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"A History of the World XII" Planning/Sign-Up Thread...

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  • Also, if we use pre-made Terra and Cyber/ozzy gets the 10 or so civ choices I think it would be nice to place them in accordance with their traits.
    Eg Portugal on the sea; Japan on an island; Mongols on the steppes etc
    AGREED Great idea Deity


    • And I just thought I better disclose that ozzy is my other son

      he he

      A new thought!

      My god.. how about this...

      Cyber receives all the civ choices from all of us so only he knows which player = what civ.

      Then Cyber tells ozzy the civs selected but NOT the player.

      This means that ozzy is operating on a pure game basis when formatting the map (not that he's biased but not knowing who the player is means there are no sub conscious biases that anyone of us might be effected by)
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • Haha just brilliant Deity


        • Well it is possible but some of us noobs need unconcius bias. Anyhow good idea, even though I realy don't need a good start to have fun in a game.
          Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
          The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
          The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


          • Mayby no random events - so we don't get the resyn thingy? I like the random events - but i don't want it to cause the problems we had in HOTW11

            Can we have maybe even agressive barbs on? Would make for a more interesting start and portray history close as well.

            Having agressive barbs on will:

            *Make u think twice before you expand to settle city 2 and 3

            *Asmodeous says:
            And it would make building the great wall worth something

            * also makes for great diploming, due to civs helping eachother
            Last edited by Toni; January 17, 2008, 21:27.


            • No random events- dosen't that mean no international aid scams. I realy like the flavour they add, how big were the problems?
              Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
              The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
              The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


              • I realy like the flavour they add, how big were the problems
                Well nothing to die for actually - but we lost half a session due to events and me

                Well they were resolved: if you guys think that it may not happen again i'm ok with using random events


                • wow. this is just taking off... I'm not taking a "leader" role. I don't feel right to usurp any undue responsibility (or blame), but I will be taking a "chairman" role. now that this is settled I'll have certain disloyal elements... reeducated.
                  Lenin? who? where?

                  seriously, it won't be any hassle for me to post as Lzprst whenever needed, and Diplogamer-Monaco while in the story/org thread. I as "Chairman" will post as Lzprst for all organization related stuff.
                  We have to keep track of our 2 identities. all ingame related stuff is done via the Diplogamer-Civ identity, and all other stuff can be done via the normal apolyton nick. just remember to log in as the right one and don't say anything revealing!

                  As newly self-elected chairman, I'm gonna bump up some decisions to reduce the number of debated issues.

                  1. ozzy's point system passed. it is hereby established that we will use it. Ozzy might need to work with us for some minor tweaking. We have to work fast though. I think the best way of doing it, at the moment, is just to mail/pm all our votes (from our Diplogamer-Civ) accounts to Cybershy or Ozzy. he can count them all up and release them after the last vote. perhaps a separate e-mail address for this purpose could be created. Cyber?

                  2. Anonymous play. There's a tie as far as I can see, and as such, I, Chairman of the Committee to Administer HOTWXII break the tie in favor, dissidents will be... silenced. I know there is some disagreement, but I say we give it a try, the worst that can happen is that it doesnt work. The nay-sayers seem willing to compromise. And who knows, it might just add considerably to the fun.

                  3. That damned map... I'm not quite sure what people are talking about anymore. When I say premade map, I mean Earth. Europe and Asia and Africa, and those other continents across the ocean. The world as it looks on real world maps. It seems some of you are talking about a Terra map with redistributed resources...
                  As for civ distribution, that is a bit of a pickle. If people choose randomly we may have 4 civs in Asia, 4 in Africa (there's 5 not 2, Carthage, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mali, Zulu) and 1 in Europe. There might need to be some kind of order to this.
                  For example we could agree to a certain distribution. But think about it guys. The world is BIG. 3 civs in africa, 3 in Europe and 3 in Asia = 9 players. there's gonna be a lot of space somewhere either way.

                  Have we decided on an Earth map with ozzyfied resources? or are we going for something else? I need some damned clarity here!

                  ALSO. I can test play this weekend. I'm curious if my new router is set up for this. I doubt it...

                  Finally, a note to all. OOC communication is allowed in certain forms. mainly to plan story plots, as that can difficultly be done IC. if you do want to do this, PM from your Diplogamer login to the Diplogamer-Civ you want to coop storywise with, and say that you want to suggest some creative cooperation in writing or whatever. DONT talk about ingame stuff, like tech trading, borders, diplomacy etc, that should all be done IC. OOC is strictly for stuff that is "irrelevant" to game, ie. story coops.
                  Diplomacy, negotiation, bargaining, deception, all of it should be handled IC.
                  Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                  • Well my worries with Earth map are that as deity said we may need to push some civs, in order not to have empty continents – or someone alone by himself on a whole continent. Also I think we need to connect all conts and island via shallow waters path ways so we can make contacts early on.

                    Well of course empty conts can always be taken over by others during the game

                    And yes we are having a premade Earth ozzy map - with ozzy twicking resources so for example we have as it was in history regions rich on given resources and poor on others.


                    • Ok, ok we'll have anonymous play please don't have me nerve stapled...

                      Finally things are rolling.
                      Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                      The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                      The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                      • I welcome our new chairman Lz


                        • Yes, the good Chairman will help us embrace the self of group.
                          Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                          The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                          The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                          • Yeah with the map lz, I just needed to make those points for the newcomers regarding Earth play. It is still my preference but I suspect the newcomers might like to have a full choice on their civ so I suggested Terra pre-made - players select civ and PM Cyber - Cyber tells ozzy the civs needed on the map as per traits.
                            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            icq: 8388924


                            • Originally posted by Heraclitus

                              I realy couldn’t take a game where Ethiopia starts in Japan seriously, but I do see your point. Perhaps there is some middle ground? I do think we have a bit of leeway with certain civs. I mean the Celts were nearly everywhere in Europe, you can place the Russians anywhere in the Eurasian steppes and you can even put Greeks anywhere around the Mediterranean since they had a lot of colonies there. With a bit of historical knowledge other settings become reasonable too, like the Germans could start in Scandinavia were the Germanic tribes originated, or you can put the Turks somewhere in central Asia.

                              I agree with this. More or less. A civ starts where it originated and/or has its historical center. For the greeks that should be... Greece, and there's not much point in putting the germans in scandinavia when you have the vikings there already. but the celts could be put anywhere around central europe as far out as the british isles. and the turks did originate in the transoxania (you either know what it is or you have no chance at guessing ). let's not get carried away.

                              Here's a possible solution. We mail our civ requests to Cybershy. I say no double-civs. (could have 3 Englands and 3 Russia's that way )He lets us know if there are any doubles and helps sort that out, then he will post the list of civs when it is done and if there is any problems, for example 1 civ alone in Asia, we should discuss if that is a bad idea and see if choosing differently for some might alleviate it.

                              Another thing, I say to Ozzy, make the map HARSH. we need to reduce the amount of living space I suspect. making the world as it is, some places very nice and some places quite crappy, will force competition for the good sites. there should be a small amount of very nice areas, and many of them should be difficult to get to, for example, cover india and southern china with jungle.

                              As you see in my above post, I decided to work with the general consensus of the penultimate vote and make it the final tally. UNLESS, there are strong demands that we make a last final ultimate vote of all votes to end all votes. In my opinion, our main issues to sort out now is the map.
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                              • And if it's ozzy's Earth map we send 3 civ choices to Cyber as per the above deal and suggested earlier by H.
                                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                                icq: 8388924

