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Fallout 3

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  • More GameFAQs awesomeness:
    I used a stealh boy to plant bottlecap mines all around the bar in Paradise falls. Eulogy was in the clinic with his chicks, so I put a few outside there for good measure. Then, still invisible, I reverse pick-pocketed a grenade into Forty's pants. When he blew up, everybody else ran to see what was going on, and found my mines.

    It was GLORIOUS!!!! I ended slavery in 15 seconds. How long did it take Lincoln?
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • GameFAQs has a 5/10 review. Here are some choice bits.

      Every place you go you have to worry about what path the AI will decide to take BECAUSE DOGMEAT MIGHT PERMANENTLY DIE. Seriously, whoever thought that up at Bethesda . . . WHAT THE ****.

      Wow, death in a video game. How lame is that? It's totally unrealistic that dog's die when they get shot several times in the head. It's annoying if you want to keep the mutt alive, but it's what Fallout has always been about.

      Why could they not instead make it so that when you die, you lose experience but regain health and get right back in the fight, which is what Fable 2 did with great success. That makes the game fun.

      I think this is actually one of the lamer aspects of Fable. It's too damn easy. You'll be mowing down hordes of bad guys, and never once feeling the slightest concern about getting hurt because you'll just come right back to life. Again, it's completely missing the point of Fallout. It's like somebody playing Silent Hill and whining because they don't have ****-tons of ammo.

      Playing this game is like playing World of Warcraft with one character who has no capability to heal besides spamming potions. And unlike World of Warcraft, there are no other players and no revives. You get booted to a menu every time you die. Not even to a menu INSIDE the game, you get booted to your Windows or MAC desktop and have to reload the game and reconnect to the network.

      I haven't played the PC version, so can someone explain what network he's talking about?

      Okay, breaking the train of thought for a moment, I really must discuss the MAJOR glitch. If you decide to play the good character and save the city of Megaton, I ***REALLY*** recommend you make a save just before the sheriff intercepts the guy who wants you to blow up the city. I am deeply regretting not reading online for this before I finished that mission. Be prepared to reload that save repeatedly.

      What is the glitch? In the SPLIT SECOND the sheriff takes to TURN AROUND AND PUT HIS BACK TO THE BAD GUY WITHOUT SO MUCH AS HANDCUFFING HIM (really realistic, would you not say? Yes, I am a sheriff really experienced in dealing with criminals - especially ones with very bad intentions. Thus, I am going to turn around and have my BACK to the bad guy and trust him completely to come with me and not shoot me.), you have HALF A SPLIT SECOND to SMASH THE V.A.T.S. BUTTON to kill the bad guy.

      Why is this absolutely necessary and why should you immediately reload your save if the sheriff dies in that split second? Because . . . after he dies, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to complete the quest. Therefore, you get JACK for saving the city of Megaton from atomic devastation. I think everybody must agree with me on the sheer stupidity of this: I just saved the city of Megaton from going up in a cloud of nuclear smoke, and nobody so much as thanks me because the sheriff let the bad guy shoot him in the back.

      It's actually really easy. Go to your quests menu. It tells you to talk to the sheriff's kid. Then you get your reward. We all figured it out, why couldn't this guy?

      I wanted to be able to marry and have a family, be either a villain or hero, and see my actions influence the world around me.

      In other words he wanted Fable. But Fable (while good) is not the be all, end all, of RPGs. It's basically just the Sims with swords. And if blowing a town up in a nuclear fireball isn't influencing the world around you, then why does anybody recognize the name "Enola Gay."

      You gotta love it. Fallout has its problems, but this guy just doesn't even know what he's getting into. It's like hating Monopoly because it's too capitalistic.
      John Brown did nothing wrong.


      • I have played the PC version, and I have no idea what network he's talking about. Whatever he was smoking, I want some of it.

        And it's funny, my first playthrough I never set foot in Moriarty's bar until about level 14. I talked to the sheriff in Megaton, got the quest to disarm the bomb, looked at it, disarmed it, got my reward, and proceeded on without speaking to Mr. Burke at all. Of course, when I finally did go into Moriarty's, Burke told me it was a bad idea what I had done, but that was it. You don't have to tell the sheriff about Burke at all to finish the quest; just disarm the damn bomb. He's suffering from an ID-10T error.
        Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


        • Every place you go you have to worry about what path the AI will decide to take BECAUSE DOGMEAT MIGHT PERMANENTLY DIE. Seriously, whoever thought that up at Bethesda . . . WHAT THE ****.

          What the hell is he talking about? Does he seriously expect a dog to survive all the fights you get into, without you him helping the dog?

          Playing this game is like playing World of Warcraft with one character who has no capability to heal besides spamming potions. And unlike World of Warcraft, there are no other players and no revives. You get booted to a menu every time you die. Not even to a menu INSIDE the game, you get booted to your Windows or MAC desktop and have to reload the game and reconnect to the network.

