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v1.00 BUG Reports

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  • Freeze on Dell Latitude D600 Laptop

    I have a Dell Latitude D600 with the newest ATI drivers installed. Installatioin (including DirectX 9.0) runs smoothly, intro movies run fine, startup menus are OK, Civilopedia works fine.

    When I choose Play Now! I choose the world type and size with no problem, but at the leader selection screen it freezes if I choose a leader besides "Random Leader". If I leave it at "Random Leader" then it builds the world with the narration fine, but freezes with a black screen immediately afterwards.

    I don't know how to dump all that info that other people do, otherwise I would include it.

    Please help me! Thanks.


    • Re: Freeze on Dell Latitude D600 Laptop

      Originally posted by Xelvonar
      I have a Dell Latitude D600 with the newest ATI drivers installed. Installatioin (including DirectX 9.0) runs smoothly, intro movies run fine, startup menus are OK, Civilopedia works fine.

      When I choose Play Now! I choose the world type and size with no problem, but at the leader selection screen it freezes if I choose a leader besides "Random Leader". If I leave it at "Random Leader" then it builds the world with the narration fine, but freezes with a black screen immediately afterwards.

      I don't know how to dump all that info that other people do, otherwise I would include it.

      Please help me! Thanks.
      I found this in a "ThemeParseLong" file in the Civ4 directory:

      Error : File - ('Civ4Theme_Custom.thm', Ln:4999, Col:47) Could not load bitmap 'Civ4/HUD/city_titlearrows.tga'

      Is that the reason? Any help here?


      • Every time I load a multiplayer game (PBEM), it changes my options back to the defaults. A little anoying, seeing as I have to keep going into the ini file to turn the movies off.
        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


        • Playing on a Dell Dimension 8100 with a NVidia video card with latest drivers. I'm pushing the lower end of the requirements with about a 1.3-1.4 GHz processor. Runs slowly, but the problem is the text that displays on the city displays is all replaced by blue or black blocks. Is there a font problem, or is my computer just too old and slow?

          I think I've attached a screenshot. I hope.
          Attached Files


          • I got one...

            I have my \my documents tree mapped to a unc path (\\servername\sharename\foldername)

            Autosavess work OK, but whenever I go to either manually save, or load any type of save the tree starts at \ and I have to manually browse to the folder.

            I've turned off the redirection, and set my docs to default (c:\documents and settings\myname\my documents) and when loading and saving it comes up with the My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Saves\single folder straight up...

            Next test is to see if I can make it happen with a mapped drive...


            • There's an interface bug in the tech tree window. When I right-click on a tech to see the civilopedia entry for it, then exit out of the 'pedia entry window my research has switched to the tech that i right-clicked on. It would be nice if it could remember what tech i was in the middle of researching.

              Also, this isn't exactly a bug but would make city management easier... when the window pops up asking what to build in a city, it would be nice if the city info window summary overlay (lower left) came up also. Currently it just sticks on some random tile info (doesn't follow the mouse-overs either). This would make it so we don't have to 'examine city' as much.
              Last edited by krytonix; November 3, 2005, 06:08.


              • yeah, the F6 screen is pretty f'ed up. what we've seen so far:

                a) other F1-F12 shortcuts do not work
                b) escape doesn't exit the screen
                c) it is not centred unlike other advisor screens
                d) right-clicking for civilopedia exits back to the game and selects the thing you right-clicked

                and an improvement request: it would be nice to see by different colours:
                - which techs are immediately researchable
                - which techs are researchable with 1 extra tech
                - the mouse-over caption should show which techs are missing along the line to get it. so for example on astronomy something like "you need to first research optics and compass"

                sid's tips are nice, but mostly the exact same thing as is written in the description just lines above...
                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                • I changed my virtual memory settings to 3000 min to 4000 max after noticing the pop up that " windows is increasing etc. " and getting a bunch of slow helps alot . I am on a huge map towards the later game ( Earth ) with lots of other civs .


                  • Originally posted by padillah
                    I was playing and gave my Jags a "Go to" order. It got late and I saved and went to bed (you remember bed, right?).

                    When I loaded it up last night the Jag was next to move, the route was still outlined (in that dotted line ending in a circle) but it was asking me to move the Jags. Like it had lost the order.

                    I'll see if I can repeat it tonight and get a screenshot.

                    Tom P.
                    Nope. Tried twice to do it in a new game and it won't do it.

