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"Civilization IV"... Confirmed?

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  • No, I would do much worse.

    But, it's not my job. The gameplay could be great, I dunno, but with it looking that way you ar not going to get many 'looks' by people who may take a peak. Aesthetics do indeed count.


    • Colonisation was released in about 1994!

      It's the concept that's great, It just needs updating graphically, and now computers can deal with more than one thing at a time, even the concept can be expanded!!

      Play the original Colonization, ignore the graphics, then try Anno 1503- I certainly prefer the first in fun terms.

      Very simple, but very clever.



      • I'll take gameplay over looks anytime.
        "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
        "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
        2004 Presidential Candidate
        2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


        • Hi mate,

          I called it "very simple but very clever", but boy did you have to struggle against the king of Britain, France or Spain- But it really was fun until Independence was declared! The fight you knew you'd win was the only boring part, avoiding a tax by moving goods around was an artform.

          Something modern programmers are forgetting I feel in thinking games today is the "fun" bit.

          Even we need it.....



          • Wow Toby Rowe, you apprantly don't have much knowledge on the game.

            It's easy to manage polution:
            - build nuclear plants or hydro plants if possible
            - build environmental plants if there's no fresh water
            - build recycling centers
            - build mass transit systems
            that will take most of the pollution away for sure.

            You can set your workers to automate on polution and take a tea break. It's shift-P if I'm right.
            But why not just use shift-A on all your workers? As soon as polution occurs and they have their current job done, they'll go to clean up the pollution.

            I'm sorry but pollution is never a problem to me. (playing on demi-god level)

            Besides that, be sure you have enough workers anyway, at least one per city.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • I would like to play Civ IV on my Pocket PC.

              (An Army just does not fit on one plane)


              • Are there set any release date for this game?
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • Originally posted by Adagio
                  Are there set any release date for this game?


                  • Cybershy,

                    Sorry, you cannot fully automate workers to only clear pollution and NEVER be bothered again- If there is no pollution they become idle and hassle you.

                    Pollution CANNOT be eliminated, for starters, you should know Airports in this version produce it regardless of what you build. Two pollution symbols are normal.

                    Having to keep 3 workers on an Island just in case pollution occurs is stupid due to the Airport.

                    Games are meant to be fun, NOT only a trial. Cleaning up Pollution every single turn simply as you built a hospital is not fun, or even a trial, it's simply BORING.

                    Multiply this by 200 cities, it gets REALLY BORING.



                    • Originally posted by Toby Rowe

                      Sorry, you cannot fully automate workers to only clear pollution and NEVER be bothered again- If there is no pollution they become idle and hassle you.

                      Pollution CANNOT be eliminated, for starters, you should know Airports in this version produce it regardless of what you build. Two pollution symbols are normal.

                      Having to keep 3 workers on an Island just in case pollution occurs is stupid due to the Airport.

                      Games are meant to be fun, NOT only a trial. Cleaning up Pollution every single turn simply as you built a hospital is not fun, or even a trial, it's simply BORING.

                      Multiply this by 200 cities, it gets REALLY BORING.

                      There will be no pollution in Civ 4 according to Jeff. Also no corruption. Yea.


                      • Sounds good to me too. Perhaps the effcts will manifest in other ways?
                        "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
                        "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
                        2004 Presidential Candidate
                        2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


                        • Originally posted by Vince278
                          Sounds good to me too. Perhaps the effcts will manifest in other ways?
                          I'm sure Soren has plans to replace all of the "unfun" elements of Civ with new ones that make more sense and are easier to manage. After all, there wouldn't be much point in removing them otherwise.


                          • That is very good news indeed.

                            I don't like playing a game and yet somehow feel as if I'm in a factory- endlessly repeating the same task over and over and over (etc) again.

                            I don't mind pollution as a concept, but you should be able to eliminate it by new technology (renewable energy, sulphur-scrubbers and hydrogen cars/public transport) would eliminate all city pollution- all is currently available right now here in the real world.

                            Nothing wrong with industrial pollution in 1790-1970- just not beyond it.

                            I also dream of a Civ 4 that is much slower in time, wherin most wars occur prior to 1914. Just like the real world- It really is challenging building units and executing a war in the dark and middle ages- and costly in terms of lack of technological development spending, but it really is fun. I never declare war BTW, bar once early in the game, always- I just need that little bit of land that isn't mine.....



                            • >>There will be no pollution in Civ 4 according to Jeff. Also no corruption. Yea.

                              Arg, What a bad idea. I hope civ4 will be as realistic as possible. Pollution and corruption must be part of the game.
                              Anyway it is not relly a probleme to manage with.

                              Great Sid :-) here is my wishes :

                              - trade must be improved
                              - sea and if desired space must be colonisable
                              - War units must be grouped to make army to make war much interesting (as Call to power)
                              - Science must go far away that modern age (also as CTP... sorry )
                              - Game must be faster between turns.
                              - It must be multiplayble WITHOUT buying a expensif add-on.


                              • I don't want sea and space to be colonisable... I hated that part from ctp...
                                This space is empty... or is it?

