I really liked Civ2 (still do), and am enjoying Civ4. So many little improvements - but here's what I'd really like to see:
1. Customized difficulty levels. There are tables that show the differences between, say, Noble and Monarch. It might be fun to be able to build your own difficulty level (e.g. a setting where the AI has construction advantages as if you're on Monarch, but they research at the same speed as you (Noble) and the barbarians have the same (dis)advantages as they do on Warlord). This could probably be done through modding now, but it would be nice to have it as an easy to use option - maybe through the use of sliders?
2. More economic options. Deficit spending, for example. Deficits might be allowed when you reach a certain tech, or in a certain civic(s). There'd be a limit (say, 75% of GDP) and disadvantages (interest cost, perhaps unhappiness). You might even need to find an AI that would be willing to lend to you - with interest, and some fairly dire consequences if you default.
Monopolies would be fun too. What if you buy up all the silver in the world, like the Hunts tried to do? What would be the benefits?
Weapons sales. You can gift weapons; why not sell them? There'd have to be pretty careful parameters to prevent this being an exploit, of course. But this would give you something to do with your slightly-used, unwanted units. And it would be fun to sell units to both sides in a war, and take a reputation hit from both!
1. Customized difficulty levels. There are tables that show the differences between, say, Noble and Monarch. It might be fun to be able to build your own difficulty level (e.g. a setting where the AI has construction advantages as if you're on Monarch, but they research at the same speed as you (Noble) and the barbarians have the same (dis)advantages as they do on Warlord). This could probably be done through modding now, but it would be nice to have it as an easy to use option - maybe through the use of sliders?
2. More economic options. Deficit spending, for example. Deficits might be allowed when you reach a certain tech, or in a certain civic(s). There'd be a limit (say, 75% of GDP) and disadvantages (interest cost, perhaps unhappiness). You might even need to find an AI that would be willing to lend to you - with interest, and some fairly dire consequences if you default.
Monopolies would be fun too. What if you buy up all the silver in the world, like the Hunts tried to do? What would be the benefits?
Weapons sales. You can gift weapons; why not sell them? There'd have to be pretty careful parameters to prevent this being an exploit, of course. But this would give you something to do with your slightly-used, unwanted units. And it would be fun to sell units to both sides in a war, and take a reputation hit from both!
