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v1.00 BUG Reports

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  • Re: Graphical bug/glitch

    Originally posted by GeoModder
    I have it that with the yield overlay in both the cityscreen and the main game map only the food shows.

    Beside of that, the game seems to run rather smoothly on my Nvidia GeForce4 420 GO 32 VRAM, save for the expected stutter with the intro movie and some slow loading/switching between info screens.
    What he said.

    Graphic specs:
    Nvidia GeForce MX 4000
    Video Memory 128MB

    Computer specs:
    AMD Athlon XP 3000+
    Speed: 2.17 GHz
    Memory: 1Gb
    Hard Drive: 200Gb


    • Does anyone else get this?

      Random crash to desktop.

      I had a game that was on a huge map going for a couple of days and it would crash to desktop from time to time. No errors, no slow down, just poof. I thought I'd do a re-install of the game as I had some video card issues when I first installed it. Now it played for about 30 min on a new game and crashed to desktop. OY!

      Here are my stats

      P4 2.79 GHz
      1 GB ram
      Nvidia Gforce FX 5500 256 MB

      clearly over and above the min requirement and the recommended requirement



      • Some times a ship's graphic and the flag post don't match up: The ship(s) is actually where the flagpost is, not where the ship graphic is.

        Also, some times the advisors advise me to build the building I just started on.
        Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
        Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


        • Originally posted by snoopy369
          ...and if you're a civ3 player you're used to paying attention to the arrows; but don't, instead follow the right-hand requirements, and then add ONE of the arrowed techs (if there are more than one).
          You're right! I was following the arrows. I had no idea, all of this time, there were other requirements to learning a technology. Am I dumb, or is this something that needs to stand out some more?

          So let me throw in something different...

          PYRAMID WONDER COMPLAINT: When you build The Pyramids, you should be given an option for a revolution and/or to go to the Civics screen, like all the other times that you learn a new civic.

          MINOR: Select a map: "Terra", at 1600x1000 resolution, at least, the word 'planet' overlaps into the scroll bar area.
          Last edited by mantari; November 4, 2005, 10:07.


          • I have an anoying complaint.

            The pop-up help is too loose in it's interpretation of what to pop-up. Most everything I hover over gets a pop-up for a couple of seconds and then gets replaiced by the land tile under it.
            I can even get land tile pop-ups in the Civilopedia and Advisor screens. Everything ends in a land pop-up.

            Some of them are so fast I can't read them. So I have to keep moving the mouse pointer to keep the pop-up active.

            It's really bad implementation. A screen that covers a tile SHOULD COVER THE TILE.

            Tom P.


            • No apologies if this has already been mentioned - additional info should always be welcome:

              Summary: game crashes to desktop often when worker or similar unit icons such as 'build mine' or 'build cottage' or 'convert city' (missionary) clicked in multiplayer LAN game.

              Two player 'team' game vs AI on 'tilted axis' map (with default other settings) using 'LAN' option. Player 1 and Player 2 same leader/nationality.

              Here's how this came about for us.

              Player 1 hosted the game. Player 2, on an early turn, had focus directed to a worker and clicked the 'build mine' icon. The client instantly crashed to desktop and the session was recoverable with the in-game sync feature.

              From then on, problem only affects Player *1* - player 2 now seems immune. Player 1 had numerous (perhaps 30?) incidents of this bug over four hour game.

              Seems to affect workers and missionaries that have no movement points left at the end of a turn and an attempt is made to give them an additional command. This seems to cause the problem 100% of the time.

              Avoiding this situation seems to cause the bug about 25% of the time (i.e. not at end of turn). Over the 4 hours we were unable to form a cohesive mental model to account for the bug, however it seemed that always moving a worker or missionary on one turn and then giving a build command on the subsequent turn seemed to minimise the incidence rate. We did not find a complete workaround and put up with the problem the entire game.

              I can report the in-game resync feature seemed to work perfectly every time!


              • I get a random crash for no reason from time to time but only after 12 hours or so of play. I think it is a cache issue.
                Last edited by SpartanLord; November 5, 2005, 01:33.


