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Aussie Group MP Games (may include Americans and other ring-ins)

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  • So I take it you won't be looking for a game?
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • Should be an ongoing Aussie game today... in 25 mins...
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • But no Toni today so not sure of game now
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • We played a game with 4 Aussies only, no aliens this time, reasonable progress made, we should be able to resume it on another day or evening easily enough, not having to allow for several time zones, unusually I am currently running last on score, but with several good wonders I am hoping that will change, particularly as I just recaptured a city from the barbs after many turns, plus another city too from the barbs.
          There is a lot of wonder whoring and religion whoring going on in this game, I am still an agnostic in all cities myself with no knowledge of god anywhere.


          • Trev any chance we could finish the game on tuesday 2nd? probably about 10-11am GMT, so sometime in the evening on the 2nd for you. Give Gibsie a chance to respond in case he has figured out that this wont work for him
            Safer worlds through superior firepower


            • Yee ghods ... that's about 2 in the morning here on the US west coast .... do you expect me to keep your hours or sometin'?

              I can do it with enough advance notice and on a weekend, but not tuesday.


              • Well Snotty was just asking there cos it's the only time I'm free for... well, ages now. But never mind.

                Originally posted by trev
                I moved my settler 2 squares south to the plains hill, a better location with 4 food specials, would have been a great start if gibsie had not been there. Interestingly his city was not visible until I built mine despite it being close enough it should have been, unless perhaps he built it on the 2nd turn like me.
                Don't know why you couldn't see it, I built first turn, but never mind. To give my account of the game we ended up playing as it's happened from my eyes, it's been one of the most interesting I've played I think.

                Unfortuantely Deity Dude took what seems to be his established role (Well, it happened exactly the same as in another game, see the penultimate page of the rah's saturday games thread for the other) in making a city in a good position, and leaving it almost completely undefended (One warrior). I sent him a message telling him to make me an offer or I would conquer the city; I was just looking for something like he'd give me the Gold luxury or offer to ally with me if attacked, but he ignored it and I sent my Chariot in and took it. He even could've rushed out a Warrior to take it down to size one and give me more of a fight and force me to burn the city rather than keep it, but he did nothing.

                I was happy to leave it at that but he was sulking and messaged us all to say he had no defences and I might as well just carry on conquering him, so I sent two chariots to his other cities and five minutes later he was gone. He really needs to work on his game, I had no resource other than horses, but he had horses three squares from his capital that he could've easily hooked up in time. He could've aslo researched and built archers to keep me away, but that didn't occur to him either. A bit sad really, I was several hundred points in front at the end of the game and that's almost entirely due to the boost of taking some extra cities early on. Although one of his cities was built in such a poor situation I had to ask Snotty to come up and raze it for me.

                Most the rest of the game was pretty settled until I decided to take advantage of Open Borders with MasterDave, and noticed that almost all of his cities were defended by one unit like a Quecha or Archer. He says most his army was fighting a Barbarian city in the south, but that says it all really, if the Barbarians are giving you that much trouble by then you're not going to be able to fight a full war.

                So I went to war, burnt an outer city and took a northern city of his quite quickly. I had a few really unlucky fights with unsupported units which slowed down my conquests significantly and let him retake his northern city for a while. By then I settled down for a long struggle, but I wanted his Confucian Holy City for the ~18 gold per turn I'd get for it. That was okay though, cos after a while I had Engineering and Guilds, letting me build the Spanish Citadel for the first time (Fresh City Raider 3 Trebuchets, very powerful) and Conquistadores, and then I was able to take the Holy Land... and then MasterDave left.

                Then it was all war between trev and snotty, huge stacks of Janissaries vs Catapults! Snotty declared war on me at the request of the Incan AI (?!), and so I had a few units harass his borders and Cavalry defend kbarrett's capital. But the game could still go to either me, trev or snotty (Sorry kbarrett )!


                • TOTAL BS


                  • I am pretty well free for rest of day and evening for a game, who else will be about?


                    • We have been new years eve ing it, can get back to you when i wake up, pro0bably about 11am gMT :* will try and find gibsie at that time but i wouldnt hold my breath
                      Safer worlds through superior firepower


                      • Originally posted by Gibsie

                        Then it was all war between trev and snotty, huge stacks of Janissaries vs Catapults! Snotty declared war on me at the request of the Incan AI (?!), and so I had a few units harass his borders and Cavalry defend kbarrett's capital. But the game could still go to either me, trev or snotty (Sorry kbarrett )!
                        Nothing to be sorry about.

                        Until I master this game, I'll be stuck at playing vassal and taking my lumps.

                        I find trying to learn from my errors more productive than whining about how "unfair" the other players are. expecting people to play like AIs will get you trashed in a hurry, regardless.


                        • Originally posted by Deity Dude
                          TOTAL BS
                          Ermmmm ... isn't the point of playing a wargame to win? And isn't giving a neighboring state a free passage treaty always a risk?

                          If a neighbor left his capital almost entirely unguarded, wouldn't you take it from him?

                          If not, then why not? You want to win at some point, don't you?


                          • Kbarrett, you are pretty close to being competitive now, snotty had an unbelievably good start which got him to those damn janissaries very early, I have never seen gunpowder units about so early and with all the special bonuses that unit had, they are extra hard to fight. Only reason I stood a chance was I figured his attack on you would be followed by an assault on me, so every city was put to cats as a stopgap measure. If he had gone for me first, I would not have had enough cats to fight him, I was lucky with his sequence of attacking gibsie and you before me gave that extra time I needed.


                            • There are 2 players available tomorrow for most of day, any other volunteers for a game, new or existing, prefer one that can be continued at a later stage.


                              • Happy New Year aussies

