Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy

[b]Snoopy vs. Grumpius Trollium II[/b] Snoopy seemed to sputtered with new life when the announcer announced his name. He dashed forward and ripped a chunk of flesh out of Grumpius' forearm([b]1:Hit!(17)[/b]) but could not buzz out of the way in time when the tri-staff darted at him. ([b]1:Hit!(9)[/b]) Then Sopwith Camel bit Grumpius' through a grove in his leather armor, and twisted around. ([b]2:Hit!(17)[/b]) Grumpius grabbed Snoopy's knife hand, yanked the knife out of his flesh and cut Snoopy across the chest([b]2:Hit!(12)[/b]). Snoopy, in turn, grabbed the chain attaching the mace to Grumpius' try-staff and straggled him with his own weapon.([b]3:Hit!(14)[/b]) Grumpius escaped by whipping his upper body down and causing Snoopy to vault over his head and land with a crash. ([b]3:Hit!(9)[/b]) Both gladiators were eager to continue the fight but the round ended. Snoopy: 61 HP Grumpius Trollium II:52 [b]Winner: Snoopy[/b]
[b]Spacius Maximus vs. Theben[/b] Spacius Maximus, ahead in HP, took a defensive stance for the round. He didn't swing his sword once. ([b]1,2,3:Miss![/b]) Theben was not impressed by Spacius' cowardice; he planned his attack carefully. He feinted an attack on Spacius' left, then struck the opposite side in the arm pit. ([b]1:Hit!(18)[/b]) This caused Spacius' to drop his shield; Theben did not miss the blunder and struck him on the arm leaving a gaping wound.([b]2:Hit!(18)[/b]) Theben, knowing he had the upper hand did not strike again. ([b]3:Miss![/b])The round ended. Spacius Maximus: 43 HP Theben: 65 HP [b]Winner: Theben[/b]
[b]Ludd vs. Felchum[/b] Ludd used the same strategy as Spacius, luckily his armor was thicker and his opponent weaker. Ludd waited for Felchum to make the first move.([b]1:Miss![/b]) Felchum, bravely but dumbly struck Ludd with all his might at Ludd's thick plate mail; Ludd laughed as the saber bounced off lamely.([b]1:Miss![/b]) Not one to learn quickly, Felchum tried the same attack again. Ludd was ready and shoved Felchum to the ground as he swung his sword.([b]2:Hit!(2)[/b])([b]2:Miss![/b]) Felchum stood back and planned his attack carefully. He would try to attack Ludd's legs where the armor was not as thick. Felchum attacked; Ludd squated in summo style, and Felchum struck too high, hitting thick steal.([b]3:Miss![/b]) Match 1 was over. Ludd: 100 HP Felchum: 93 HP Winner: [b]Ludd[/b]