                • My copy crashes randomly to the desktop. Frequency for crashes increases as games progress. Eventually games will crash every turn or every other turn.

                  AMD Athlon64 3000+
                  1GB RAM
                  ATI 9800XT VIO
                  SB Audigy 2 ZS

                  Running latest drivers for sound, video, Mother board. Updated bios too. Used ATI and Omega drivers.

                  Playing Large or Standard Map with 6 AI players


                  • This is probably a feature, but I was confused when I looked at my resources and Iron was not shown.

                    I had several at the time and I finally decided that it was because it was obsolete. How about showing it with a red X?

                    Also later in the game there is at least one wonder that gives a boost for having Iron? Does it still function?


                    • I am having crashes in civ IV when it tries to save the game. I hope firaxis can solve this in a future patch release.

                      I am playing a fairly large game on a 40x25 map (1.56 times as big as huge). I am in industrial age and the whole map is filled with cities.

                      I have a savegame on turn X wich is 1073 kbyte in size. Then if I try to save the game on turn X+2 the game crashes after it as written 2 kbyte of the savegame. (I get the savegame file, but it is only 2 kbyte). The game crashes to desktop.

                      I have repeated this problem maybe 3-4 times in hopes of getting it to work, but it seemes impossible. Anyone heard of a problem like this or similar to it?

                      My computer has these specs:

                      Athlon 64 3500+
                      1768 MB RAM
                      Nvidia 6600 GT
                      38 GB free discspace on a SATA disc

                      At the time of crash Civ IV uses about 1.1 GB RAM and there is atleast 300 MB free RAM (from the Windows Task Manager).

                      Other than the savegame crashes the game runs verry nice. Earlier when I had only 1GB RAM I had crashes ingame sometimes before, but now that is solved with my ram upgrade.


                      • After my problem with automating a worker causing a CTD, I now have, for some reason, my workers, when built, are automated, well, automatically. I don't even have the option to automate them.

                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                        • <
                          The Tech/Build advisor dissapears in the later game, but then magically appears and them disappers again >>

                          Oops - I can raze cities after capturing them, it's the fact that you can't raze cities after a culture flip that I meant to write about
                          Last edited by awckie; November 7, 2005, 18:46.


                          • Lots of very serious problems!

                            I've been a Civ fanatic since the original. This is the first version that is driving me nuts with bugs. And I know what a but is. Some comments:

                            1. My system exceeds the recommended requirements (2.2 GHz P4 Intel CPU, Dell Precision 340 workstation, 512 MB RAM, 256 MB Nvidia 5500 FX OC card, which I bought to play this game).

                            2. Saves and reloads are ridiculously slow, more than 30 seconds.

                            3. Phantom units appear and disappear. I feel like I'm playing in the ghost world.

                            4. Playing a super-tiny duel map with one opponent. We have no open borders agreement. In fact, my opponent (I'm Alexander and he's Julius Caesar) won't even talk to me about that agreement. I cannot sail a ship into his territory without provoking war. But he can sail his GALLEYS throughout my territory. (I understand that Caravels can do that; I read everything; this was galleys.)

                            5. One of his galleys was in my territory, right next to my capital. I attacked it with a frigate. My frigate just sailed right through it and there was no battle. It was a ghost galley (although I had seen it drop off a settler and archer on an island near my capital). I quit and reloaded. I attacked that galley several times. It was ethereal and could not be attacked. But it kept being visible just like a normal galley and sailed on back to its home port.

                            6. I've noticed several other examples of ghost ships, but don't remember the details.

                            7. When the game zooms in for battles, half the time it shows empty sea and doesn't show the combatants at all.

                            8. Not really a bug--but overall pace is very sluggish.

                            This game has a lot of promise, but I think the C++ plus Python plus XML structure is irredeemably sludge. I'm really shocked to see such crap programming in a Sid Meier game.


                            • RE #5: If you're not at war, not a bug. When you're not at war with a player, your units can move into the same space as that player's units.
                              "For it must be noted, that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance." - Niccolo Machiavelli


                              • thx

                                Shadowlord, okay, I guess you're right about no. 5. I guess this is an example of a feature looking like a bug at first glance.

