Ahh, thanks, had forgotten about this 
Will send orders in a bit.

Will send orders in a bit.
[b]Grumpius Trollium II vs. Sopwith Camel[/b] The two gladiators stared at each other. Grumpius Trollium II attempted to bow and Sopwith Camel lashed out at him! Grumpius side stepped out of the way just in time([b]1:Miss[/b]) and swung his Tri-Staff with 1.75 pound Mace Ball extendor at Sopwith Camel back, but it fell short([b]1:Miss[/b]). Camel turned around quickly swinging his dagger and made contact with metal, but it bounced off([b]2:Miss[/b]). Grumpius swung his staff at Camel's head but he ducked just in time([b]2:Miss[/b]). Frustrated, Sopwith ran straight at Grumpius. Grumpius, seeing his opportunity stepped to the side([b]3:Miss[/b]) and round house kicked Camel in the back.!([b]3:Hit!(9)[/b])
[b]Spacius Maximus vs. Theben[/b] After they entered the ring, Theben waited for Spacius Maximus to strike, but he stood there and did nothing! ([b]1:Miss[/b]) Finally, Theben steps up and swings his sword at Spacius, but it is parried easily.([b]1:Miss[/b]) Theben steps back and waited for Spacius Maximus to strike, but again he stood there and did nothing! ([b]2:Miss[/b]) Theben charged again but the strike bounced off Maximus' shield. ([b]2:Miss[/b]) When Theben recoiled, Spacius Maximus hit him hard on the head with his sword. ([b]3:Hit!(35)[/b]) Maximus stood back to gloat and Theben from the ground lashed out with his sword at Spacius leg leaving a huge gash. ([b]3:Hit!(21)[/b]) Spacius Maximus: 79 HP Theben: 65 HP
[b]Ludd vs. Felchum[/b] Both Gladiators entered the ring at the same time, though one took considerably more room than the other. Ludd refused to move. ([b]1,2:Miss[/b]) Unpreturbed, Felchum made contact with Ludd's plate mail twice, but he didn't leave a dent. ([b]1,2:Miss[/b]) Finally, they charged at each other simultaneously. This was a matchup Felchum could not win.([b]3:Hit!(0)[/b]) He was knocked flat on his back.([b]3:Hit!(5)[/b]) Ludd: 100 HP Felchum: 95 HP
the previous format looked great EPW, just sharing