nope I have that it still won't load it says fail to uncompress game data at load
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RtW: Add-On Pack 1
I love the mod, thank you!
I had to sign up to agree with previous statements about more solid alliences in the open game mode. I love the idea of being able to attack whoever i want whenever. I hate the idea that america attacks weak ol france (which happened in my first open game). France was Britiains allie before the war. America would never of attacked France, the people in America at that time had to be convinced just to go to war with Germany.
Some kind of solid defence treaty's between the allies would make a "what if" scenario alot more realistic, and harder. Its just to easy to gobble up whoever you want, with nobody stopping you or comming to the defense of their allies. Just ask Hitler pre 1939.
Your hard work shows, and no mod is as good as this one!! Thank you !!