Ah -- you win so fast, you don’t get to the end techs. Any favorite down towards the end that push you in one direction vs another?
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Custom Race- Best Stats?
Originally posted by Old n Slow
Ah -- you win so fast, you don’t get to the end techs. Any favorite down towards the end that push you in one direction vs another?
Most are straight forward to me, you make your choice on what your race is for that game.
Adv city Planning/Hv Fighter Bay/Star fort, I always choose City as more pop is always good. Star Fort are only useful to give me more CP. I will have to defend with fleets anyway.
Fungi/Mutation.Gaia is the only one I really lament over and no matter how I choose I miss the rest.
I opt for Gaia more often than not, but if there is a stealth race stil alive, I may have to take Mutation to get Omi. Of course I may steal one and make the choice easier.
I often will play a lessor race or try some tactic to cause the game to last longer.
Recently I've been trying out +50 defense and trans dimensional + creative on impossible (with diffenrent minus combos, rep+-50growth; low-g+ground+spy malus).
When I got Evolution I took Warlord and my Ultra Elite ships fitted with a cloaking device, Augmented Engines and Inertial Nullifier had more than 400 beam defense (plus whatever leader I had with me). Combined with Multi-ECM Jammers, my ships are rarely hit. Even the Antarans never hit me with that combo.
That is a good race if you want to be a builder or just defensive, which I do often, but sometimes you might want to or have to play offensive. There are lots of good suggestions for offense in these threads, basically use missile boats early and best beam BB later. The bottom line is do whats fun for you.
Originally posted by vmxa1
What do you mean by too easy? The last time I lost a game was as a creative race, I never lost one as a tele?
mufa, congratulations, but it does not change anything I said.
BTW it is quite possible to lose and better players than me have done so.
If you have a strong race next to you they can blockade that race and then destroy it before they get the techs they need to be effective.
Now even I would not lose with a UniTol or UniLith.
Anyway I am not interested in games played with 1.2 as it was full of exploits.
Your race will not work in 1.31, it would have to be much weaker.
Creative 8 picks, Uni 6 picks, LHW 1 pick, +2 6 picks = 21. So you are either using 1.2 or an editor, either way is lame.
Originally posted by vmxa1
BTW it is quite possible to lose and better players than me have done so.
Anyway I can't see how u can loose against computer.
Truth is I like this race becase I don't know how to design ships without plasma canon, so I prefer to play peacefull and to develop myself without killing others
What abous this race on small 8 players, average, imp:
tele,+20spy,unification ? And maybe I cheated because I pick darlok.
Originally posted by Old n Slow
Ah -- you win so fast, you don’t get to the end techs. Any favorite down towards the end that push you in one direction vs another?
Impossible, 8 players, avg tech, avg age
Tele Warlord Trans Omi RHW Fuedal Repulsive
You should make a cruiser with no computer and 9 nukes (2 shot) and DD with no comp and 4 nukes.
HW 4/4/0 start Cruiser send out scouts and find a planet close to the AI for the CS.
Start a DD on new colony.
Refit scouts at colony after DD is bought with 1 nuke.
You could win in around 80 turns. Less with proper AI locations (were you can get to them).
Originally posted by mufa
You people keep posting about LHW,HW, DD, AI, CS and other abrevations. Some of them I can imagine what they mean, others I just can't. Is there any list of abreviations I can download ?
Bunch of lazy typers I guess.
LHW - Large Home World
HW - Home World
DD - United States Navy designation for a destroyer
AI - artifical intelligence or race
CS - could be a few things, but probably conlony ship, it depends on the context
any others?
BB - Navy for battleship
best empire building races
i'm a veteran kali moo2 player.
these are stats based on mp gaming against other human opponents. and yes these races work great in 1 player as well.
best negatives:
repulsive, -ground combat, -ship defense
repulsive, -spying (regular ship defense makes big difference)
-food, -spying, -ground combat, -ship defense (best nonrepulsive combo, works best with unification aquatic combo)
these are the best empire building custom races:
production races: (these 2 races tie for best race in moo2)
unification, tolerant, +1production, large hw(optional)
unification, aquatic, +2production, rich & large hw
growth race:
unification, aquatic, subterranean, rich & large hw/+1production
lithovore races: (tech races)
democracy, lithovore, rich & large hw
subterranean, lithovore, +50%growth/artifacts, large hw
unification, tolerant, cybernetic (semilith, great in mineral rich)
creative races:
unification, aquatic, creative, large hw (best creative race out there)
unification, subterranean, creative
note: unification creative is much better and faster than democracy creative, and democracy has -spying as well, so i didnt list any democreative races
cash race:
democracy, aquatic, +1BC
dictatorship races:
tolerant, lithovore (lower tier production race)
tolerant, +1food, +2production (lower tier production race)
subterranean, aquatic, +100%growth, rich & large hw (lower tier growth race)