          First of all there are plenty of ways to heal yourself. And what's that about dying? Whenever I was killed in Fallout 3 I always went back to my last save. So unless he never saved the game (wait, the game does auto-save all the time, so that's not it) he must be on drugs (or he played a very early beta)
          What "network" he's talking about I have no idea

          Okay, breaking the train of thought for a moment, I really must discuss the MAJOR glitch. If you decide to play the good character and save the city of Megaton, I ***REALLY*** recommend you make a save just before the sheriff intercepts the guy who wants you to blow up the city. I am deeply regretting not reading online for this before I finished that mission. Be prepared to reload that save repeatedly.

          What is the glitch? In the SPLIT SECOND the sheriff takes to TURN AROUND AND PUT HIS BACK TO THE BAD GUY WITHOUT SO MUCH AS HANDCUFFING HIM (really realistic, would you not say? Yes, I am a sheriff really experienced in dealing with criminals - especially ones with very bad intentions. Thus, I am going to turn around and have my BACK to the bad guy and trust him completely to come with me and not shoot me.), you have HALF A SPLIT SECOND to SMASH THE V.A.T.S. BUTTON to kill the bad guy.

          Why is this absolutely necessary and why should you immediately reload your save if the sheriff dies in that split second? Because . . . after he dies, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to complete the quest. Therefore, you get JACK for saving the city of Megaton from atomic devastation. I think everybody must agree with me on the sheer stupidity of this: I just saved the city of Megaton from going up in a cloud of nuclear smoke, and nobody so much as thanks me because the sheriff let the bad guy shoot him in the back.

          I haven't seen this happen. In my game I just talked to that "I want you to blow up this town" guy, then told the sherrif about it, then disabled the bomb and then got my reward... and the sherrif is still around

          I wanted to be able to marry and have a family, be either a villain or hero, and see my actions influence the world around me.

          Uhmmm... maybe he should play The Sims if he wants his character to marry and have a family. This game takes place over a few months, not 40 years

          Sounds like the guy who wrote this is on drugs or something....
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
            DrSpike, i've got a 360, that's how I know what it's like to own one.
            So you've said. But since I haven't seen a post about actually using it I wonder if you are not quite being truthful.


            • First of all there are plenty of ways to heal yourself. And what's that about dying? Whenever I was killed in Fallout 3 I always went back to my last save. So unless he never saved the game (wait, the game does auto-save all the time, so that's not it) he must be on drugs (or he played a very early beta)
              What "network" he's talking about I have no idea

              Indeed... PC version you pick back up at your most recent save (Quicksave, autosave, or regular save) immediately.

              Anyhow, sounds like he likes Fable, and wants every game to be Fable. Go **** yourself, dude, and then play Fable... Fallout has its problems, but they're not like that reviewer suggests, frankly, and he just exemplifies the problem game designers have nowadays: everyone thinks every game everywhere should be just what THEY want in a game.
              Last edited by snoopy369; November 19, 2008, 19:28.
              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • Originally posted by Main_Brain
                The Outcast Brotherhood didnt seem to like it, when i broke into their Fort..
                Yeah, that kinda annoyed me. It wasn't "We saw you enter our fort, so we're hostile", but "You entered our fort, which sets us all to hostile, even if nobody ever saw you do it".

                I was considering having my current neutral character wipe out the Outcasts for treating her like ****, but their collection mini-mission turns energy weapons (which I'm not using) to ammo (which I need) too much.
                It's a CB.
                SteamID: rampant_scumbag


                • They turned hostile on me randomly Killing them off was fun though Some of them even respawn...
                  <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                  I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                  • I'll have to look at the user reviews.

                    So what is this Fable game. Is it available on PC? I haven't heard much about it.


                    • All the side kicks seem utterly weak and stupid. I stopped taking them since they all died so quick it was pointless.
                      Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


                      • Fawkes never dies. That fool went toe to toe with a Behemoth.
                        John Brown did nothing wrong.


                        • I think I found a bug. I reloaded my game, and dogmeat did not show up. I figure he ran back to his hideout or to Vault 101 to wait for me? But I remember loading a previous game and he did appear then, so I dunno wth is going on. I've lost dogmeat now
                          be free


                          • Originally posted by pg
                            All the side kicks seem utterly weak and stupid. I stopped taking them since they all died so quick it was pointless.
                            On Normal difficulty, I never had Charon or Star Cross die on me. Their health regenerated after a few moments out of combat. Sydney did take some hits and needed stimpacks.

                            I gave good armor to Charon and Star Cross, which probably made a big difference. Sydney will not wear armor you give her, so it's harder to keep her alive.

                            In the final stretch of the game, I had Fawkes follow me. She doesn't wear any armor either but she normally has a huge number of hit points. But at the very end of the game, she vanished, so I assume she took a few hits too many on the way and died.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • I'm just looking at the map for fun.

                              It appears Megaton was built on top of the Pentagon. (The aeroplane parts were pulled from the airport nearby.)

                              Did it strike anyone that Megaton is where the Pentaton was?
                              be free


                              • its not

