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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 10 - July 2011]

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  • This is absolutely not true. I am not going to check dates and timestamps of messages, but Texcoco was and still is the only captured Azteca city. How you could pretend you want the Azteca territorial integrity be restored in all three messages and then insist that Texcoco was captured AFTER this?
    Again twisting of words:


    and these damages should be payed by the Ottomans..

    On a side note: maybe the Russians like to explain why so many units who are fighting alongside the Ottomans are Russian of origin?
    So please don't make it sound like you are a 'neutral' party...


    • The Ottomans as far as I know had stated they will return you the city peacefully as they were asked by the international society. If you choose to capture it (by the way you foolishly did this to Miami too, damaging it) only to look as a hero, thats all your fault.

      Texcoco was captured by the Ottomans and you wanted only it to be returned, but now you increase your demands. Who will negotiate with you seriously with such attitude?

      And what a pointless question you ask here - "Why so many units who are fighting alongside the Ottomans are Russian of origin?"
      As the best cavalry in the world is the Russian cavalry, called Cossacks, and as Russia have many friends, willing to pay to have suck instruments of war, it is not surprising that the Ottomans have Russian Cossacks in their army. By the way, the very same Russian trained Cossacks were standing in your defense ready to shed their blood under the Inca command. While still on the topic, maybe you will explain how it happens that your illiterate sailors sail ships your illiterate shipwrights cant produce? And how your archers will be trained and armed by the Inca with Machine Guns?

      And yet, you did not said anything about your false peace-loving nature with all this wannabe-warmongering and the evidence which you denied to even exist?


      • When I borrow my car to someone and "I only want it to be returned",
        then apparantly it is fine in your opinion that it gets returned heavily damaged.. and I shouldn't complain about it.

        (we did NOT capture Texcoco, the Ottomans transferred it heavily damaged to us, with a much larger amount of damages then normal war damages)


        Furthermore it is good we have established the level of Russian involvement in this conflict.

        Apparantly you Russians are fine with the escalation of this conflict.
        And you do not tell the Ottomans that razing cities and such is a terribly breach of international justice.


        Furthermore: did the Ottomans pay the promised reparations to the Americans?
        Although alltogether a much to small amount, and maybe not satisfactory to the Americans it would be a first step..


        And on machine gunners and Inca's we have no such orders at this point. The Inca's have made their offer, we have not decided.


        • Originally posted by Aztecs (DoE) View Post
          (we did NOT capture Texcoco, the Ottomans transferred it heavily damaged to us, with a much larger amount of damages then normal war damages)
          There might be some game mechanics misunderstanding here. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, but you can't delete buildings, so there is no way for the Ottomans to damage the infrastructure or buildings of the city after they've taken it. It is possible that they slaved the population, though it is possible that isn't an option when a city is in revolt (as in after conquest).

          The only damage that is done to cities is done when it is captured via war. I forget what happened, but did you capture the city back or did the Ottomans trade it back? If you captured it then YOU damaged the city. It suffered two conquests and lost even more buildings from this.

          Again, there is nothing the Turks could have done, game mechanics wise, to damage the city after they took it. The only additional damage would have occurred from your taking it back.


          • Note: we can't give archers machine guns. It makes sense, you see: only soldiers used to hitting things with heavy objects can aim and shoot projectiles; soldiers trained in the arts of aiming and releasing projectiles cannot learn to aim and shoot. They are too used to releasing their fingers to shoot the projectile, and training them to flex their fingers to do it is too confusing!


            • Official communiqué of the keeper of the throne of Mali:
              ras Imru is puzzled by the fact that friendly nations such as France and the Sons of the Sun (Inca) supplying modern weapons to a nation (Aztec) which has proved hostile to Mali and its allies (Zulu and Turkey). Mali calls on these nations are not unduly inflated Aztec self-esteem because the serpent god worshipers of many start to believe and begin to dream of overseas empires and those of their dreams only bring misery to ordinary Aztecs (reference Texcoco).


              • Such a selective statements from the Azteca. They repeat lies and pretend not to be lies, but still they avoid the matters where they are clearly wrong and they have been exposed as such.

                When I borrow my car to someone and "I only want it to be returned",
                Yes, with the slight difference that Texcoco was a war bounty and not a friendly gift. A war bounty to be returned at all is still an act of good will and it is normal that it will be damaged. And those damages cant be intentional, but they are result of the war.

                Furthermore it is good we have established the level of Russian involvement in this conflict.
                Really? And what is it? Can you enlighten us all, as I am sure no one understands what you mean.

                Apparantly you Russians are fine with the escalation of this conflict.
                I think we, the Russians are those who made the most for this conflict to be resolved favorable to you, although you are mad at us for revealing your true colors of warmonger and wannabe-conqueror. If you want to try me, just continue to disregard and insult my efforts. If Russia take off her protection from you and for real desires escalation of this conflict, you will hardly like the situation you will find yourself in and you will see the difference for sure.

