I would think it's more a case of Deity taking an opportunity to 'disarm' you so he can go back to whoring his spaceship :P
No one strategy is better than any other, it's up to us players to make the most of our chosen strategy and do everything we can to further the cause of our civs. In that respect I think Deity made a legitimate move. The only thing I think should have happened is some kind of dialogue - when the war was automatically declared (which I believe is actually a bug) Deity should have confirmed in the chat that the war is for real.
No one strategy is better than any other, it's up to us players to make the most of our chosen strategy and do everything we can to further the cause of our civs. In that respect I think Deity made a legitimate move. The only thing I think should have happened is some kind of dialogue - when the war was automatically declared (which I believe is actually a bug) Deity should have confirmed in the chat that the war is for real.