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Anybody found 'hidden' features?

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  • sabrewolf: yeah I know the farms carry irrigation is in there, but it doesn't say anything about having to keep the chain in tact. For example, I had a watermill on a river and behind that a grassland tile. I farmed over the watermill, farmed the grassland, then rebuilt the watermill. Once the watermill was rebuilt, the grassland tile still looks like a farm, but only produces 2 food instead of the 3 you would expect from farmed grassland.


    • I like the Egyptian chick myself.


      • Originally posted by Strudo
        Not really a hidden feature as such but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere and it could be easily missed.

        Once you get Civil Service, you can start farm chaining. That is put a farm on a tile next to a river, then you can put another farm on the next tile out using the first farm as the source. No problems there.

        What caught me out is that, unlike civ3, if you remove the first farm from the link, all subsequent farms loose the farm benefit until the link to the fresh water source is restored. The graphic doesn't change back and they just display as farms that arn't being worked.
        Wow. Just wow.


        • I can't help but add one more thought to the "speaking Latin in Italy" mini-thread: as an American living in Germany, I have a number of colleagues who were very suprised to discover that contemporary Spanish and Italian are very close to each other. A native Spanish speaker can understand most conversational Italian--and even "speak" it to some extent--with virtually no preparation. (I would assume the opposite is true for Italians in Spain or Latin America...)

          Humble Programmer

          Humble Programmer


          • before i learned spanish i spoke italian with my castellan-speaking girlfriend (at the time). and she spoke spanish back. it really is bloody simple to understand both ways if you know "what to listen for" (different endings, etc)
            - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
            - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


            • Originally posted by Strudo
              What caught me out is that, unlike civ3, if you remove the first farm from the link, all subsequent farms loose the farm benefit until the link to the fresh water source is restored. The graphic doesn't change back and they just display as farms that arn't being worked.
              Good catch. I was wondering about that the other day...
              Let Them Eat Cake


              • Originally posted by Adm.Naismith

                Thanks for the correction! I'm sure my posts are full of errors, but I really can't improve my english as I would like.

                BTW I don't like icing on the cake anyway, so maybe it's a kind of freudian mistake.
                I don't like icing on cake either. Too sweet for me.

                I don't know any Italian...when I was in Switzerland there was an area where they spoke Ital and I was lost...the German I can get by on but not Italian..
                Let Them Eat Cake


                • Originally posted by HumbleProgramme
                  I can't help but add one more thought to the "speaking Latin in Italy" mini-thread: as an American living in Germany, I have a number of colleagues who were very suprised to discover that contemporary Spanish and Italian are very close to each other. A native Spanish speaker can understand most conversational Italian--and even "speak" it to some extent--with virtually no preparation. (I would assume the opposite is true for Italians in Spain or Latin America...)

                  Humble Programmer

                  My father was from Puerto Rico and he maintained that when he and my mother went to Italy he had absolutely no problem speaking with anybody. There were some people that gave him a hard time, but it was because he didn't speak Italian, not because they didn't understand him.

                  I, for one, also speak Portuguese (my wife is from Brazil) and they are so close I have a hard time determining if a person is speaking Italian or Portuguese for the first few words.

                  Tom P.


                  • Did anyone else pay attention to the Great Prophet's "fidget" animation? LOL!


                    • This isnt a hidden feature but I found it interesting.

                      One thing I noticed when Christianity was discovered around 750 BC, about 750 years early - shouldnt the date reset to 1AD - and go from there after all the dates are based on the birth of Christ.

                      Just a thought.
                      The stupid shall be punished.
                      "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


                      • Roll-over the unit GRAPHIC in the details box (lower left) will detail all the bonuses of the unit.

                        Roll-over the BANNER of an enemy unit (or stack) will detail all the bonuses of the unit(s).

                        I have read that double-clicking your banner (left of mini-map) is the same as pressing F10: capital city screen.


                        • Originally posted by Aro
                          But I can't control it! Tell me the trick.
                          Grab mode toggle is "Z".
                          Not always available (e.g., at strategy zoom), IS always available when a unit is selected.

                          EDIT: To move the map while in "Globe View"/strategy zoom, hold down left-mouse button and move at will!
                          Last edited by Jaybe; November 12, 2005, 20:24.


                          • I always thought that to create a city rally point (all units produced go to that square automatically) that you single-click on city name on map, then right-click destination. Never worked for me. Just found that it is SHIFT Right-Click.


                            • Restart Building Mines

                              I had a game where Copper was at my border with a rival civ. They started to create a mine. My borders expanded and the copper tile came to me. The rival stopped work on the mine and I was able to finish the mine with 1 worker for 1 turn. The tile remembers work put into it even with another civ.


                              • Re: Restart Building Mines

                                Originally posted by Tadaas
                                I had a game where Copper was at my border with a rival civ. They started to create a mine. My borders expanded and the copper tile came to me. The rival stopped work on the mine and I was able to finish the mine with 1 worker for 1 turn. The tile remembers work put into it even with another civ.
                                That is a great lurk.
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

