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RtW: Add-On Pack 1

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  • RtW Add-on Pack 1 has been downloaded 30,000 times since release two months ago!


    • Originally posted by Dale
      RtW Add-on Pack 1 has been downloaded 30,000 times since release two months ago!

      Is there Christmas surprise for the fans?


      • Dale, of course you know this:

        But YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!
        ModCastNewest Episode!
        Beyond the Sword: Road to War Art Development

        Second Revolution 3.0 Creator


        • RTW Global

          Do you have an idea on when Global will be out?


          • RTW Add-on grief

            Hey Dale great MOD

            Need some help though. I installed the new patch for RTW but when I returned to open my saved game I get

            I've tried to load the MOD first then the game and loading the saved game directly from the BTS main menu. I also tried to delete and reinstall the patch. This wasn't a problem before I installed the patch but your patch is what really made the game super playable.


            The saved game file is attached.

            NVM -found your 1.1 patch, thanks anyway
            Last edited by The_Colonel; December 11, 2007, 17:39.


            • Tech tree - lost icons?

              I finished my first game (3.13 vanilla), then installed the add-on pack, then the 1.1 patch. I can start new RtW games and play, but I'm missing most of the icons in the tech tree. The only ones that are there are the "standard" ones copied from basic Civ. Any ideas? It's not a huge problem, but it would be nice to see what units show up when in the tech tree again.



              • Re: Tech tree - lost icons?

                Originally posted by Shalkai
                I finished my first game (3.13 vanilla), then installed the add-on pack, then the 1.1 patch. I can start new RtW games and play, but I'm missing most of the icons in the tech tree. The only ones that are there are the "standard" ones copied from basic Civ. Any ideas? It's not a huge problem, but it would be nice to see what units show up when in the tech tree again.

                Just a question, but do you have "simple" graphics turned on? I remember there being an issue about that and problems displaying custom tech, civic and unit icons.


                • Re: RTW Global

                  Originally posted by 123aaa
                  Do you have an idea on when Global will be out?
                  At this point not for a long time.

                  I want to work on my Age of Discovery mod for a bit first. I sort of burnt out on RtW.


                  • Originally posted by GarretSidzaka
                    Dale, of course you know this:

                    But YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!
                    A big hand to you too brother!

                    BTW, most of the DL's come from non-Poly/CFC. They're getting the address direct from the game.


                    • Bingo! Yes, Dale, I have graphics turned waaay down when I play RtW. I'll uncheck "Simple" and see if that fixes it, and report back.

                      My PC is a couple of years old, and starts to lag and crash frequently when the save game files get above 800k or so on huge maps. There's only so much even a really good PCI video card will handle. We'll see what Santa brings me.



                      • hey thats the beauty of RTW!!!! Im still waiting for yer global to come out too!!

                        busy busy as crap myself.

                        I hope the family is well my brotha
                        ModCastNewest Episode!
                        Beyond the Sword: Road to War Art Development

                        Second Revolution 3.0 Creator


                        • Very nice piece of work Dale. Been playing the fairly solidly for the last couple of weeks, mainly the Pacific theatre. A little surprised at the lack of unique detail for the Austrialians. A few posibilities if you do come back to RtW updates in the future.

                          Commonwealth Infantry path rather than basic infantry path.


                          Could employ British Crusader IIIs as already in game or even better include the Australian developed AC1-4 Sentinel tanks ranging from the 2pdr armed AC1 up to the 17pdr armed AC4.


                          The RAAF employed British Spitfires and US P-40s and P-51s during the war so any of these could be incorporated. Altenatively a path starting from the CAC Wirraway progressing to the CAC Boomerang and then to the CAC Mustang variants or British Meteors.


                          Australia produced both Beufighters and Mosquitos during the war so either of these could be fit in.

                          Australian Landscape

                          Whats the reasoning behind all the eastern Australian landmass west of the Great Divide being desert? Is it a balance thing designed to throttle development? We did have a big drough down under during the early 40's but that inland Vic, NSW and Qld is the main wheat belt in the eastern states.

                          General Comment

                          What do people think about a Heavy Tank Destroyer class that is analagous to the German JagdPanther/Tiger, the British Tortise, Soviet Su-100 (primarily assualt guns I know but still a powerfull TD) and the US M-36 (not quite the same class but a good gun).

                          Finally is there somewhere that offers a bit of a tutorial on Modding? I've been into World Builder and had a play around but can't for instance make the changes I've suggested above. I'd like to have a go just to see if the balance is horribly disturbed.




                          • Hi Dan,

                            The reason for lack of Aussie uniqueness is that they aren't one of the powers of the war. Sure, they were up there, but they were no UK or US.

                            Totally agree with all your suggestions though. My Grandpa was Senior Aeronautical Engineer at CAC during the war and worked on Beu's & Mozzies.

                            As for Aust's "Great Dry", yes to limit Aussie growth.


                            • Originally posted by danrh
                              Finally is there somewhere that offers a bit of a tutorial on Modding? I've been into World Builder and had a play around but can't for instance make the changes I've suggested above. I'd like to have a go just to see if the balance is horribly disturbed.


                              About the modding questions, it's best to take that into the Creation forum, but I can give you a hand. Most of the changes you mention above cannot be done through WB. The map changes can, but unit changes cannot. But like I said, start a question thread in the Creation forum.

                              BTW, you'll also find a couple of tutorials (including the WB manual) in the Creation forum.


                              • Thanks Dale,

                                yeah I found the WB manual but haven't yet had a chance to properly peruse it and I've also grabbed your CivCustomiser. I was supposed to be going to Brisbane for the weekend but if i can't get my car going I might very well have a four day weekend to play with Civ, wife and kids permitting. If that happens I might just be bugging you


