few thoughts about this game:
Many said that I shoud not be as untrustful, "paranoid" as I was, but diplogames made me this, I've experinced and saw soo many treachery that I will not fully trust anyone in diplogames ever. So I was not even surprised when my only ally just launched an attack on me for whatever reason.. it could had been a prince hunting in the forest, getting killed, and evidences showing that the murderer was an egyptian assassin, anything
I tend not to break living treaties, but deception and conspiracy was not missing from the desertlord's repertoar
. Making plans with civ A to attack civ B and with civ B to attack civ A.. but I'm sure i was not the only one.
Then my legendary peace offers which I always hoped that they wouldn't get accepted. When I was "begging" for peace against my invaders it was just a deception.. ofc I did not want peace, my armies were still on their way to russia, my true target. I was quite sure that on my land i can defeat the invaders, tough if they start pillaging that would had hurt.. but i have decided if they do then i will raze the russian target city.. that's why i propsed the treaty about non pillaging-non razing: if you refuse it would had been your fault.
Then my peace offers to Babylon, his stubborness always worked for me
Btw wars: I have started my first war just to have some fun and use my technological advantage (which was not as big as I thought) and I was a bit dissapointed how things worked out during that 30 turns while I was away in China. After I have learnt about the big alliance I have changed my plan, thought me Babylon and Sumeria could work against them, even with nukes. But Babylon did not want to play along, ofc He was preparing his religious plan, even his ooc comments led me invade him: he was already ahead in points, a huge empire surrounded by russia-a pacifist, and me.. someone had to weaken him.. I did not attack then because of the chance of DV, if that had bothered me I'd just had build 5 more missionaries, it would had been enough then.
My second war against them was more against the DV, I was worried that when my plans of CV found out some would vote for him as the least bad option, better hindu than the desertlord
. Diplo worked great here.
I've decided to go fro culture during my first war against Babylon, it was quite different than my last cultural game with india where i was preparing from the beginning. Here i missed the good wonders but I had acces to all seven religions, so in around 1800 I have started to spread them like mad, then invited Rome's cultural corporations, I don't think he would had thought how much I needed them, rush builded the temples and cathedrals, my cities had +500,550% culture where needed.
With the internet I could had turn off research after I got modern armors and mech inf myself, and with sushi + the happiness from culture I was able to slave a huge army.. ( I think i have lost 2-300 units and killed 3-400 during the game)
Many said that I shoud not be as untrustful, "paranoid" as I was, but diplogames made me this, I've experinced and saw soo many treachery that I will not fully trust anyone in diplogames ever. So I was not even surprised when my only ally just launched an attack on me for whatever reason.. it could had been a prince hunting in the forest, getting killed, and evidences showing that the murderer was an egyptian assassin, anything

I tend not to break living treaties, but deception and conspiracy was not missing from the desertlord's repertoar

Then my legendary peace offers which I always hoped that they wouldn't get accepted. When I was "begging" for peace against my invaders it was just a deception.. ofc I did not want peace, my armies were still on their way to russia, my true target. I was quite sure that on my land i can defeat the invaders, tough if they start pillaging that would had hurt.. but i have decided if they do then i will raze the russian target city.. that's why i propsed the treaty about non pillaging-non razing: if you refuse it would had been your fault.
Then my peace offers to Babylon, his stubborness always worked for me

Btw wars: I have started my first war just to have some fun and use my technological advantage (which was not as big as I thought) and I was a bit dissapointed how things worked out during that 30 turns while I was away in China. After I have learnt about the big alliance I have changed my plan, thought me Babylon and Sumeria could work against them, even with nukes. But Babylon did not want to play along, ofc He was preparing his religious plan, even his ooc comments led me invade him: he was already ahead in points, a huge empire surrounded by russia-a pacifist, and me.. someone had to weaken him.. I did not attack then because of the chance of DV, if that had bothered me I'd just had build 5 more missionaries, it would had been enough then.
My second war against them was more against the DV, I was worried that when my plans of CV found out some would vote for him as the least bad option, better hindu than the desertlord

I've decided to go fro culture during my first war against Babylon, it was quite different than my last cultural game with india where i was preparing from the beginning. Here i missed the good wonders but I had acces to all seven religions, so in around 1800 I have started to spread them like mad, then invited Rome's cultural corporations, I don't think he would had thought how much I needed them, rush builded the temples and cathedrals, my cities had +500,550% culture where needed.
With the internet I could had turn off research after I got modern armors and mech inf myself, and with sushi + the happiness from culture I was able to slave a huge army.. ( I think i have lost 2-300 units and killed 3-400 during the game)