Babylon, we still haven't attacked you, but this season for us is not finished yet, we will not wait longer. After a discussion with Rome we have agreed on that we will let you keep your forces.
Our peace offer is this:
-We keep those cities we have at the moment -except new vienna will be traded for sippar. that's 8 cities, including the small tundra cities, less than what you had offered.
-You must send us those surplus resources. (egypt needs the surplus sea resources, Rome whatever his corporations are using.)
-you must accept a non aggression pact with us for the next 40 turns.
-stop spying on us (spending and using spies)
I hope these are acceptable terms now, let's make peace.
Our peace offer is this:
-We keep those cities we have at the moment -except new vienna will be traded for sippar. that's 8 cities, including the small tundra cities, less than what you had offered.
-You must send us those surplus resources. (egypt needs the surplus sea resources, Rome whatever his corporations are using.)
-you must accept a non aggression pact with us for the next 40 turns.
-stop spying on us (spending and using spies)
I hope these are acceptable terms now, let's make peace.