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Aussie Group MP Games (may include Americans and other ring-ins)

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  • #76
    I would think it's more a case of Deity taking an opportunity to 'disarm' you so he can go back to whoring his spaceship :P

    No one strategy is better than any other, it's up to us players to make the most of our chosen strategy and do everything we can to further the cause of our civs. In that respect I think Deity made a legitimate move. The only thing I think should have happened is some kind of dialogue - when the war was automatically declared (which I believe is actually a bug) Deity should have confirmed in the chat that the war is for real.


    • #77
      Sounds like an interesting game and debate.

      From and outside perspective what diety did seems ok. Even if your at war you must protect your flanks or at least have large reserve armies not just 1 super stack.

      If deity was a weaker power then it is good play, its would be the only way for him to play a larger part in the game. It is sneaky, but hey pearl harbour, 9/11, barbarossa just to name a few.

      Still seems that problem of attakcing people when there not here is an issue. Let me ask this question. Is it worth runing other people games becuase some one is late or cant make a session? How much time is wasted if the game is put out of wack becuase everyone jumps the AI, thats alot of wasted time.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Frank Johnson

        Deity, when I invaded you in the last game you didn't take it that well....and everyone started offering stacks to help you....

        Do I see a pattern? I mean I kept playing but geez...

        If every game is gonna be OMG everyone stop Frank cause he knows how to fight....that gets old for me real quick too.
        Wow, such inaccurate recollections Frank.

        Firstly I don't remember seriously complaining at all, other than to say I was pretty weak. I never attacked your integrity. You know I'm a fair player.

        Secondly, I never asked for units to be gifted. Toni will back that up. He accidentally gifted units but I immediately gifted them back. (I did not move them one square, other than back to him)
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • #79
          Originally posted by vilemerchant
          I would think it's more a case of Deity taking an opportunity to 'disarm' you so he can go back to whoring his spaceship :P

          No one strategy is better than any other, it's up to us players to make the most of our chosen strategy and do everything we can to further the cause of our civs. In that respect I think Deity made a legitimate move. The only thing I think should have happened is some kind of dialogue - when the war was automatically declared (which I believe is actually a bug) Deity should have confirmed in the chat that the war is for real.
          Yeah, I guess. Hey Frank, did you know I had a stack nearby. Just speculating but what would you have done if I declared war normally?
          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
          icq: 8388924


          • #80
            Originally posted by Master-Mike
            Sounds like an interesting game and debate.

            From and outside perspective what diety did seems ok. Even if your at war you must protect your flanks or at least have large reserve armies not just 1 super stack.

            If deity was a weaker power then it is good play, its would be the only way for him to play a larger part in the game. It is sneaky, but hey pearl harbour, 9/11, barbarossa just to name a few.

            Still seems that problem of attakcing people when there not here is an issue. Let me ask this question. Is it worth runing other people games becuase some one is late or cant make a session? How much time is wasted if the game is put out of wack becuase everyone jumps the AI, thats alot of wasted time.
            And Mike, nice to know you are still around!

            Hope you cme back for our next big game

            You ARE welcome
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • #81
              Originally posted by Toni
              No harm done, I’m having a blast that last game. I have witnessed some awesome battles between the warring parties

              Show me some statistics or screen shots i demand now
              Yeah, sorry I got a bit cranky Toni - I calmed down now

              BTW, how do I find the casualties? (LOL That really shows how little I know!!)
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • #82
                Hey Mike great to know that u are around. Nah game is not ruined, it just turned into a total war game. Just Toni hasn't joined yet all the rest are bleeding themselves, i'm just petrified. But as the war goes on i'm pushed more and more to having to make a decision.

                From so many battles i lost count of how many warlords ppl got from those fights hehe, nice.
                Last edited by Toni; October 16, 2006, 11:35.


                • #83
                  Ran for defensive cover. You still had to approach the town which took awhile, during that time I could have fled.

                  Your forces, while strong, are ugpraded poorly with defensive skills only. If I had my main army retreat with upgrades intact I would have had a solid defense. In the end I had a solid defense anyway, and I even counter attacked as shown later. Now the production gap has become evident, and if you had made anything but 25 machine gunners I would be in a bad place.

                  Really I don't think you can expect anyone to take this sort of thing "well". You can't expect anyone to be happy about such a thing. I don't remember saying anything too nasty, maybe a go to hell or a "you backstabber". If you think I think badly of you as a person because of that you'd be wrong. Do I think you're ignorant of the situation? Being led around by some other party, and unware of the potiental results of your actions? Yes...doesn't make you a loss to mankind, but it can piss me off.

                  And since I stuck it out, what's the point here? You're supposed to shake it off and win the game. If its a good tactical move, but also triggers an unending war, you have to deal with those results...

                  Also mike, we've had no AIs so far, just subs.


                  • #84
                    last my scout checked, diety has around 50 units in that border city LOL, most of them machine gunners plus infantry. He really wants to keep that city with this new megalon line there, but hey just go around it then . (I forgot how many times was it taken or razed 2-3?)

                    Also love Viles push on trev there in the south, the guy just wants all those cities there.

                    I guess when ppl build like 25 cities they should expect some consequences.
                    Last edited by Toni; October 16, 2006, 23:06.


                    • #85
                      Also way to go to awake our thread


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by deity

                        And Mike, nice to know you are still around!

                        Hope you cme back for our next big game

                        You ARE welcome
                        Im back at work now so i work like every second weekend, so not much good for me.

                        I am thinking of starting up a weeknight game. Something like Monday, Tuesday, Wedenesday nights, and maybe a saturnight.

                        Start time would be around 7pm, earlier i people can make it. The day will be flexible as well, but if we can get 2 sessions out of those 4 days would be great.

                        So if anyone here is interested in playing a weeknights game for a few hours on a few different nights, let me know.

                        Also i should be able to get major ball involved as well. He cant play weekends either. I got a few more friends that may join in too.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Toni
                          Hey Mike great to know that u are around. Nah game is not ruined, it just turned into a total war game. Just Toni hasn't joined yet all the rest are bleeding themselves, i'm just petrified. But as the war goes on i'm pushed more and more to having to make a decision.

                          From so many battles i lost count of how many warlords ppl got from those fights hehe, nice.
                          Yeap i keep an eye on the thread, it been a bit quiet lately. Ive been busy having sugery and recovering, went back to work last week.

                          Sounds like an interesting game and many wars.

                          I suggest frank and deity stop fighting each other and bash toni, he always sits around to peaceful, he needs to BLEED.


                          • #88
                            to Mike


                            • #89
                              I've been thinking for awhile that a monday night game would be good.


                              • #90
                                Ive talked to major ball, hes in. I think the best nights would be monday, tuesday, wednesday or saturday night. Its flexible so if people are busy we play another night.

                                I will start up another thread later so it dosnt cloud this one. But the one rule ill have that we use in our Hoi2 games is, if a player cant make it we dont play, just spoils the game to much.

