With three boats camped out by Mingapulco Island, and tensions simmering between the crews, it became only a matter of time until the crews would take out their frusterations out on one another. Jack warily began chopping down the palms necessary to seal the hull enough so that they could take sail once more without taking on to much water. The concern was then how to elude both of his persuers. Davy Jones, and his cutter, the Flying Dutchman could not be outrun, and the Dauntless could not be outfought given the size and the armament.
Most of all he felt badly for Will and for his bride, Elizabeth Swann. He had convinced them to come aboard once more in the hopes that he could repay Will for his service and take them someplace nice for their honeymoon. This hardly could suffice for the young lovers.
The other men on his crew, Pintel and Ragetti, as well as Cotton and also deserved better then this miserable maroon on forsaken Mingapulco Island. Jack only hoped that the truce would hold. He sent Pintel and Ragetti to work on the hull, while Cotton had to go find enough wood to seal the breach.
Hours later, Jack collapsed from asleep from exhaustion, no sooner did he rest his eyes when the cries came out. The bloated body of Cotton was left on shore by two torches to ensure that his body was found. He had been keelhauled and then after they could be sure of his death, dragged on shore to be left as a warning for Jack. Immediately two thoughts sprang to his mind, that it had to be one of the other two boats responsible, but who? He had as many enemies as passengers, and Cotton was easier to catch then the rest of his crew.
Most of all he felt badly for Will and for his bride, Elizabeth Swann. He had convinced them to come aboard once more in the hopes that he could repay Will for his service and take them someplace nice for their honeymoon. This hardly could suffice for the young lovers.
The other men on his crew, Pintel and Ragetti, as well as Cotton and also deserved better then this miserable maroon on forsaken Mingapulco Island. Jack only hoped that the truce would hold. He sent Pintel and Ragetti to work on the hull, while Cotton had to go find enough wood to seal the breach.
Hours later, Jack collapsed from asleep from exhaustion, no sooner did he rest his eyes when the cries came out. The bloated body of Cotton was left on shore by two torches to ensure that his body was found. He had been keelhauled and then after they could be sure of his death, dragged on shore to be left as a warning for Jack. Immediately two thoughts sprang to his mind, that it had to be one of the other two boats responsible, but who? He had as many enemies as passengers, and Cotton was easier to catch then the rest of his crew.