                And you do not tell the Ottomans that razing cities and such is a terribly breach of international justice.
                You continue to repeat one and the same things and completely ignore the facts. The facts are, that Russia, I repeat Russia and no one else in this world is to be credited for the Turkish withdraw and returning of cities to you and to the Americans. Despite we being close friends and allies with the Ottomans, Russia did condemned the conquest and crippling of nations, who obviously cant defend themselves.


                • We have seen no such statement considering the WAR TO THE DEATH statement the Ottomans made

                  So can we conclude you disapprove of this?


                  • Of course we disapprove this. We just did not bothered to repeat our position, which we already clearly stated once and for all:

                    Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
                    I, Catherine of Rus,
                    According the war in North America,
                    to all the three warring nations,


                    In the interest of the world well-being and the fruitful peace, active fighting, destruction and killing of civil people should stop immediately!

                    Immediate long term NAP (50 turns) will be signed between America, Azteca and Turkey. In return, Turkey will return all the cities they took from the Azteca and will return the American city of Miami.

                    I condemn the future savage Turk aggression against nations which obviously cant defend themselves, judging by the string of Turkish victories. No matter what the motives of all this was for the Turks, this does not excuse their actions and it must stop immediately! Russia had never approved hurting nations beyond all repairs and it seems that the Turk's are well able to do exactly this to their opponents.

                    I advice all the parties take this opportunity for ending the war and rejoice finally with the peace. This is to avoid the need Russia to take more serious measures.

                    Catherine of Rus
                    However, you Azteca and the Americans continue to play your small tricks, I can decide you are not worthy of my good intentions.


                    • Message to Catherine

                      As you are due to your alliance with the Turks not an impartial party in the Ottoman-American war your involvement creates the perception that you are in fact behind the Ottoman attack. I understand your desire to back up your ally, but by doing so you indirectly involve yourself in the support of the attack which taints your honor. You can not honorably take sides in this matter and simultaneousy claim to represent justice and honor. If you are friends and allies with the Ottomans, then any peace you suggest will be perceived to be to their advantage.

                      The Americans are wholly innocent and any concession they make to their aggressor is truly dishonorable and unjust. There are many complicated factors in this, but in the most simple analysis, either the Ottomans (and thus everyone else) have a right to attack the weak and take their lands through conquest, or they do not. We understood it that attacking the weak is dishonorable. That supplying the strong with weapons secretly or openly is also dishonorable. Yet your actions now seem to indicate the opposite.

                      As we seek to emulate Russian honor we request that you please clarify to us what Russian honor dictates in such a situation as we are currently confused.

                      Ambassador Buvyyaman
                      Moscow Embassy


                      • I fear you, Indians are taking my words all wrong.

                        The Russian honor is this that when I saw that the Turks were about to wipe out the Americans AND the Aztecs, I stepped in and decreed the war to stop and the Turks to keep what they had agreed with the Americans so far. No one is seeing (or is missing on purpose) the fact, that the Americans and the Aztecs still have their countries solely because the Turks preferred to listen to my word and withdraw. No one proficient in the art of war and familiar with the situation could not claim otherwise.

                        So far for my involvement and my contribution to this war.

                        On other hand, speaking in principle, I dont see anything wrong if a small nation (the Turks) searches to enriches itself attacking 2 other bigger AND with more rating nations (America and Azteca), supported by 2 other World Powers (France and Inca). |This is seen as a bravery and fighting spirit in the Russian society. We, the Russians are born in the steppe and we are trained to wield weapons from childhood and our understanding being brave and daring is a virtue. On the other hand fighting 2vs1 or 3vs1 clearly shows cowardice and it is considered a vice by the Russians.

                        No nation can just lay down and enjoy its time, while not caring for its own security, being it with their own man, or with earning the friendship and guardianship of another stronger nation/s. This is my personal opinion too.

                        Comrade Catherine of Rus.


                        • Update on India-Japan War & Peace Talks:

                          Let all nations know that each of the three great nations embroiled in this conflict, Mighty China, Great India and Powerful Japan, have all graciously allowed me to assist in resolving their grievances against each other and presented their claims for consideration. I mention this to the world only to illustrate how reasonable all parties involved are behaving. Each party has legitimate claims that they are willing to discuss in good faith. I will be reviewing these in detail and commenting to all parties. I am greatly appreciative of whatever other nations do, or refrain from doing to avoid destabilizing the situation as we move forward. Regardless, these three war foes deserve great credit as examples of nations who keep the annals of diplomacy open. I can only hope my own nation can live up to the class these nations have shown.

                          Aysecan of Turkey, On indefinite leave, in India
                          Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                          • Response to Catherine

                            According to your own words, India is the most courageous nation in the world. We alone fight Japan whose soldiers have Chinese weapons, whose fleet is English and Incan, and when given success is threatened to be attacked by China. Or are we still not understanding the concept?


                            • Yes, Indians, you are brave. Alas, you were not smart and far-seeing enough in the past to secure the safety of your nation by making the right political movements and befriending the right nations.


                              • You do not know your history Catherine.

