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Fallout 3

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  • 30 hours into the game, enjoying it very much. Certainly not the same as Fallout 1 and 2, but fun nonetheless. In the beginning i found the FPS combat to be problematic, but now that i have pretty much maxed out small weapons and sneak, most combat doesn't last more than 3 shots.

    Had several moments so far that impressed me, but the last one i wanted to share, no game ever made me feel like Vault 106 did.

    First things first, i went in there not knowing what to expect. I'm fairly certain the Vault-Tec computer in Citadel did contain some information about 106, and if i had read it properly it probably would've prepared me.


    But me being me, i skimmed past it, yada yada social experiment for some random vault...a couple of minutes later i was standing outside citadel wondering where to go next....and i saw all these shiny new vault locations on my world map, so i picked 106 to go to first.

    I entered, and not soon after i noticed the color of light changing on me for a couple of minutes. The vault wasn't in great shape, so i thought technical malfunction. Near the entrance i activated a terminal and read something about an air filter or something (again, i skimmed). Of course i also I ran into some of the insane survivors. Killed them, easily, and continued searched for some nice loot. The techincal malfunctions continued. I still thought nothing of them.

    All the way at the bottom of the vault, i was sneaking up on one of the last survivors. Killed him, then got attacked by other survivors with stealth boys, that technical malfunction occured again, and in a glimpse saw that one of the enemies was named Paul Hannon. In the blur that followed i killed everyone and lighting went back to normal, but i saw no body of Paul Hannon...actually there was only 1 body. I thought game bug, and went back up again....I know, how dense can i be?....but my mind was with all the shiny loot i would find.

    I made my way back up, walked through a corridor when the technical malfunction occured again. This time for quite a long time. Long enough to walk into two adjacent rooms, and interact with several functional terminals containing weird messages addressed to "Me". Of course, i skimmed through them, looking for any mention of loot....saw nothing, so i exited and continued my search.

    The lights went back to normal, but the terminals bugged me. So i went back to see if i missed something....and behold: the rooms are a mess and there is not one functioning terminal. That's when it hit me. Whatever drove the survivors insane was messing with my mind as wel. The "technical malfunctions" was actually my character hallucinating.

    That's when i decided i needed to get the hell out of there ASAP. The only games that had close to such immersive moments were FO1 and 2 for me, so in that sense, it's good sequel.
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


    • Each skill book has a title, that gives you an idea what it effects. Chinese Army Special Ops is a stealth skill book. Nikola Tesla and You is for energy weapons. DC Journal of Medicine is medicine. You can pick them up and carry them with you, but they weight 2 kg each. Reading one gives you 1 skill point, or 2 skill points if you have the Comprehension perk.

      As far as the bobbleheads go, if you didn't figure it out from the photo, there are I think 19 of them. There is one for each attribute, and one for each skill. For an attribute, they permanently add +1 to that SPECIAL attribute when you pick it up. For a skill, they give you a +10 point bonus permanently. For the serious min-maxxer, you'd never want to raise a skill to higher than 90 or an attribute to higher than 9, so the bobblehead will max you out. I've found a number of them, but not quite so many as Adagio seems to. I have all 7 of the attribute ones, though.

      And as for bobbleheads early in the game, yes a couple are available really early:

      The medicine bobblehead is inside Vault 101. You can actually grab it during character creation, just before you take the GOAT. You can also get it during the escape, or a little later when you have the opportunity to go back to the vault.

      The strength bobblehead is inside one of the residents' houses in Megaton. I'm not going to tell you which unless requested.
      Last edited by Quillan; November 23, 2008, 11:15.
      Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


      • Originally posted by Guynemer
        You can move bodies with the "z" key. That'll "pick up" something without putting it in your inventory. You can move crap around like that to get to loot.
        Interesting - anybody know if you can do this with the XBox version? I don't have the instruction manual.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
          Interesting - anybody know if you can do this with the XBox version? I don't have the instruction manual.
          That was actually one of the first things you learn in the game. At least in the PC version while running around as a baby you're told to move something (telling you how to grab it)
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • Yeah, those are the only two I've found. I've been a quite a few places; finished Moira's stuff, got the ghouls peacefully into Tenpenny, went all through Rivet City, saved Big Town from the mutants, etc. etc.

            I desperately want the Intelligence bobblehead, but I haven't found a single one other than those two early ones.
            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


            • If you have been to Rivet City you should have found the INT bobblehead.


              • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia

                Interesting - anybody know if you can do this with the XBox version? I don't have the instruction manual.
                click right thumbstick-its a bit awkward to do anything more than a bit of rearranging.


                • Originally posted by EPW
                  If you have been to Rivet City you should have found the INT bobblehead.

                  I'm guessing it's either in the science section or the broken bow?
                  "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                  "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                  • Science Section, it is quite easy to get.


                    • Just curious, how big are the Bobbleheads in this game?

                      Oh and I been working, I believe, the Potomac River, and found some junk cards but man, 3 freaks sandbagged me, so gonna have to bypass them, I can see DC across the river, and they made me jump when they went off on me

                      I was showing my wife the game and she laughed like heck, told me I looked like I was back fighting in the ring, bobbin 'n weavin, well, you do get immersed while playing
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • yeah its a great game, I can't get enough, sucks that I will be stuck doing work for 2 weeks in China although I will be stationed at the worlds biggest golf course.. i think..

                        The bobbleheads are about the size of Jets

                        I have only found one so far.. but I didnt know there was more than 1
                        be free


                        • Originally posted by EPW
                          Science Section, it is quite easy to get.
                          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                          • I found the Big Guns bobblehead today while I was randomly wandering around the Wasteland.

                            It really is one of those "blink and you'll miss it" Bobbleheads.

                            My friend Bing is playing an evil character and he tells me you can enslave children. Which I think is taking it a bit far.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • He's working for the guys in Paradise Falls, I take it? Me, I got the Mesmetron from the guy at the gate, then proceeded to blow him away at point-blank range with a Chinese AR. Of course, then I had to clean out the settlement, which made all slavers hate me from then on.
                              Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                              • This must be how rednecks feel all the time.
                                be free

