Playing my first Impossible game now... meh, this is EASY.. ;-)
I went with
Huge galaxy, Organic
Creative, LHW, RHW, Dicatorship, +1 Science, Telepathic
-ship offense, -ground combat, Repulsive... picked Warlord as the evolution mutation.
Essentially, traded out Omniscient (not so needed after all) and Artifact world for Telephathic.
Started out a bit slow and met enemies early, but that was really a good thing, as I managed to absorb the Alkari empire pretty quickly - with three frigates alone, two with Ions and one Mass Driver.
After getting about 2/5 of the galaxy, they've all declared war on me (since I'm repulsive? maybe this would have been different with -bc instead), but can't crack any colony defenses.. Just for fun I made an "overtaker" battleship with troop pods, transporters and disruptors and all sorts of defensive goodies, just to fly around and assimilate the ships blockading... buahhgah
I went with
Huge galaxy, Organic
Creative, LHW, RHW, Dicatorship, +1 Science, Telepathic
-ship offense, -ground combat, Repulsive... picked Warlord as the evolution mutation.
Essentially, traded out Omniscient (not so needed after all) and Artifact world for Telephathic.
Started out a bit slow and met enemies early, but that was really a good thing, as I managed to absorb the Alkari empire pretty quickly - with three frigates alone, two with Ions and one Mass Driver.
After getting about 2/5 of the galaxy, they've all declared war on me (since I'm repulsive? maybe this would have been different with -bc instead), but can't crack any colony defenses.. Just for fun I made an "overtaker" battleship with troop pods, transporters and disruptors and all sorts of defensive goodies, just to fly around and assimilate the ships blockading... buahhgah