                    Tom P.


                    • Dont know if this a bug but open borders while at war, isnt that strange?
                      (didnt have time to test it but foreign advisior screen stated that)
                      SMAC rules...


                      • Xelvonar, I tried running civ4 on my inspiron 8100 as well, which is actually even lower on the "tech tree" than yours is, it's only 866, and 16mb nvidia geforce 2go card...anyways it wouldn't run (I wasn't surprised) but I ordered a 32MB card on ebay for like 19 bucks just for giggles. I remember a while ago they said min video memory was 32MB, soooo I am sorta crossing my fingers on this one. I don't need it to run fast, I just want it to RUN. Aaaanyways, on a friend's PC he has an nvidia card and he had a problem similar to yours, it was like the textures were all screwed up and garbled, we updated his drivers on nvidia's site and it went away. :\


                        • Looked quick but didn't see this.
                          Normally have black terrain bug and have to run with the WorldBuilder show all terrain trick. I start a new game as the Indians and whoa, the fog of war is correctly displayed with normal looking terrain. It turns out I started in the dead center of the map and never had to load up the WorldBuilder. I'm ecstatic that I finally have real game to play.
                          Here's the second part of the bug...wherever I scroll, the opening in the fog of war follows. Normally, when you scroll off the screen, you only see darkness, but with this bug, I can see any terrain even far off from my land and my cities get enveloped in a fog of war. When I scroll back, my cities are in the clearing again and the unexplored land is back into the fog.

                          Well, its great news to me that my GeForce4 460 Go seems to be able to properly draw the terrain and fog of war and so its not a solely hardware issue. Oh and next few games I loaded up, the black terrain is back. The fix seems to be related to the nearness of my city to the center of the map.
                          .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


                          • I think this have been mentioned before but maybe not in this context. When choosing what to build the info of the buildings to left of the menu disappers and selects whats below and it doesnt come back. Sometimes it randomly appears just to be gone again.
                            SMAC rules...


                            • falshing vertical bars

                              I have something I haven't seen posted about, yet. It's not major, but it IS anoying. I have random, flashing brown/tan vertical bars on my main screen. They don't stay, they appear in different places and they look to be about half the screen height. Otherwise, the game runs smoothly at 1024x768, but the bars appear at any usable resolution. No problems in COD2 and AoE III, H/L 2.

                              My system:
                              ASus a7v333
                              1Gig ram
                              ATI AIW 9600 pro

                              Tried CAT 5.7, 5.8 & 5.10a, but MMC only works with 5.7, so I use that every day. CPU/MB temps ok, cpu peaks at about 52c & mb about 45c, can't get temp from 9600.

                              Of course it could just be my system, but upgrades are a ways off.



                              • I'd have more bugs for you all, but I wasn't seriously collecting them. (I tell you, I'd make a good beta tester.) These are from memory:

                                VIDEO MODES
                                Mode 1920x1200 is INTERLACED. Should be progressive. Those of us with widescreen CRTs that'll do 1920x1200 also do progressive. Interlaced looks like pure unplayable crap.

                                1920x1080 is interlaced, which makes sense for HDTV players, but again, need an option for the same mode in progressive format.

                                No option for 2048x1280 progressive, but I can let that slide.

                                WONDER MOVIES
                                Clicking on 'The Internet' movie will not display the stats for the technology, like it does for all other movies.

                                TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTIONS
                                Darn if I can remember, but one of the tech has an extra bit of quote that Nimoy does not say. That, and an extra set of "'s on it.

                                NUMERIC KEYPAD OVERLAY
                                I should have taken a screenshot, but with a naval vessel (in my case, battleship), the keypad number overlay will print a number on an illegal direction. You cannot actually go there, but it prints a number indicating it is a valid move, when it is not. To replicate, load the Earth map. Put a ship off of the northwest coast of the United States. An enclosed lake is right diagonal to an ocean square. The keypad overlay says the lake is a valid move, when it is not.

                                BATTLE ZOOM-IN
                                With health-meter bars enabled on your units, you can see the post-battle heath of your unit *DURING BATTLE*. In fact, by looking for the empty bar, you can automatically know who is going to win. Also, the lower left unit status gives away if the battle is a win or a lose, before you've even landed a blow.

                                EDIT: Corrected a resolution's specs.
                                Last edited by mantari; November 3, 2005, 21:40.

