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New type of diplo game

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  • Babylon, we still haven't attacked you, but this season for us is not finished yet, we will not wait longer. After a discussion with Rome we have agreed on that we will let you keep your forces.

    Our peace offer is this:
    -We keep those cities we have at the moment -except new vienna will be traded for sippar. that's 8 cities, including the small tundra cities, less than what you had offered.
    -You must send us those surplus resources. (egypt needs the surplus sea resources, Rome whatever his corporations are using.)
    -you must accept a non aggression pact with us for the next 40 turns.
    -stop spying on us (spending and using spies)

    I hope these are acceptable terms now, let's make peace.


    • Desertlord and Juliu of Rome,

      On behalf of the remnant of Hindustan, I accept the terms of peace as they have been most recently set out by the Desestlord.

      For the avoidance of doubt (since a number of different things have been said during the negotiation) we give them below:
      • Peace is agreed on current borders, except that Sippar returns to Babylonian control and New Vienne is passed to Egyptian control (we presume Egyptian not Roman but will give it to which ever of you asks for it).
      • All surplus resources owned by Babylon will be passed to whichever of Egypt or Rome asks for them.
      • Peace is guarenteed between our nations for 40 turns
      • Part of that peace is that none of our nations will either build up or spend espionage against each other.

      I Vishnu make this treaty on behalf of the remnant of the Hindu people. It will be binding on them. However, I also need inform the world that this will my last act. The people have turned away from the Hindu ideal, which died with the destruction of the Great Conclave. The millenia old Babylonian identity is re-emerging across the people. Hindustan is collapsing into Babylon. A new bablyonian leader will emerge, but do not fear this treaty will be binding on Babylon.

      (OOC - for all our nerves, Egypt if you are able to log in and IG offer peace (and Rome) I will then accept it at the beginning of my next turn, and we all know where we stand, or indeed if you offer it over the next few hours and post here that you want me to, I will log in and accept it.)


      • Then it's settled, my troops are leaving Babylon. Let's put this bloody conflict behind us.

        ((I'm offering ingame peace this turn, we can make the city and resource trade next turn, or if you can log in now then now)


        • Then there is peace after all.


          • I am going to play my turn now because I don't have time to play it otherwise.
            I have offered peace to Babylon so I assume that that's ok by everyone.


            • Turn timer is back to 12 hours now all wars are over
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Official Announcement from Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome

                Rome has started to build Nuclear Weapons.
                These weapons of Mass Destruction will only be used for defensive purposes with the aim to strike back to any nation who uses these weapons for offensive purposes.

                The world must be aware that from now on Rome's words are backed with Nuclear Weapons.
                We mourn that we had to make this decision for peace is what we seek.
                We supported the UN Secretary in banning these weapons. Unfortunately now this has failed we see no other options but to prepare ourselves for the worst while we hope for the best.

                Our friends do not need to worry about the Roman Nuclear Program.
                We seek friendship with all nations.


                • The future is bright.. blinding bright, flashing and radiant in from of mushrooms..

                  So what happened? Who attacked Sumerai? It wasn't us, I can rule our Rome and Babylon too, we were quite busy recently..


                  • What happened to the original idea of this game in which people weren't posting stories and such and all diplomacy happened in-game?


                    • Looks like some folks just couldn't contain themselves, haha.

                      Makes it more interesting for us non-players though!
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Originally posted by bamf226 View Post
                        What happened to the original idea of this game in which people weren't posting stories and such and all diplomacy happened in-game?
                        Surely no reason to complain Bamf226? There are no points in this game so stories are just being posted by some of us as a bit of fun and propaganda. It's now just a kill or be killed game like any other but at least it has a plot that players over the other side of the map from the action can read what's going on. Also some people like to look at threads and read a bit of the story as it makes it more than just another deathmatch.


                        • Even no diplo games have diplomacy, and most of our diplomacy is still happening in pms, but sometimes it's more convenient to post here, and more fun to have others reacting on it.


                          • Egypt is now commited to build the greatest arsenal of WoD-s (weapons of desertification). Right now we only plan to use them on self defense.

                            Oh, and i hope you all welcome that the temperature of earth is rising as our cultural influence...


                            • Originally posted by bamf226 View Post
                              What happened to the original idea of this game in which people weren't posting stories and such and all diplomacy happened in-game?
                              Well, you are correct and the diplomacy has been a bit distorted by some very active posters through to those not posting at all but I think we have gained more fun and entertainment by having the posts...

                              So bamf226, you are still in the game
                              Last edited by Byzantium (DoD); January 11, 2011, 07:28.


                              • Gondor has been tricked and counter tricked!!

                                Sumeria renewed our defensive pact, then promptly built the MH, then cancelled Gondor's supply of Uranium!! LOL

                                Then the Russians suddenly leave Gondor!! It was just a bit of defensive support for Rohan but I liked it.

                                So, Gondor will have to stick to Strider diplomacy...

