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Fallout 3

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  • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
    Alinestra, are you really a female, you seem to know more about games than I do.

    DrSpike, i've got a 360, that's how I know what it's like to own one.

    I put together my computer 2 years ago, still runs games better than the 360. Long before XBox 720 comes out, PC's will have made the 360 look like the Wii.

    The PC is a better machine for so many reasons. It just does more, and better, the power is in your hands. Asher is like a Mac user, blind to the truth because he's an Xbox fan. When the dust settles, Asher can go and sit with Agathon and cry together.

    Nice avatar, better watch out or AC may tell ya why an ice cream cone is like life


    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
      Alinestra, are you really a female, you seem to know more about games than I do.
      I probably know more about guns than you do too.

      As well as karate, shaolin changchuan gongfu, mantis changchuan gongfu, fencing, judo, and aikido.


      This is what comes of being the first daughter of a very traditionalist father who really wanted a son.

      As you can imagine, my brother came along and they went easier on the girl-child. But by then she was already farting and burping like the best of them and the damage was done
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
        Alinestra, are you really a female, you seem to know more about games than I do.

        DrSpike, i've got a 360, that's how I know what it's like to own one.

        I put together my computer 2 years ago, still runs games better than the 360. Long before XBox 720 comes out, PC's will have made the 360 look like the Wii.

        The PC is a better machine for so many reasons. It just does more, and better, the power is in your hands. Asher is like a Mac user, blind to the truth because he's an Xbox fan. When the dust settles, Asher can go and sit with Agathon and cry together.
        You're an epic ******.

        I do play and like PC games. I still guarantee I own a better PC gaming rig than you.

        I just understand the value of both, and you don't. Why? Because you're a stupid little ****ing artist with no ****ing brain. All you do is draw pretty pictures. You don't think -- you're not expected to think.

        Accept it and ****ing give up the ghost.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia

          I probably know more about guns than you do too.

          As well as karate, shaolin changchuan gongfu, mantis changchuan gongfu, fencing, judo, and aikido.


          This is what comes of being the first daughter of a very traditionalist father who really wanted a son.

          As you can imagine, my brother came along and they went easier on the girl-child. But by then she was already farting and burping like the best of them and the damage was done

          Ever heard of Tiek-Soo-Chang Ch'uan Fa?

          Tiek-Soo-Chang Ch’uan Fa is a 2500-year-old art originated at the Shaolin Temple to utilize all natural forces and to understand the concept of Universal Balance as it applies not only to combat but all of life as well. The founder of the system is attributed to Bodhidharma of India.

          This Chinese Kempo system is both elegant and effective. The techniques learned here are fluid like water and yet powerful like water. A student is introduced to the power of a circular vs. linear concept. This art is very demanding and requires much dedication. This art is by invitation only.

          Sifu Nicholas has been studying under Sifu William C. Roy since 1978 and is presently the Senior Chief Instructor of the American Tiek-Soo-Chang Association. The lineage of the system can be traced back over 2000 years. Grandmaster Alan Lee and Grandmaster Tsen Cho have both passed on. Sifu William C Roy, Sifu Angel Heidebur, and Sifu Ben Beem reside in Eagle Nest, New Mexico, the headquarters for all branches of Tiek-Soo-Chang schools in America.

          William C Roy allowed time to work out after clubs closed as well as weekends for us street employees on strip so many who bounced got some decent instruction from William C Roy

          I studied briefly while bouncing at strips clubs on court street in jacksonville NC before switching to Korean Tae kwon Do (with some minimal Oakinawan Isshynru (sp)
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • I've heard of it, but haven't practiced it ever. The Mantis Longfist literally comes out as "Tanglang Chang Quan" and it's a relatively recent school (started only five gens ago).

            Kenpo I have heard of, but I didn't know there was a school that had merged it with Chang quan (long fist). Interesting!

            Thanks for the heads-up, Troll Shifu!
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • You may be an experienced martial artist and can fart well. But I can still knock you out i'm sure. You don't look so tough to me. :P
              be free


              • I've been enjoying this thread, it sounds like overall bethesda did a good job on Fallout 3 so it's on my to buy list....even though i really dont like the gameplay they show on the tv adds(typical 'another' shooter fps bits).
                But it reads like they made a pretty deep rpg which is the bit i was worried about. So yeah looks like i'll be getting it in how ever many months it takes for decent patches and prefrebly one that removes any nasty drm stuff to come out


                • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
                  You may be an experienced martial artist and can fart well. But I can still knock you out i'm sure.
                  You haven't smelled my farts yet. Hai ya!
                  "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                  • The Outcast Brotherhood didnt seem to like it, when i broke into their Fort..
                    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                    • Seems somewhat strange that killing a raider nets me 10xp, but picking an easy lock gets me 30xp???

                      I opted for disarming the nuke at megatron, now I have an apartment there. But I am suffering from some stuttering from what I believe to be the butler robot. Only when I'm in my room, and I do not need to be looking at it???

                      I realize that I'm only level 4, but can those crab things by the river be any harder to kill? I had three of them after me (after I killed one of them), and I just said, F this and ran away. The exp to ammo to loot quota was just too low.
                      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                      • Mirelurks are relatively hard to kill. Try this:

                        Get a weapon that does a good amount of damage per shot. Shotguns are great.

                        Run backwards away from them, so you can see them coming toward you.

                        Go downhill so they're on higher ground. Strange as it may sound, this makes their faces much more visible and easier to hit. (Otherwise, on level ground, they tend to hunch lower than your eye level and thus their faces are hidden.)
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • Oh, and if you're playing the XBox version, it's really not worth your while to even try for face shots on Mirelurks outside of the VATS system.

                          On PCs I imagine it will be much easier.
                          "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                          • No I'm on the PC version.

                            I've got some mines, how do they work, the manual is quite thin.
                            We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                            • This thread is awesome.

                              The first post is:

                              I was playing it and I kind of had to go to the bathroom, but I didn't want to get up because it was addictive.

                              Long story short, I pooped my pants. A lot. Eventually (hours later) I waddled to the toilet, dripping a trail of excrement behind me, but it was too late.

                              So yeah, my mom got pissed, said these "nintendo games" are ruining my life =/ Parents are so cruel sometimes...
                              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                              • Mines - you equip them as weapons and then point at the spot on the ground you (approximately) want to set it. Then it stays there until either a mob walks on it and sets it off, or you disarm it and pick it up.
                                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

