I was wondering why when starting the new mod, you can't play Germany with the ones that have Hitler? Also, I seem to have a problem that the game seems to crash a lot. It just closes down. Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
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RtW: Add-On Pack 1
It sounds like an issue in installation.
1. Install BtS
2. Install BtS patch 3.13
3. Delete the Road to War Mod folder
4. Install Road to War Add-on Pack
5. Install Road to War patch
I just tested and all the above works when setup in that process.
I can't nuke people, and it's annoying me.
Before you ask; Yes I followed the installation instructions properly, and yes I have Add-on Pack 1, and yes I have the patch installed, and yes I have uranium mined, and yes I have chain reactors ,and yes I have the required technology and no I can't build nukes!
I could (and did) nuke China back to the stone age before I saved, exited, and then re-loaded that savegame. After the re-load, I don't see nukes in any of my build lists.
It's a bug. Stop pretending it's not.
Core 2 Duo E6600 OC'd to 3.40 GHz
6GB DDR2-800
2xGf 8800GTX (SLI)
Windows XP x64
Trade Question
In the trade screen it shows that your resources are worth 1 anvil if you trade it. Does that mean that if you trade it, the gaining country will gain one anvil in production for each of it's cities connected to it's capital? Or is the anvil worthless and only the resource itself is of any value (i.e. oil to a country that doesn't have oil)? Thanks.
Air Intercept Missions
Question on intercept missions. When the computer checks to see if an intercept occurs, does it check against just one available aircraft and if the intercept doesn't occur, then the enemy attacks? Or does it check against EVERY available aircraft? Thanks.
trading is useless on Rtwar one bad side is no luxuries or happy just strategic resources. So you will have loads of unhealthness cause all the buildings you can produce act like a forge so your stuck with deficits or small cities and you have to build them to build units .no way to combat war weary no way to combat unhappy except with the culture rate
the good thing is all the peaceful buildings are already build. there are two fish own by Uk thats it in the mediteranean sea any others would come from a random event
mrp there's a couple of issues with the add-on which I'm working on fixing.
Have a look at this thread: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...hreadid=173782
It resolves a lot of what you're talking about.
About luxuries: the Mod is about war not trade.