --
                    (A + B + C) = ( bite me )
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • #55
                      So, too robust it would appear. Or too thin skinned.

                      And since you brought it up...
                      You insist you are capable. Is not this the place to demonstrate that?? Is it so unreasonable to expect that those who join in a group endeavor would give their best?? Does not the very concept of RCC spring from the foundational principal of getting the most from the least effort per turnset?? Is RCC hectoring??

                      Is the near certainty of the distant outcome even remotely relevant??

                      And then there is this bit..
                      So bite me, Monk.

                      Look, I'm all for you having your fun, but really, I doubt you could handle THAT much fun.

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • #56
                        Boy am I ever glad I live a time zone away from you guys.

                        Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                        • #57
                          Do a quick look around -- switch a couple of items...

                          1AD -- (Berlin builds the Pyramids.) Opt for Eng over Astro & five other techs. Squeeze out a settler & start a dip (and a few boats)

                          20 -- (Pasagadae builds Lighthouse.)

                          60 -- We're #1 in happiness & we don't care about teh rest of the list.

                          80 -- (oh no -- playing fast does come at a cost -- the Jutes take over 2Whales (and their badly wounded legion walks in.) -- we meekly watch the city turn red rather than forking over unsed cash. Resolve to build a few dips.

                          100 -- Boat & dip (fresh from RB move out to the SW. (Carts start OR.)

                          120 -- Toggle to .0.3.7 (WL in two cities)

                          140 -- Deliver demanded dye from celebrating 4Monks to Barking Mud for 24gp. Toggle back to 3.0.7 Resolve to limit domestic deliveries (especially noting the trade routes with ZERO arrows.)

                          200 -- Buy 2Whales for 52gp -- get a Legion. Hmmm almost a break even. Nope, less than a break even...oh well.

                          220 -- Found East Canal -- looking for a route to Persia (The Babs, Celts, Germans & us are all on Rock #1 -- the Persians are on Rock #19 -- wonder if we can cross some water for better camel payoffs.

                          240 -- Silk Camel jumps ship for 50gp under a hut. found Costa del Sol.

                          260 -- Found North Zoom (Germans discover Sea)

                          280 -- Discover Astro, opt for Uni over Bank, BB, Poly, & Sea.

                          320 -- (Argh -- the route to Celtish Lands look like Columbus is at the helm!)

                          360 -- The Sioux sneak attack -- a horse dies, but one of theirs also dies, making the defensive Legion in Barking Mud a vet. Found West Canal.

                          380 -- Monk Wine blows up. Drop off a couple of camels in Celtish world. Wait! It looks like there may be a canal opportunity SE of Flash.

                          Held off on RB's for the most part; have four food camels in Central City -- available for the next wonder. Was hoping to get some offshore deliveries ($$$) and wanted to justify RBs for those kind of payoffs.

                          Hmmm an hour & a half to play & a half hour to post (and it shows.)
                          Attached Files
                          Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                          • #58
                            -4) Bloody Monk
                            -3) SG[1]
                            -2) -Jrabbit
                            -1) Old n Slow

                            Enjoy ...
                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #59
                              Let's drop to Twelve Turns now
                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Old n Slow

                                80 -- (oh no -- playing fast does come at a cost -- the Jutes take over 2Whales (and their badly wounded legion walks in.) -- we meekly watch the city turn red rather than forking over unsed cash. Resolve to build a few dips.
                                *Duke stands back and enjoys the fun, wondering who will be bitten over this one*

