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Aussie Group MP Games (may include Americans and other ring-ins)

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  • [QUOTE] Originally posted by vilemerchant

    Haha! That reminds me, I'm getting married late November so I'll be missing for at least a week, that goes for our Sunday game and any other game. I'm hoping our Sunday game will be finished by then, that way I can just sit the next game out. [/Q

    What marriage more important then civ!!
    geez ...

    just kidding mate

    Congratulations!! mate


    • Well looks like 7.30pm on Weds night is the only option.

      So all interested turn up then. We will sort any other nights out as we can. But at least weds should be ok once per week. Would we good to get 2 nights in a week though.


      • Hey guys I've just been reading about the new patch for warlords that's apparently available very soon. Question, would installing it possibly stuff up our current games?


        • BTW Mike, I'm not sure if you were thinking of starting this week (tomorrow night), but I already had plans to go out to dinner. I might be back by about 8pm or so.


          • Vile, the patch will not mess up our game, we do intend to start tomorrow night, 8.00pm EST is ok as long as you are no later, it will give us a 2 1/2 hour session, we would like to include you, so give it your best shot to be there, Mike's 7.30pm may have been CST time which matches your 8pm anyway, he was not specific.


            • Daylight Saving

              Daylight saving begins in Australia this Sunday, so foreign players will need to be online an hour earlier, no doubt this will be appreciated anyway as the night will not be quite so late for them.


              • Ok i'll try my damndest to be around by 8pm.


                • My time is always EST time. So we are on for 8pm EST time then?

                  Major will be here as well. So hopefully we get a good bunch, at least 5 or more.


                  • For the rest of us, can we try and all turn up a bit early so we can sort out host and connections issues.

                    Ive got major ball and grater to play, so with trev, vile and diety thats 6 players. Any more?


                    • I'm here now!


                      • hmm you on msn i dont see you, add me mine is


                        • Who is around for a game this afternoon? I do not see some of the regulars about.


                          • Good sunday game guys, sizewise much better then last game. This will be an interesting game. for staying alive Alex. Looking forward for next weekend


                            • Originally posted by Toni
                              Good sunday game guys, sizewise much better then last game. This will be an interesting game. for staying alive Alex. Looking forward for next weekend
                              HA! don't speak to soon mate

                              On a serious note i like the look of this game at THIS STAGE.


                              • So guys we all on for today?

